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Can a guy say no?


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this article is from:http://www.bigtopic.net (This is not a personal experience)

If you hate reading, skip the first 3 paragraphs (details).

Last week I was invited to a party (last Friday) by a girl who I barely knew. I accepted since I had nothing else to do on this Friday night. I brought a buddy because I didn't wanted to be alone with full of people I don't know, well I did that well because there were like 20 other guys and girls that I've never met before. We've eventually had fun with them by drinking, smoking, dancing and what not.

Throughout the night, this one blond girl caught my eye and I started trying to approach her. She was a bit drunk but very self-conscious. Approaching her was hard because she was with her group of girlfriends nonstop and they seemed to have tons of fun together. At about 1am (3hrs after we came there), my buddy and I find that the party is boring for us because we were having a hard time to get part of the group. So I put on my jacket and prepared to go out of there.

Just before leaving, 4 girls saw my buddy and I and came to us and tried to convince us to stay. They said that I was way too drunk and high to drive and they took my keys and hid them somewhere.

Eventually I decided to be a man and approach the blond chick for real. Some of us were on the balcony and fooled around while the one chick pushed me to do something stupid (pole dancing on a loose pole). I said that I didn't want to and we ended up arguing. While everyone was going back inside, I stayed out with here and she said that she was cold and I put my arms around her.

It took me some minutes of hugging before I decided to give her a kiss. She liked it and the next thing I know is that we were making out. We did this for a long while. Eventually, we both were cold and decided to go inside. We took it to another level : making out on top of each other.

Just before we both knew where all of this was going, she told me something like : « This is a bad thing, without alcohol we wouldn't ever be at this point, but I love this ». That left me thinking.

We continued and she told me that she had to go get something in her van. Of course, she just wanted to lure me out of the sight of everyone to take it to a higher level once again. Skipping useless details, I ended up laying over her in the back of her van (there was quite a lot of space and we were quite comfortable).

Just before going to the highest point, she once again spoke to me, saying something like : « This is very bad, we should stop, we don't know each other, but I like it so much and I know that you like it as well ».

Trust me, I wanted to stop. I don't know anything about this girl except her name.

After all, we ended up fucking... I didn't feel proud of myself, I wanted to stop but as a guy I just couldn't.

Could you guys have stopped?

Btw...we were both 17 yrs old

this article came from http://www.bigtopic.net

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my highschool doesnt have parties like that as well

i would feel guilty

but there comes a time when

you have to think with your brain

not your dick

and being overcome with

sexual urges adn needs

while it may ease things in the present

may lead to greater confusion in the future

i love giving advice on things i know nothing about

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I am in highschool, and it's definitely tough to say no. When a huge goal of your life is sex, which it is in high school for every male, saying no to it just seems ridiculous. This is probably why monogamous relationships are so tough in high school.

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I am in highschool, and it's definitely tough to say no. When a huge goal of your life is sex, which it is in high school for every male, saying no to it just seems ridiculous. This is probably why monogamous relationships are so tough in high school.

I'd settle for a monogamous relationship, personally. Being in a relatively small school has this certain disadvantage where if you're not one of the really attractive 40 or so seniors (physically or whatever) it tends to be difficult to find dates.

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I am in highschool, and it's definitely tough to say no. When a huge goal of your life is sex, which it is in high school for every male, saying no to it just seems ridiculous. This is probably why monogamous relationships are so tough in high school.

think of it as sushi. you have to eat all kinds before you decide which one you fancy the most.

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