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  chingon said:
how do you guys ride in nice jeans? my crotches rip so fast, i ride in levi's stf's because they are on'y $30.

Ive rode in my Lees, Diors, Iron Hearts, Levis, Sugarcanes, and now a pair of Iron Hearts.

Only jeans that had a crotch rip were Lees and Diors. Sugarcanes were good, but the denim stretched WAY too easily and too much.

You guys will definately like the Self Edge riding jeans by Iron Heart.

The denim is PERFECT for riding. Plus theyre nice all around.

I went for the regular 634s Iron Hearts, because I actually missed rolling up a pant leg.

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  aydo1 said:

49cm:D yeah i know it looks like a niner's pride bike haha.. those first few wins made me all excited like YEAH!! NINERS.. then fuck the next few games..

and i sold my old clips/straps with the fuji conversion.. that dude was hella happy haha.

that was the first time he seen the njs stamp and his eyes were glistening hahaha

jk he was chill LOL...

haha finally you sold it, how much you sell it for?

well bitch lets ride, sycamores been nagging at me too. :D

but iono i want a new paint job.:confused::confused:

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Well, I can finally understand the fixed-gear fixation. I've pretty much cut my travel time in half, having one less brake isn't nearly as hard to get used to as I thought, and neither is using the pedals to stop and slow down. This thing is at least 100 pounds lighter than my old road/mountain hybrid, and it rides as smoothly as 50 Cent's legs.

Now, a question; people in NYC, know any good places for powder coating frames and parts? I want my whole shit matte black for cheap.

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  Mike Sad said:
haha finally you sold it, how much you sell it for?

well bitch lets ride, sycamores been nagging at me too. :D

but iono i want a new paint job.:confused::confused:

I wanna ride before its starts to rain.

I tried hollering at Sycamore 8 More, but no avail...

I missed his birthday :(


Tryin to do a 180 with a shitty autotimer, is pretty fuckin hard... and sucks.

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one of the nicer conversions I've seen^

  chingon said:
I think wearing through jeans has to do with the way you ride, the shape of your chode. I wear through all my shit way fast, where as all my friends have no issues what so ever. i guess my undersack is too buff. ;)

that can't be it.

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legs. I rarely skid. try a skip stop too. where you kind of bunny hop the rear while skidding. it's hard to explain, from oldschooltrack.com

"In a skip stop you unweight the rear wheel, stop its rotation, then push it back onto the ground to scrub speed. A full stop may require several repetitions. Use the clips/clipless to pull your body off the saddle and up. Coordinate your movements so that by the time the wheel is unweighted--it may even come off the ground about an inch--the pedals are horizontal. At this point, kick back on the pedals to stop the motion of the wheel. This involves abruptly pulling up on the front pedal while you push down on the rear. You will probably find it easier to use the same foot forward as you use in trackstands. Coming to a full stop will take several pedal rotations, since your bike and body are still moving forward. As you let the pedals rotate forwards for the next kick, you can wait for one complete revolution, or one-half revolution if you're comfortable kicking back on the pedals with the feet positioned the opposite way. Repeat the process, keeping your butt off the saddle, until you come to a complete stop."

i hope that helps

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  chingon said:
ha! yeah, it is a groupbuy IRO. my 700c is sitting right next to me, my front paul. and no, you can't do barspins with a 23c, it's called toe overlap. asshole? maybe in nyc, but I actually ride. I don't live in fucking williamsburg.

yo dickfuck, the 23 isn't going to prevent barspins, the 700 part is

i need to stop coming in this thread

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  zelah said:
yo dickfuck, the 23 isn't going to prevent barspins, the 700 part is

i need to stop coming in this thread

yo relax, I was responding to someone else who thought a 700x23 could spin on an iro. that's why I corrected him...:cool:

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  knucks said:
It's 10:45 here right now and it's raining..I might go out in 30mins time and try it out...

watch the leaning in the rain haha..

skidding on wet is like a front unicycle.. basically your back wheel has zero traction and it feels like a loose hinge when you're fishtailing..

if you try to skip on wet surface, you'll prolly end up skidding and whipping out like woh. maybe even sliding out onto your side..

i dont really like skidding if it's wet.. only if i'm messin around.. that's just me but all im sayin is watch out haha.

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