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im sure the fabric is great, i just think the design is awful. a denim scarf isnt very practicle either.... IMO this is ridiculously priced. honesty how much could that cost to produce?

Im sure the mister freedom label is the only reason its that expensive.. but even if i had the funds for MF, i dont think i will ever buy it. i guess ill be having a one man boycott

PS - Scarves are made out of 1880 Vintage Kimono material with Natural & Indigo Dyes. Pretty Fresh Christophe!

1. Not denim.

2. Yeah, the mfsc label made the 1880's fabirc more expensive. Ya'll are haterz...

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the fabric was actually made in 1880?? (still, vintage fabric isnt all that expensive) idk, kimono material still doesnt seem ideal for a scarf..

and, i asked the right question.. how much do you think the production cost is? very interested.. one thing is for sure.. they didnt take much time to sew these together.. but maybe that is part of the "inspired" vintage look?

plus the fact that there is alot of attention to detail and the craftsmanship does not give a reason for most of the MF prices..

To think that your not paying for the label, but instead for the pure quality is foolish.. thats all im getting at.

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I think the line of people who blindly love every single piece of clothing with a mister freedom tag on it is far longer than the one of people who question the price points.

It is what it is - a $200 scarf with unfinished edges probably made from collector grade fabrics. If your into that type of thing or are otherwise a some sort of fabric anorak and can afford it, than it's worth it for you just like it's worth it for the person who spends thousands on vintage collectible glass figurines....but let's not kid ourselves into thinking there is some level of quality in those scarves that is worth $200...or nearly $350 for the greaser hat for that matter. The construction and materials of all the MF pieces I have handled are top notch for sure but the elephant in the room is there IS a cult following of MFSC and the lines are just as much about being limited/collectors runs as they are about the quality/design. I think that is the basis of most of the price complaints from people who otherwise like the items but don't agree with paying extra for some sort of exclusivity of being in the MFSC club.

Ask yourself this - if you came across a street vendor selling these same scarves with no tag on it or the tag of some label you had never heard of, would you still immediately defend the garment if the guy in line behind you complained about the price?

....by the way - not trying to rain on anyone's parade here. There is nothing more special than connecting with something - be it with another person, a piece of music, a film or director, or an article of clothing that you feel speaks to you in a way or represents you in a way other clothes don't - but I don't think that invalidates the legitimate complaints about mister freedom's price points that have been brought up in this thread.

That's my two cents....best wishes to all.

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Well put. I am a big fan of most of this stuff, some ain't my style. Some I'm willing to pay for and some I'm not. The sufu aesthetic is an expensive one.

Just for funsies, a shitty iPhone fit pic of the Master at SESF from Wednesday:


Also, got my thermal. You're right, Zissou, what a strangely cut shirt. I will most likely never wear it alone, not for the fit, which I think will improve with some wear, but the color. It's just too pink, and not the most flattering shade. Once I have more of a tan that will help haha. Too pasty with this cold ass rainy Pacific North West.

I decided to keep it after trying it on with the right clothes, but I was ready to return it at first. Sorry no pics yet :o

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Okay I just got home and expected a response to my previous posts but I had no clue it would start such a heated discussion. Let me say a few things. First, there are three diff price points for the MF scarves. The one I purchased being one of the two highest priced($190). Second, the fabric is made from 1880's Vintage Japanese Kikmono's. My particular scarf if it is in fact "denim," it is the softest denim I have ever felt!!!!!! The scarf that looks solid blue is some sort of woven fabric wish is Natural Indigo for 1880!!!!! Lastly, I understand the hesitancy of paying practically $200 for a single scarf and I do agree that Mister Freedom as a brand can be considered cultish to a degree. If that is the case I am drinking the motherfuckin' Kool Aid! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I know that this is a place for them all, but this is where my commentary on it ends. If you have any questions regarding measurements or anything else feel free to PM me.

Medine - I highly suggest you go into Mister Freedom in LA or to SESF/ SENY to get your hands on some of Christophe's pieces. You really cannot speak about the lack of quality of a garment when you have not seen it in person. I just wore it for the past 4 hours and besides looking FRESH, I was warm and comfortable as hell.

tmadd - Thank you!

glimmertwins - I don't blindly love or buy anything. I do however like the consistency, quality, and style of Christophe's pieces and so I purchase the items I am drawn to and will wear. As far as buying items off of people in the street, I have no issues with it whatsoever. I do however find that "most" street vendors in SF do not carry Scarves made of Vintage Japanese Kimono's. But then again, I don't give street vendors almost $200 for things. Don't know what I am trying to say other than I would buy an item off of someone just as fast as I would drop two bills at SESF for a scarf. I just happened to come upon something that I really enjoyed the look and feel of and bought it. Not much more thought put into it other than how I was going to pay off my credit card bill. The answer, go back to work and make it happen.

akuma no uta - That sounds like it may be a good idea and Thank You!

therelativity & zissou - Thank you both!!! And fit flicks of both the Pea Coat as well as the Scarf! You two are rad!



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I think the line of people who blindly love every single piece of clothing with a mister freedom tag on it is far longer than the one of people who question the price points.

It is what it is - a $200 scarf with unfinished edges probably made from collector grade fabrics. If your into that type of thing or are otherwise a some sort of fabric anorak and can afford it, than it's worth it for you just like it's worth it for the person who spends thousands on vintage collectible glass figurines....but let's not kid ourselves into thinking there is some level of quality in those scarves that is worth $200...or nearly $350 for the greaser hat for that matter. The construction and materials of all the MF pieces I have handled are top notch for sure but the elephant in the room is there IS a cult following of MFSC and the lines are just as much about being limited/collectors runs as they are about the quality/design. I think that is the basis of most of the price complaints from people who otherwise like the items but don't agree with paying extra for some sort of exclusivity of being in the MFSC club.

Ask yourself this - if you came across a street vendor selling these same scarves with no tag on it or the tag of some label you had never heard of, would you still immediately defend the garment if the guy in line behind you complained about the price?

....by the way - not trying to rain on anyone's parade here. There is nothing more special than connecting with something - be it with another person, a piece of music, a film or director, or an article of clothing that you feel speaks to you in a way or represents you in a way other clothes don't - but I don't think that invalidates the legitimate complaints about mister freedom's price points that have been brought up in this thread.

That's my two cents....best wishes to all.

My issue has always been, and continues to be people who come with harsh criticism of the price of garments that they haven't handled and of which they are unaware of the material composition and details that have gone into the design. The argument about cost of production relative to retail price is absolute horseshit, and could be applied to damn near every piece of clothing, whether it is coveted on Superfuture or not...clothing, especially name brand clothing, is a world of crazy mark-ups, and if you are on Superfuture, and aren't aware and accepting of that, it is another issue altogether.

Nobody complaining about Mister Freedom's pricepoints has addressed a challenge I have issued numerous times...show me a Mister Freedom piece, and a legitimately equivalent Sugarcane piece (not a substitute, mind you, but a piece that involves the same amount of patternwork and unorthodox construction) that exhibit a major price discrepancy and proves that you are in fact paying a significant upcharge just for the brand name, or the exclusive aspect of owning a piece of Mister Freedom. I will be the first to admit that with the issuing of the Motorcycle line, one could definitely point at the sweatshirts as the best example of this, and I wouldn't have a whole lot to say about that. However, I would argue that jeans like the 7161MDs are priced at the absolute lowest you could expect them to be, if you compare them to a pair of Okinawas.

I also think it is a questionable assertion that people are buying MF because it has brand cache. There are some people who are way into MF stuff but everything I have ever discovered from talking to (and being one of) these people has lead me to believe that this enthusiasm has infinitely more to do with the pieces themselves than any kind of cool factor associated with the brand.

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If there was a homeless guy selling those scarves on the street and he had made them out of 1880's kimono fabric that was likely dyed with natural indigo, I'd possibly be even more tempted to buy it for that price. But hey, that's just the altruist in me.

If that was a 45rpm scarf, I;d bet anything that the price tag would be even more. I have not seen any concrete evidence that MF stuff is overpriced, especially after handling it. The thermals, for instance, are right on the price of other higher end thermals, but the material alone could justify a higher price.

B-dawg- I hear ya. I kinda really like the pink, though.

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glimmertwins - As far as buying items off of people in the street, I have no issues with it whatsoever. I do however find that "most" street vendors in SF do not carry Scarves made of Vintage Japanese Kimono's. But then again, I don't give street vendors almost $200 for things. Don't know what I am trying to say other than I would buy an item off of someone just as fast as I would drop two bills at SESF for a scarf. I just happened to come upon something that I really enjoyed the look and feel of and bought it.



If there was a homeless guy selling those scarves on the street and he had made them out of 1880's kimono fabric that was likely dyed with natural indigo, I'd possibly be even more tempted to buy it for that price. But hey, that's just the altruist in me.

If that was a 45rpm scarf, I;d bet anything that the price tag would be even more. I have not seen any concrete evidence that MF stuff is overpriced, especially after handling it. The thermals, for instance, are right on the price of other higher end thermals, but the material alone could justify a higher price.

B-dawg- I hear ya. I kinda really like the pink, though.


I think you miss interpreted what I meant when I said "I don't give street vendors almost $200 for things." I guess I meant that I never or rarely if ever, seen an item on the street that I would be willing to pay $200 for. That does not mean I wouldn't be open to it and would actually prefer helping the less fortunate. No offense to Kiya, Christophe, or any other MF Dealer.

As far as the Pink Thermal, I had to try it on after seeing your fitting issues. I incurred the same issue of the boat neck and sleeves. Not my style but non the less, a wonderfully crafted garment made of a very rare fabric.

The rain/ wind is hindering the chances at getting my Pea Coat fit flicks up for you guys. I do promise a barrage of interest photos this weekend as I am going on a weekend getaway. More to come...

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As promised...

MFSC Denim Pea Coat "Blanket Lined"


Purchased from J.Crew Online

Hot Soaked in tub for 10 minutes with hottest bath water available.

Going to sew in an extra button like zissou to compensate for the baggy nature of the upper chest.



Sorry for the blurry shot...




MFSC Denim Pea Coat "Blanket Lined"

MFSC 1880's Vintage Japanese Kimono Scarf

IHW-01 Extra Heavy Weight Melton Wool Shirt

Stronghold Chinos

Personally Modified Chuck Taylor Lo's

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I wonder how all of that would look with a pair of Air Jordans or dunks (10).

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Fucking Rad! I will make it happen as I have 1 or 2 pairs...

That's hella cool. Post some pics. I have been wondering how to transition from sneaker freak to blue collar working class joe. I have all these sneakers laying around and no clothes to wear them with. I would hate to have to put them up on supermarket. Its good to know that all this stuff I bought this weekend at Selfedge will work with my old stuff.

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That's hella cool. Post some pics. I have been wondering how to transition from sneaker freak to blue collar working class joe. I have all these sneakers laying around and no clothes to wear them with. I would hate to have to put them up on supermarket. Its good to know that all this stuff I bought this weekend at Selfedge will work with my old stuff.

You are speaking my language. I am working on the transition as we speak. Self Edge is definitely a great place to start! Don't sell your kicks, maybe just downsize. But who am I to talk?!? I house my collection in a storage unit... :D

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I wonder how all of that would look with a pair of Air Jordans or dunks (10).
Thanks man! Means a lot coming from you!

Fucking Rad! I will make it happen as I have 1 or 2 pairs...

That's hella cool. Post some pics. I have been wondering how to transition from sneaker freak to blue collar working class joe. I have all these sneakers laying around and no clothes to wear them with. I would hate to have to put them up on supermarket. Its good to know that all this stuff I bought this weekend at Selfedge will work with my old stuff.
please please please tell me you forgot the (10)

I'm sorry but I don't know what (10) means as I have only been on SuFu for a few months. Was rnrswitch fucking on me and being sarcastic? Please elaborate before I continue...

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I'm sorry but I don't know what (10) means as I have only been on SuFu for a few months. Was rnrswitch fucking on me and being sarcastic? Please elaborate before I continue...

(10) means your are being totally unsarcastic (10).

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