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Are you a fashion snob?


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in some senses, yes. I guess I consider my style or the styles I like superior to others, but then again many people probably do that, thats why people like a certain style, because it looks better to them.

my girlfriend says I'm a snob in the sense that I badmouth so many stores that aren't my style, but thats just how it is to me and I don't think I do it in a bad manner, I dont go out yelling it to people who come out of those stores. well usually, atleast.. I did "go all nuts" in a loud way for a pair of shredded jeans and ed hardy slipons yesterday though :rolleyes:

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When I go shopping, for the most part I don't like wasting time on the pleasantries. I'm a hunter when I go seriously shopping for clothes. I'm straightforward when interacting to Sales Assistants, there is no idle chit chat, demand for pampering, no one-upmanship on fashion knowledge, all I care about is if the S.A. can get my what I want or not. As a result, my experiences with sales assistants are extremely positive. They like that I don't waste their time and are impressed that I already know everything about the product that I'm buying and that I'm not overly-demanding.

When I do casual shopping with friends, I hardly buy anything and I don't like to show off my love for fashion and obsession with my wardrobe because it pidgeonholes me to most people as shallow, elitist, judgemental about other's style and self-absorbed. When in reality, I'm just a total cheesy super-fashion-nerd that loves design and aesthetics.

And I guess there are a few things that bug me and that I get adamantly annoyed over but I just try for the most part to keep from blabing about it to non-fashion friends and use supertrash for venting.

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crazy...yea i goto UW lol. i just picked up a pair of APC's at blackbird earlier today. new standards, sized down 2 sizes to get that nice slim fit. But idk...i've found it that the best way to get people into premium denim (not yet the whole rigid selvage or dry denim stuff) is Diesel only because most people know the brand so theyre not hesitant to buying 200$ jeans...and they are pretty nice jeans. With brands like APC, Nudies, Earnest Sewn, LVC, all that ACTUAL premium stuff (that i consider premium), not alot of people know about so theyre all like... "man nobodys gonna know i have nice jeans on" but either way.. lol.

The guys at blackbird are pretty kickass. No pressure and friendly.

To answer the question though, unless I'm somewhere that I stop in a lot and the people working are friendly/etc, I don't like people helping me at stores, it just annoys me and makes me not want to buy anything.

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Do you go to UW? because it pretty much sounds like you do. especially the Northface+sevens+A&F, its pretty much the uniform here, male or female.

God damn UW kids dress so horribly. It really is depressing how much this city doesn't give two shits about how people dress. I see MAYBE 3 or 4 kids around campus a week that have some sort of non-A&F/Seven/Northface clothing on. It's ridiculous.

So, uhhh, yea I guess I'm a fashion snob :P

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whats the big deal about people wearing AF and other common brands??

if people wear it and think it looks good, thats all it matters...i never understood the mentality of some people on supertalk thinking that its absolutely OK to bash on other people's styles while those people wouldnt critique some of the ugly shit you people wear and think its nice to the supetalk standards...

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im a snob, but i dont vocalize it anymore, and let people be..

in a way we're all brand whores anyway, even on this board, just our brands cost 3x more.

exactly...this group of people on supertalk share similar fashion sense, yet we're the biggest assholes because we love to act superior on other groups of people who have the same fashion sense such as the AF/preppy look, the gangsta look...etc.

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Stop making generalities pokpok, supertalk is filled with a variety of people/styles/opinions. Alot of which your assumptive statements about how "we love to act superior" and "we're the biggest assholes" dismiss. I frickin' hate people who do this on superfuture.

If you're gonna post your opinions, at least use the right syntax to express it.

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God damn UW kids dress so horribly. It really is depressing how much this city doesn't give two shits about how people dress. I see MAYBE 3 or 4 kids around campus a week that have some sort of non-A&F/Seven/Northface clothing on. It's ridiculous.

i thought I was the only one who thought this.

whats worse is youre looked down upon by every damn subculture for dressing well!

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I keep thinking of that german guy on Ali G who would go to fashion shows and expose how ridiculously stupid and arrogant those people were. Ultimately, dress how you want to dress, but if you feel like youre being special because you read what other people tell you is 'truly' fashionable then youve become really blind because its an illusion and up to personal interpretation.

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I dont think wearing jap repo raws makes me fashionable i think its a lil weird but i really like it.

I would never volunteer details about how much i spend a how little wash my jeans or how i order my clothes of japanese websites i dont think most of my friends even the well dressed ones are ready and im not into playing any roles I'm just doing what works for me

that being said yeah im a snob the other day my boy wanted to stop in the true religon store I scoffed loudly and didnt even look at the jeans in the store thats when i realized I had a problem

oh yeah wth is bro'd out?

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not only am i a fashion snob, i am also an art snob, a music snob, a culture snob, etc.

i'm a born and bred new yorker, i was initiated into snobbery the day i was born. you know what, though? i back my shit up and i don't necessarily stick my nose into places that i shouldn't. meaning, i don't actively search for reasons to exercise my limitless knowledge and intelligence- those opportunities present themselves on their own.

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I think I am "luckier" than most of you in that I am not surrounded by horrible dressers that dress in AF + Sevens + Northface. I live in Korea and most of my friends just follow the current big trend in Korea, which is usually of the 1 year old Japanese fed. Now these are the "trendy" friends I have. And then I have this one friend who is pretty much like myself if not worse. He is really into the European and Japanese stuff and owns more clothes than I can imagine. I showed him this website once to and he loved it. So us two connect really well. And we always like to clown on our other friends' sense of style but they don't even get pissed off cuz they don't get it. So yeah. Haha.

But seriously, I would hate to see dudes wearing AF northface and sevens and acting all pimp.

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I'm definitely a snob. And NO ONE at my school understands my clothes. I do live in Atlanta, after all. I get, "um, what's the point of that?" and "why are you wearing that?" a lot, in reference to my favorite cardigans, marc jacobs tux shirts, etc. honestly, though, it's not a bad thing to be a fashion snob. i mean, people need to be criticized sometimes. it is NOT okay for people to walk around wearing trashy suburbia clothing and think they're hot shit.

you know what is the ultimate test to see if you're a snob? the way you feel when a really unstylish person compliments something you're wearing. to me, that is the lowest of the low. me=snob.

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Not a snob, but aware. I could give two shits about what other people wear, that is what makes fashion so cool, there are no rules!

same philosophy here. i don't give a fuck what other people wear, but i like looking put together and having nice things for myself. part of it is having things/knowing things that many people don't know much about like music, fashion, blah blah blah.

btw, the seattle dress code is northface fleece, and jeans. who cares?!

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Today I was talking w/ my friends who shop with me and they pointed out the fact that I am a total asshole when I go shopping. I treat the employees who don't know anything like shit and if they don't have any worthwhile lines I walk out w/o even saying 'hi' to the greeter. Obviously, if someone helps me out and does a good job I'm very grateful and treat them like a king but otherwise, they're dead to me.

This has nothing to do with fashion, you're just a bad person.

If you seriously treat someone based on how much they know about clothes, I don't know what to say.

I treat everyone with the same respect whether they spent $10 or $1000 on their clothes, but maybe I'm just weird.

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hmm i don't think i'm a snob...i will only give my opinion when people want it. and at that instance i'll proceed to talk a mile an hour about the most useless, trivial, and completely side-tracked things. but fashion is subjective, so i don't tend to judge. and when i say i don't judge i meant in their person, but i still do judge their fashion sense. unless people walk with that swagger of course...

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If you seriously treat someone based on how much they know about clothes, I don't know what to say.


They're working in a fucking clothes store and you're saying you'd give them the time of day if they didn't know their arse from their new season stock? There's a reason these people get paypackets.

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This has nothing to do with fashion, you're just a bad person.

If you seriously treat someone based on how much they know about clothes, I don't know what to say.

I treat everyone with the same respect whether they spent $10 or $1000 on their clothes, but maybe I'm just weird.

exactly what i thought.. how do you not respond to someone greeting you just because they know shit about clothes? that's not being a fashion snob, that's just being an asshole.

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whats the big deal about people wearing AF and other common brands??

Probably the brands' persistences in peddling faux-vintage crap for the 4th year in a row. Nothing wrong with AF sweaters and shirts, especially as I can import AF sweaters for less than going to a high street store and picking up a sweater in the UK.

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