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college applications.


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Guest supernoob

1 dun get hi on ur own supply

2 dun buy on consigment

3 dont sell no crack were u sleep @

4 dont b seen round no police r snitchez

5 da credit, dead it



8 dun mix biz n frend


10 profitt

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got my first admissions decision... accepted to Tulane!!!

It was a safety, but it still feels good as hell to be in somewhere that I wouldn't have a problem with going to. Anyone have any in depth information about Tulane? I'm not very familiar.

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Just got my first admissions decision... accepted to Tulane!!!

It was a safety, but it still feels good as hell to be in somewhere that I wouldn't have a problem with going to. Anyone have any in depth information about Tulane? I'm not very familiar.

I'd take a tour. Couldn't be in a more fun area though, not sure about the condition after the huricane, they had to move students all over the country.

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Just got my first admissions decision... accepted to Tulane!!!

It was a safety, but it still feels good as hell to be in somewhere that I wouldn't have a problem with going to. Anyone have any in depth information about Tulane? I'm not very familiar.

congrats man.


It's ranked 50th (for National Universities) by US World and News Report, so its a pretty good school. 1 of the smarter people in my graduating class last year went there, I hear its pretty fun down there.

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Thanks; yeah, I think that New Orleans would certainly be an experience to have. It was the strongest of my safety schools and it feels good to get the first acceptance. I am curious about how it held up from Katrina; its a fairly old school I believe, hopefully not too much of it was wasted.

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  • 5 weeks later...

im taking english, math, and art history next semester, so whats another good class to take if i were to major in industrial design? actually, im a freshman this year, and im undeclared, but i plan on majoring in industrial design. i just need another class. and i took math, philosophy, and art the semester before this, if that matters any.

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You guys are all so smart. Just curious though, those applying to US universities, are you allowed as many choices as you want? Since here in the UK it's 5 choices max, 4 for medicine.

I applied to:

University College London

AA School of Architecture

and some others...(though, these are the only two id consider studying at)

Was going to apply to Cornell, but didn't in the end because of the possible complications of converting from one system to another, if I then wish to do my part 2 in the UK etc.

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You guys are all so smart. Just curious though, those applying to US universities, are you allowed as many choices as you want? Since here in the UK it's 5 choices max, 4 for medicine.

yup, but it cost ya about $60 a pop for all the big schools.

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I was allowed to apply to 6 , but i hear the UK system has moved it down to 5 now or 4 for medic/vets. But i got into my first choice ( Cambridge) so it was all good, generally though i wouldn't have applied to more than 6, there were only 2 or 3 I actually wanted to go to and most people i know are the same, you just have many many more "good" uni's i the states

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Guest Methimphibian

i go to pasadena city college right now, was planning on joining the AF but decided not too, didn't take the SAT so i was a bit fucked had a great GPA of like 3.3 my senior year.

Oh well, so far I have a 4.0, plan on applying to 6 CSU's for fall 08' lower division~

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I had a 4.4 or something like that in high school, a ton of AP credit, and a 33 ACT but decided to just go to state school. Not a decision I regret, but think that might change as I start applying to grad school (MA in CS or MBA) :(

Anyone have any info on how grad school admissions work? Which items are the most important? I'm dual majoring in Journalism (Print) and Information Technology, so I'm hoping maybe that will show that I have communication skills that I keep hearing CS majors lack and give me a leg up, is this just wishful thinking?

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I applied to mostly art/design schools.

Some other unis for communications, decided on Environmental Design now in second year.

Art and design schools are a huge bitch, most have individual requirements for portfolios and admissions. I'd recommend anyone who's interested in that to focus on 3 main schools and do everything really, really well rather than try and do too many.

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Well, I'm finishing up my 'real' applications for the upcoming deadlines. Had a bit of a disaster with my first choice essay as I realized how incompatible it really was with the topic about three weeks ago. I feel really good about the latest copy, and I see after the early action decisions how important the essay is at uchicago in comparison with many other top schools. But so far, I've gotten into all of my safeties (Tulane, DePaul, and Michigan) with a nice scholarship at two of the three.

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