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You know, I'm not as turned off by the back branding as a lot of you guys are.... I think there's good historical precedent for riders wearing their affiliations proudly on their backs everywhere they went. And if there was ever a clothing brand that garnered a small, dedicated, and tight knit group of followers, it would be Mister Freedom... I look at it more as an homage to that aesthetic, not as a blatant branding attempt.


agreed that MF is a brand that has garnered - and is worthy of - a loyal following. however, it is still just a clothing brand. that is the bottom line. the bottom line that keeps getting blurred in this conversation.

motorcycle clubs are gangs. historically, and currently. depending on your perspective they are a close knit group/family fighting for a common cause, or they are violent packs of thugs with debased values. either way, members live that lifestyle everyday. they are usually in the club for life, whether they like it or not.

mister freedom is not a club or a gang. will you get beat up wearing a MF jacket? i don't know. that's not really the point though...

would you get a mister freedom tattoo?

would you spray paint "mister freedom" around your neighborhood?

i thought not. and wearing a jacket that is branded in that way carries those connotations.

i don't know christophe personally. i don't work at mister freedom. i have no loyalty to the brand beyond liking (some of) the clothes they produce. therefore, i would never wear that jacket*

...that being said, i DO understand christophe's motivation behind making it, to some extent. he wants to think of MF as a small knit, exclusive club. it's a cool idea, i just don't like the execution.

* even if it was free, didn't have stars down the arm, and was monotone.

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I'm seriously considering removing the Edo Ai patch from my 7161s. It's amazing denim in it's own right, but I feel like it stands out too much on the jeans, probably because they are one wash.

I was wondering about winding up with a darker rectangle on the leg, but I cehcked the inside of the pocket on the same leg, and the Hawaii denim is the same color as the leg at this point.

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I have a "Mister Slavery" tattoo in response to your Mister Freedom tattoo.

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I would take the edo ai patch off. It looks awkward to me. I like a bit of symmetry.

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Zissou that picture is epic!!! Must spread rep but just feel the love my friend!!!

Adn to tallyho, actually hahaha, I have been thinking about getting a mister freedom tattoo on my joke tattoo leg.

I'm feelin' it, baby! LOL at joke tatto leg. That's just awesome.

Nice! Do you actually play banjo or is that for the photo only? Great look and if that is the the Edo Ai patch your referring to in that photo, it looks fine from that photo.

Thanks. I try to play it, but not very well. Need to practice more.

I would take the edo ai patch off. It looks awkward to me. I like a bit of symmetry.

Yeah, I think I am going to. Here is it from another WAYWT, which shows how much it stands out. Besides, it would be great to have for the day my peacoat needs elbow patches or something...


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Yeah, I checked behind the pocket and it's the same color as the leg, so there's hope. I figure worse comes to worse, I can take a wet towel and scrub down the area a bit to lighten it up...

Edit: Done. I'm thinking I like them much better now. I had to soak/iron a few big wrinkles out that were under the patch, but the color looks about the same.

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Man, this denim is just awesome. They are size 32 and fit perfectly in the waist. Gave them a hot soak, and now need to mess with the cuffs some more

They look great, man. I'm glad you got 'em.

More Signal Vest action

Looks great! I've been wearing mine almost every day, too.

im not sure if this has been discussed or not, but why does jcrew sell mf at lower prices as compared to self edge?

They don't. The chambray utility shirts were the same price at both places. If you are referring to the pea coat, the Liberty Issue version that kiya sold is totally different from the early run version that J Crew is selling. It's been discussed a few times in this thread.

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...the chambray shirt is $10 cheaper at Jcrew but when you figure you'll likely be paying state sales tax if there is a Jcrew in your state AND you'll get stuck paying shipping if there isn't a promotional code in circulation, you'll find you aren't really saving any money in the long run going with J Crew....and zissou is right - the denim pea coat JCrew sells has a less heavy duty lining than the one you see at SE - hence the bigger price difference(apples vs oranges)

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