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best shirt since supleme


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funny you'd mention the Supleme/Arife shirts because Irak blogged about how much they hate those shirts and their racial implications. Then they go out and release a shirt like this. I find both shirts to be mildly humorous but nothing special. I am taiwanese too and don't take much offence to either shirts from AAH or Irak.

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Aw, I love how certain members of SuFu get their knickers in a twist over racism, even when unintentional ("jap jeans", anyone?) or ironic.

I will agree the racist imagery is needless though... the butt of the joke on the t shirt is the consumer-idiot white guy, so why detract from that point with some tired attempt at shocking irony?

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i got to say it this is dier but you come to expect it now i mean every wolly and his mates from NY LA SF etc are now producing mindless ironic takes on each others work and the scene itself,why is it the major selection of this utter filth stems from the US?

I mean theres certainly is crap coming out from all around the globe but it just seems to me the worst is coming from the US and its coming in its masses who the fuck is buying this stuff?I mean christ you can barely buy a t shirt these days without it being covered front and back in mindless crap

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Irak is a pretty even composition of everyone on that shirt.

If they left off the "hooray streetwear!" the poor thing might have had a chance, but as is it just looks like shit and is completely unwearable.

The majority of new shirts providing an "institutional critique" (to parlay from the art world for a minute), are an attempt to translate ideas better left to internet message board discussion into a marketable and interesting graphic. Imagine a tshirt of this post............ Exactly. The two don't mix. that's it.

Now go play outside.

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