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APC denim


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shinobi, I used a hem of some dark jeans that I kept. then I started rubbing it against my APC jeans, sitting cross-legged (to maximise the creases). After a while (it's a slow thing) I used a towel to clean the bleeding indigo (it started to bleed from the rubbing) and then, after taking the indigo out with the towel, I could already see a difference in the color. (sorry if this doesn't make much sense!)

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shinobi, I used a hem of some dark jeans that I kept. then I started rubbing it against my APC jeans, sitting cross-legged (to maximise the creases). After a while (it's a slow thing) I used a towel to clean the bleeding indigo (it started to bleed from the rubbing) and then, after taking the indigo out with the towel, I could already see a difference in the color. (sorry if this doesn't make much sense!)

--- Original message by Geowu on Jun 16, 2005 04:13 PM

That method sounds a bit drastic. Are there any less-extreme things you can do everyday to help things along? I generally try to rub my thigh areas a lot with my hands when I'm sitting around... not sure how much it's really doing, but I figure if I do it a total of 5 minutes every day, it'll add up after a few months...
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well, I did the denim rubbing only twice, for some 20 minutes or so each time. If you don't take the bleeding indigo out it won't wear out as much, and if you do it for 1 minute everyday (or less) there will be good results...

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After seeing how amazing the Rescues look in Diem23 pics, I ordered a pair and after recieving them early today I must say I'm really impressed. Just want to give a big thanks to everyone for sizing input and recommendations, went for the 34s as advised and the fit is perfect after a long day of wearicon_smile_big.gif

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I love the apc dry selvage. The rescue is a very flattering cut for my body type. Thank you apc-

They are almost a month old. I'll post some wear progress pics in another month. Already getting some lightening hige and honeycomb marks.


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I just bought a pair of anglaise and had them for 6 days now. The retailer soaked it for me and its perfect! I can't wait to wear them (in both sense of the word). I've been wearing them everyday and intended not to wash them for 3 months. But I live in a tropical climate so I doubt I can last that long.

I haven't had them hemmed yet thinking it might shrink after washing. What's your experience in hemming APCs?

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hey guys, I've been looking at the progress of Geowu's new standards and now I'm looking to get some of the goodness myself. I just have a couple of questions first, because I don't know which fit to get.

If anyone is familiar with Acne Max or Nudie Slim Jims it would be great if you could help me out. I am looking for something that is slightly less slim than these two fits, but not much. Should I go for the new standards?


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The Standards actually run pretty true to size (as opposed to the Rescue's and English). I normally wear a 30 in PDC/Diesel, and the Standard in 30 fit me pretty tight (but I assume they would stretch out a bit after some wear).

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my size 30 new standard measures 33" in waist, vs. 31" for my nudie. the regular size 30 standard measures 31" in waist. so it depends on what you want. from other posts in this thread, the new standard jeans are also all over the map in terms of sizing.

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Okay, thanks guys. I'm going to the U.S this summer(I'm swedish) and I'm hoping I can try a pair on(which means my first two questions are redundant, but hey, I'm so eager to get a pair!), do you know any stores in the largest cities that carry the APC new standards?

I'll be travelling from the east to the west coast so pretty much any large city would do.


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Okay, thanks guys. I'm going to the U.S this summer(I'm swedish) and I'm hoping I can try a pair on(which means my first two questions are redundant, but hey, I'm so eager to get a pair!), do you know any stores in the largest cities that carry the APC new standards?

I'll be travelling from the east to the west coast so pretty much any large city would do.

--- Original message by horriblyjollyjinx on Jun 20, 2005 12:23 PM

The main APC store is in NYC, so that's your best bet. It's funny that you're coming to the US looking for APC when I'm wanting to go to Sweden to find some Nudies.
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Haha ;) If you ever happen to visit Sweden, you should look for Acne or Julian Red jeans instead in my opinion. Nudie is very much mainstream(much like Seven is in the US I believe?) and very boring to us swedish fashion freaks.

Is Acne or Julian Red available in USA?


You can look at the washes, but the fit is not like in the pictures, unless you're an athlete like the model they used. Also, if you look under media, you can find the A/W collection for 2005.


New, swedish brand. Only 1200 pairs(of each wash and model I believe) are made.


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Julian Red Jeans are a bitch to get in the US, but they're cool. Not sure if I mentioned earlier I have a pair of the 14.5oz California selvages. I ahvent started really breaking them in yet but the fit is cool. I talked to someone at HTC/Fred Segal and they said they'll check them out. The VICE Store in LA used to have them but they closed shop.

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Did anyone else get their jeans shipped free from apc.fr?

--- Original message by Air Macks on Jun 20, 2005 04:25 PM

I got the rescue from web store - shipping was 11$ US as I recal


"Today's peacock tomorrow's feather duster. "

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those julian red's look pretty dope. looks like the california's are regular fit, detroits are loose, and the other ones skinny.

on the detroit unwashed - thats some heavy selvedge!

how much do they go for??

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The only wash that I can get right now in this rather small city is 1400 sek which is $180 according forex.se, but I'd say they will probably add some to that amount when selling them in the U.S.

Julian Reds are generally about 1200-1400 which is actually the same or more than a pair of Nudies, so expect them to be in the same pricerange.


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Actually California is pretty skinny as well. I bought mine in size 28/34 about two weeks ago and on me it started out as a real slim fit and stretched out to something a little more comfortable, but still pretty slim. They've got a medium rise and the ankle is slightly tapered. Right now these are my definite favourite jeans and I'm wearing em like you people are wearing your A.P.C.'s (everyday).

And yeah, pricing should be about the same as Nudies. I also live in Sweden and copped my dry California for 1100 SEK (~150 USD).

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