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^that was sooooo good cam. i almost couldn't stop laughing.

i was doing a 7.5km (3km WU, 6 x 300m with 100m jog recovery, 2km CD) but i skimped on the cool down so i wasn't super late to uni.

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I may have to try actually running using Endo one of these days just to try the Peptalk feature.

Does one have to go to the Premium account to track interval training? It seems like all the apps care about is pace which is misleading in many of the runs we do. Pace is not everything.

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  On 3/11/2013 at 8:52 PM, ordo said:

I may have to try actually running using Endo one of these days just to try the Peptalk feature.

Does one have to go to the Premium account to track interval training? It seems like all the apps care about is pace which is misleading in many of the runs we do. Pace is not everything.

What is this peptalk feature you speak of? Its not like that embarrassing nike+ thing where at the end of your run you get paula radcliffe going "give yourself a big well done because you were great out there". Urgh. Spare me.

Agree about pace not being everything, if you're doing hillwork or fartleks then pace isnt going to be true.

Unless I get caught at traffic lights then I'll try and avoid pausing workout on the app.

Oh and for Jack, apparently i just have inflammation, had 5 mins of tissue massage, 5 mins of some laser and 20 mins of some electro magnet. 40 euros. Interestingly he said dotn apply heat, stick with ice and stretches. Couldnt give me an end date too which was somewhat irksome. CSB yes I know, but if anyone else ever has same problems might be useful.

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mmmm that is interesting! good to hear your getting to the bottom of it pand.

the pep talk features allows you to send a msg to someone while they are running and a computerized voice reads it out through your headphones. its pretty spot on to be honest, and it clearly works worldwide.

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  On 3/11/2013 at 11:06 PM, PAND said:

What is this peptalk feature you speak of? Its not like that embarrassing nike+ thing where at the end of your run you get paula radcliffe going "give yourself a big well done because you were great out there". Urgh. Spare me.

Peptalk is very useful for encouraging runners around the world with warnings about the dangers of various marsupials, updates on the amount of doughnuts one may currently be eating and the genius of Rolf Harris.

  On 3/11/2013 at 11:06 PM, PAND said:

Oh and for Jack, apparently i just have inflammation, had 5 mins of tissue massage, 5 mins of some laser and 20 mins of some electro magnet. 40 euros. Interestingly he said dotn apply heat, stick with ice and stretches.

It isn't surprising that you should ice your injuries. I have fought through injuries through my time running and my doctor has told me the vast majority of injuries should be treated by icing. It is very rare that you should apply heat - especially in the case of inflammation - heating only makes it worse.

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The pep talks are so cute <3

One of the few things I dislike about Endomondo is the disembodied robotic trainer voice. It's spooky when I'm running through a dark park and the disembodied voice of a dead personal trainer tells me how far I've ran.

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Ran for the first time in about 9 months yesterday after being laid off with an injury for the better part of two years. Finished 5k in a little under 23 minutes. I could have cut a little more off that but I'm just thrilled not to be in pain today. Desperately want to get back into running everyday, but I've just got to take it slow and keep from getting hurt again.

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Can a fella join without going through the endomondo step? I'm halfway through my marathon training. I'm a slow oldster so I'm just following Higdon's novice program.

I'm doing the Fargo marathon may 18th. Anyone else?

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  On 3/14/2013 at 9:34 PM, Phongables said:

So who's designing our SufuRunningClub (S.F.R.C) Varsity Jackets? TOJ?

if we can find someone to make something (even a coach jacket) I would snap that shit up so fast

  On 3/16/2013 at 3:24 AM, PRC. said:

Just downloaded the Endomondo app. Would you recommend the Pro version to daily runners or is the free version good enough?

I find works more than well enough.

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have any of you guys tried the nike flyknit racers? i need to invest in some racing flats in the next couple of weeks and have heard lots of good things. plus they look nice :) which makes a difference.

any recommendations? Predominately for half/full marathon running purposes.

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^ I know a couple of people who have no problems running long distances in them but for me I still end up in a lot of pain after a long run (occasional shin splints, soreness etc.) Could be due to the stiff midsole and lack of padding. Either way size up .5 on the racers because this will happen to you like it did me.


ps: I just ordered another pair. sign up for the newsletter and get $7off. Free shipping too. You wont find this deal anywhere. Will invest in some running insoles when the shoe arrives.



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  On 3/18/2013 at 3:21 AM, Lab said:

nice. if you saw a guy in leaf-print gyak saluting a dead duck outside the kayak rental station then that was me

I was in full gyak camo too that day, would've been weird to see someone else wearing the same thing.

  On 3/18/2013 at 8:48 AM, jackg said:

have any of you guys tried the nike flyknit racers?

I have the flyknit trainers. I don't like running long distances in them due to the sole, prefer my lunarspiders or frees.

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(have been neglecting the app while running) but, just visited boulder this weekend and did the trail starting at chautauqua going through the flatirons and to the top. stopped to snap a few pix on the way! (70* at base and gradually cools as you get up there)

not exactly sure how long it is one way but i know its at least 3 miles and you end at around 7200 ft elevation. wore some funky stuff but made it none the less! an awesome time and will be back in may :)

some people climbing about 1/3 the way from bottom:


view from half way up:


pic of the opposite side from the top:


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  On 3/18/2013 at 9:03 AM, Phongables said:

^ I know a couple of people who have no problems running long distances in them but for me I still end up in a lot of pain after a long run (occasional shin splints, soreness etc.) Could be due to the stiff midsole and lack of padding. Either way size up .5 on the racers because this will happen to you like it did me.

What this guy said.

It is extremely hard to navigate around with racers due to the narrow soles and the paddings are essentially two pieces of wood. Wore them three times and probably did ~30k, now I wear them to take out the garbage and dog walk.

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