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How to hide your ERECTION!


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Step one: put a hole in a box

Step two: put your junk in that box. (^_^)

Just carry your expensive back/duffle/messenger/brief-case bag in front of you to cover shit up... other wise just show it off with a strut and be proud of your man-bulge!

I superdare someone to try on a pair of tight jeans with an erection (at any store) and ask the sales person how it fits!

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i remember in junior high i got called to the front of the room to do a math problem on the chalkboard...i had a full blown boner going on...i dont think anyone noticed cuz when i stood up it kinda went to the side of my boxers luckily, i could feel it shrink pretty quick though when i was up there because i was scared..i think thats something ill always remember...good list

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Putting your hand in your pocket and holding your penis to the side can also help but it might hurt a little.

You won't be able to do this one if you're wearing raw denim. It'd take you minutes before you could put your hand in your pockets. And when you finally take your hand out of your pocket there is a pocket engraving on the back of your hand.

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Wearing raw denim hides it. The denim is so stiff, you can hardly see a bulge. Well, for me at least.

or else its symbol of something else... *cough* small weiner *cough*

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this is my personal favorite part.. under the tips section

"Concentrate on something like a dead cat and try to feel it, taste it, smell it. But never think about how your erection is doing."...

I kept trying to to taste the dead cat, but all i could think was "I wonder how my erection is doing??"

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i was in a really shitty highschool production of the chronicles of narnia (played fenris ulf)

and in the part where they tie Aslan the lion man to the table

he had this raging boner

and he was right centerstage completely horizontal

in this loosefitting costume that held nothing down

and it was standing like a flag pole, i did some roffling back in the wings.

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i was wearing my nudies and sitting real leaned back like

there was a crease in a crotch, the girl accross from me, who was way gone, was whispeering to her friend and she thought i had a hardon

she even put her boot on my crouch, and lightly tapped the crease.. wish she woulda played with it more so she could seen it wasnt for real haha

no i didnt fuck her, but its a funny story.

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  • 8 months later...

man i hate when i get wood after sitting down for a long time. you cant really do anything but wait. i remember id always fall asleep in english and that shit would pop up when i get up to go to lunch.

@ #1 -arguable. I wore baggy pants, once i stand up, id have a tent around my crotch, so id always just put my hands in my pockets to make the bulge look like they were coming from my hands

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i was wearing my nudies and sitting real leaned back like

there was a crease in a crotch, the girl accross from me, who was way gone, was whispeering to her friend and she thought i had a hardon

she even put her boot on my crouch, and lightly tapped the crease.. wish she woulda played with it more so she could seen it wasnt for real haha

no i didnt fuck her, but its a funny story.

That's way too close for comfort.

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