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favorite video game of ALL time


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i remember playing that game on a daily basis.. Game's just too freakin difficult and confusing.. There would be times where i had to run back to pick up an item and id forget where i was.. So fustrating because some parts of the level would look similar to the new parts where you're supposed to go..

nevertheless a treasure title.. I might have to download it and play it again

maridia annoyed the crap out of me..cuz everytime id try to jump the gaps..samus' jumps were so awkward so id end up killing myself

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maridia annoyed the crap out of me..cuz everytime id try to jump the gaps..samus' jumps were so awkward so id end up killing myself

My only criticism on a lot of 16 bit games .. the jumping between gaps. I always kill myself like this in the Golden Axe games too.

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My only criticism on a lot of 16 bit games .. the jumping between gaps. I always kill myself like this in the Golden Axe games too.

I remember playing ninja turtles: back in time i beleive for the snes... Shits fun but annoying as hell because the way they jump is horrendus..Kept dying..

Battletoads & double dragon was the same problem for me..At some points in the game, there would be gaps with those friggin stupid walls that hang above, so you end up hitting the wall and fall to your death..:mad:

BT&DT was a great game though, they should bring it back

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A Link to the Past was the last game I actually sat down and played through again. Beat it last year with some help from two of my roommates.

What would you be on your top fun games list anyway, Gizmo?

I was really wanting to hear what other people had to say as recommendations for fun games. But some that are pure fun are shooters like Raiden Trad II and Gradius, Castlevania Aria of Sorrow because it was a lot faster paced than other castlevanias, I'd say LttP is really fun and not all that difficult. I want to say Super Metroid but some of the boss fights are just ridiculous, i still have to use multiple savestates on emulator.

I have to agree on the 2D side scrollers. Jumping is one of the worst thiings. I suck terribly at Megamangz :[

As for fighters, I've really enjoyed Super smash bros melee. I was unfortunate to never have experienced the original SSB and I was never good at traditional fighters. A large portion of my gaming history was in the solitude of my home room with no friends to fight and we all know how ridiculously cheap and difficult computers were on street fighter 2.

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We honestly should make a topic called what games companies should bring back..

my top 5 right now would be :

1) Battle toads & double dragon ( make it 4 player co op, online multiplayer)

2) Bring back the marvel vs capcom series.. I dont know why capcom canned it after 2..that game raped major ass

3) Lufia RPG.. one of the best RPG's ive ever played

4) a Kid icarus game.. He's in the new smash game, but we need him to be alone in his own title..

5) dont know if anyone remembers this, but Bubsy? i loved that guy

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I remember playing ninja turtles: back in time i beleive for the snes... Shits fun but annoying as hell because the way they jump is horrendus..Kept dying..

Battletoads & double dragon was the same problem for me..At some points in the game, there would be gaps with those friggin stupid walls that hang above, so you end up hitting the wall and fall to your death..:mad:

BT&DT was a great game though, they should bring it back

Yeah, I had Turtle in Times also .. used to really like that game when I was young. I never had Battletoads and Double Dragon .. played it once at my cousin's house, but that was it. I did love Super Double Dragon for the SNES though, that is still one of my favorite games.

I was really wanting to hear what other people had to say as recommendations for fun games.

One of my favorite games, that I can always pick up and play .. because it's so simple and so short, but to me is always a lot of fun is the game Outrun for Genesis. When I don't have access to the internet, and I need something to kill some time .. that's what I play.

Street Fighter 2 is another game I can always play, but I think it's a lot more fun when you have a group of people and you're just playing winners.

Mike Tyson's Punch Out for the NES .. another game that's always been a lotta fun to me, it gets really difficult in the later fights, but it's always a good time.

Blades of Steel for the NES is another fun game, but you need someone else to play it with. It's a hockey game, great time when you got a couple people.

marvel vs capcom series?:confused:

Yeah, that's a classic. I used to get huge blisters on my thumb from playing that game too much.

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man nots id rep you just for saying blades of steel..

i thought i was the only one who knew about that ahah.. I had that for my game boy and console.. Outrun is a classic.. but i would choose crusin USA over that anyday..( yea i know, im embarking into the 3d realm but fuck that game was fun)..

you should definitely play battletoads and double dragon.. That game pays sooo much homage to duran duran just from the intro song ahah..it kills me even to this day..

Lemmings was a great title too..and like i mentioned earlier, BUBSY..


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Yo what are good games for wii and xbox360. My brother is about to sell our wii and I don't want him too.. but the only game I will be playing it with is smash bros which won't be out for like 5 months.

Wii .. Metal Slug Anthology, Paper Mario (Prolly best game for Wii out right now), Zelda, Resident Evil 4.

360 .. Fight Night, Halo 3, Bioshock, Eternal Sonata.

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