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so, my project is to promote an artist friend of mine, creating website and particular focus on integrating social media - so profiles on twitter,fb, myspace, youtube channel, etc.

so in that vein i (tried) making a viral (another medium ticked off i guess)


what do you think? it's contrived, but i couldn't think of anything else on short notice and i'm a video noob - not that i'm trying to make excuses. ;) . making a video now..

apologies for the voice acting :D

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This is an interesting problem/challenge. I like the tone/look-feel you've managed to create. My first thought is that it needs just the slightest hint of narrative – just "this" much more – to really draw me in and give me a reason to persue... and most importantly (from a viral standpoint) to give me something to talk about.

  Magnetic said:
so in that vein i (tried) making a viral (another medium ticked off i guess)
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The Gsrnn filling pieces

A new brand from Amsterdam, Holland

the label was started by me, and is expanding now.

Sporty but chic and classic details

same sole as raf simmong, common projects and lanvin used to use.

more info on gsrnnfillingpieces.com and whatpeoplewearthesedays.blogspot.com








different models also on the website

first introduction with SF

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  gsrnn said:
The Gsrnn filling pieces

A new brand from Amsterdam, Holland

the label was started by me, and is expanding now.

Sporty but chic and classic details

same sole as raf simmong, common projects and lanvin used to use.

more info on gsrnnfillingpieces.com and whatpeoplewearthesedays.blogspot.com

different models also on the website

first introduction with SF

These dont look bad for shoes you made yourself, I guess proper machines would give better results than the hand stiching you used. Also this should probably be posted in the Post your creations thread

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fiber artist's first two attempts at clothing. they could obviously be better, i've had no formal schooling in clothing construction so they're kinda rough. any suggestions? definitely gotta fix that left leg on the shorts, was going for an asymmetrical look but it just looks unfinished.

Felted Icelandic Wool, leather detailing


Felted Merino Wool, leather detailing


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  snozepp147 said:
fiber artist's first two attempts at clothing. they could obviously be better, i've had no formal schooling in clothing construction so they're kinda rough. any suggestions? definitely gotta fix that left leg on the shorts, was going for an asymmetrical look but it just looks unfinished.

Felted Icelandic Wool, leather detailing


Felted Merino Wool, leather detailing


I like the vest a lot! would it be possible to see any front shot?

how did you go for the leather detailing? Did you have any part into the wool dying process or felt making?

as for altering the pattern of the pants, if i may suggest; i always find it easier to start with a more symmetrical/ conventional pattern, and then modify, right away, or during assembling of the pieces. :o

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Trim- raw hem would be nice. for this pair i'm just going to even out that left leg with the right. next time when i get the pattern down i'll focus on the detailing of the edges. originally i was going to add a leather under-layer that would extend past the wool about a inch with frayed edges but i couldn't decide on a color for the leather so i just left it at that. for practicality reasons i would have to add a lining or something anyways because that icelandic wool is pretty rough & itchy.

  sistersuzie said:
I like the vest a lot! would it be possible to see any front shot?

how did you go for the leather detailing? Did you have any part into the wool dying process or felt making?

as for altering the pattern of the pants, if i may suggest; i always find it easier to start with a more symmetrical/ conventional pattern, and then modify, right away, or during assembling of the pieces. :o

here's the front:


the leather is deerskin lace handsewn around the edges (as as a drawstring on the shorts, which are machine sewed). ideally i would have liked to dye the wool myself and that's my next big project, but this is a blending of olive and grey merino that had previously been dyed at the farm. i hand felt all the wool in my small bathtub against the wishes of my drain.

i was a little ambitious on the shorts, and both of the patterns were DIY, makeshift scenarios.. then the shrinkage rates of the wool brought in another variable.

i'm gonna read up on patterning while i await my next shipment of wool. :cool:

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This is a small magazine with online component I've just launched. The magazine is entitled Document. If you have some time, I'd love some feedback from people on here on both the magazine, and the Weekly web based component.

www.documentmagazine.ca (free pdf of full first issue)

www.documentmagazine.ca/weeklies (recently launched weekly online compliment)

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hey guys, i'm going to do a shameless plug on here.

i have a comic running over at zuda comics (montly comic competition), and i'm getting destroyed in the ranking. it would be awesome if you can go over and check my comic out since the views on my comic is a lot lower than my competitors.

you can vote it 5 stars too. *wink* anyway, help me out sufu. i need a boost in the rankings!

here's the link, http://zudacomics.com/node/1634


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