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My titanium track bike; still waiting on a spicer Ti Fork, but pretty good other than that. I'm running velocity deep V rear laced to phil wood high flange, I have a velocity aero laced to phil wood, but the recent 35% off ebay coupon gifted me a hed 3 for fun =P

The front half of your bike is too much for the back half. It's like the El Camino of fixies. Still not a fan of sloping top tubes, no hate.

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I wasnt really exercising artistic restraint when i decided to throw on TT wheels with red tires. I am aware that it might be a bit much, but hell, its fun and it sounds like ninja swords.

When I run it at the track I use a velocity aero laced to phil wood high flanges. the HED 3 actually goes on my kuota for triathlons.

I've never had any kind of preference for sloping or horizontal top tube; the majority of bikes these days have compact geometry anyhow. The only thing that it limits me from doing is probably leg through frame trackstands, but that's pretty gimmicky in itself.

edit: el caminos are awesome

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Went for a nice long ride tonight. Lots of fun. Messed around w/ some shit in the parking lot and ended up blowing a tire...so you guys have any recommendations for some tough tires? They need to be able to handle a good bit of skids and the shitty roads I ride on. I was just riding the stock Kenda's on my TT -- pretty weak, right?

Also, recommendations for some nice fenders? I saw a pic from someone on here that had a black Kilo TT with some cool fenders on it...

Thanks for the help!

and powerviolence, how'd it happen?! Shit's weak, sorry to hear that. Hope you're alright.

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Went for a nice long ride tonight. Lots of fun. Messed around w/ some shit in the parking lot and ended up blowing a tire...so you guys have any recommendations for some tough tires? They need to be able to handle a good bit of skids and the shitty roads I ride on. I was just riding the stock Kenda's on my TT -- pretty weak, right?

Also, recommendations for some nice fenders? I saw a pic from someone on here that had a black Kilo TT with some cool fenders on it...

Thanks for the help!

and powerviolence, how'd it happen?! Shit's weak, sorry to hear that. Hope you're alright.

I prefer Gatorskins. There are lots of tires in that price range that are decent. As for flats, find a tube that is thick (no lites/race lites) and keep the PSI proper.

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captain -

How long these gatorskins usually last? Any mileage estimates? And what should I keep the psi at to prevent pops/flats -- on the lower end or higher?

Thanks for the help!

edited: Beautiful, powerviolence. Looks good...

I hate doctors too, but you should definitely hit 'em up if you're not sure...That is, if you're insured or live in a country with 'social' medicine.

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I got aggressively honked at for the first time about 10 minutes ago. and he decided he was gonna call me a faggot and said "nice pink bike faggot".

i has a pink paramount

his fault

Track paramount or road paramount? Either way, the paramount is solid gold.

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I got aggressively honked at for the first time about 10 minutes ago. and he decided he was gonna call me a faggot and said "nice pink bike faggot".

i has a pink paramount

his fault

one of my favorite stories is from my friend john. he was at a light a lane over from one car and the window rolls down to the guy saying "c'mere.. just c'mere for a second" kind of quietly. he kept convincing him and finally he went over to the window and the dude just yells "faggot" at him as soon as he's next to the window.

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captain -

How long these gatorskins usually last? Any mileage estimates? And what should I keep the psi at to prevent pops/flats -- on the lower end or higher?

Thanks for the help!

edited: Beautiful, powerviolence. Looks good...

I hate doctors too, but you should definitely hit 'em up if you're not sure...That is, if you're insured or live in a country with 'social' medicine.

The set I have now has been getting wear daily since early April and they're still going strong. Probably about 5-10 miles a day. I try not to skid too much though. I keep my PSI between 110-120. I weigh 200 lbs and was getting pinched tubes frequently, with PSI at 95-100, so it was recommended to me by the LBS to bump the pressure up a bit.

Powerviolence- If you have insurance, go to a doctor. Even if it's just bruised up badly, it's worth it to know for sure.

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one of my favorite stories is from my friend john. he was at a light a lane over from one car and the window rolls down to the guy saying "c'mere.. just c'mere for a second" kind of quietly. he kept convincing him and finally he went over to the window and the dude just yells "faggot" at him as soon as he's next to the window.

my boss just ran over to my computer after i started laughing from that.

thanks a lot bastard!

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just took a pic of my shoulder

i still cant tell if it's broken, but i hate doctors

Fuck, glad you're not dead or hurt even worse.

Worse road rash I've ever gotten was when I fucked up going down hill at retardo speed. Completely shaved off the skin from wrist to my elbow and my knee. Scab was like a fucking exoskeleton, so nasty.

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So I've decided to upgrade the old wheelset finally. Thought that these would look good; now I'm just convinced that I'm going to be "that weirdo with the fucked up bike."

Whatevs, I like it. Incidentally, I've moved to 44x14.

p.s. Yes, I know the rims aren't machined.


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