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denim contest


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Am i the only one that found it dissapointing that SuFu chose to do a samurai contest insted on ande whall? To me it makes 100% more sense to have gone with him for various reason. Not to mention the contest would help his bussiness get off the ground. With out getting too much into helping smaller bussiness as appose to bigger ones, it would have been way more beneficial to support SuFu's own.

Since not everyone likes to wear jeans the same way, ande could have done different fits while still using the same denim. That way everybody in the contest is happy.Ialso sure he would have found a way to make the contest jeans unique.

ALso, ande is cheaper. More people would have problaby joined.

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i found that the mere fact that such a customer-inspired contest was taking place, backed by a crazy japanese company, to be pretty exciting. of course for the reasons you list (helping out smaller businesses, different fits, more people involved) the contest could have been over andewhalls instead of sammies, but that's all said and done in retrospect. beatle simply picked up on a good idea by both warehouse and the rest of the members...perhaps in future with the benefit of hindsight and reasoning the contest will indeed involve AW jeans.

although personally i thought that if you made the jeans cheaper, there would be much less impetus to stay in the contest. with the sammies this time, the first-time participants would be in for the long haul once they splashed out the cash.

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i believe ande's denim thing was/is in a transitional phase at the time of the contest but i would have bent over backwards to come up with the funds if it had been ande's jeans we were using. i could have gotten the fit i wanted because i cant commit to wearing jeans if i dont like the fit. maybe in the future.

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Guest jeffvyain

nothing against AW, but if we were doing those jeans, I would just stick with my S5000VX for the next year. I can't imagine another company making more interesting jeans for me to wear for the next year. The subtle details combined with crazy slubbiness will keep me interested in them for the long haul, not to mention the fact that they are LE with individual numbering backed by a prestigious japanese company. I'm very glad we chose what we did. When/if Ande gets great selvage denim, I would be all over it, but it would be hard to believe the actual materials he comes across would be anything near what we are getting. I really hope Ande's business takes off, as he has a great thing going for him and the rest of the denim community; however, I want the jeans I wear for the next year to have the best denim possible, and I truly believe we are getting that for this contest.

Maybe a year from now he'll have some crazy shit we've never seen before. In that case, I'll be all over it. I'm all about supporting the little guy, but bottom line is we are wearing this one pair of jeans for an entire year. That's a big commitment to me.

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yeah I was well up for AW jeans and when I found out beatle choose sammies I backed out, there is nothing to stop you starting a contest next year with AW, that said I dont remember andy commenting on if he could swing it, its not too much work for samurai to kick out 30 jeans but that could get andy sweating yknow? But yeah, he would have been perfect for the job, and its allways best imo to go to the smaller companys. Loads of people prefer button flys too.

Unless you can find a cheap time machine on ebay, id just sit tight till next year and pm andy and start plotting the contest.

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It's what happened, I would have preferred AW, but he is a one man op, and pumping out that many pairs for a one man op would be craz, especially considering we'd all want to start on the same date, and end on the same date and all, although, Icould see a ocntest like that definitely paying the light bill. We can do AW next year, so it's no big deal.

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If you read the first dozen posts in that thread, you'll see that this originally started from Chicken posting info on Samurai's own internal contest. Then I thought it would be cool if SF did something like that instead of the same old 'fit & authenticity' questions we always get. Beatle's hand shot up with this crazy idea for a denim contest and proceeded to contact Samurai. And thank god he did. I originally thought it would be nice to get a pair of Imperial's and 'duke' it out with a couple of other guys (Hewsinator and CMF I think) but I think Beatle's choice is not only a great choice in terms of the jeans we are all getting, but fitting tribute to the original contest by Samurai. No offence to Ande, I think his jeans are great and have been wanting them since I signed on this board. I've even talked to people that I know of in the Australian clothing industry who know of his work, so I would hardly call him struggling, I would say he is quite established! Either way, there was discussion of holding a second contest with AW, so I say you go for it. No point in complaining about the first contest...

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if you really want to, why don't you contact ande and ask what kind of load he can handle, then see if there are people who are willing to join a separate contest?

That's a good idea, Ande if you're out there, you will be hearing from me after the holidays.

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