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helicopter was brought out to shut down my afterparty


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Oliver Peoples

Dior Homme


Dior Homme


Hermes (no vis)

Rolex (no vis)

Bottega Veneta (no vis)

Edited by eL_Ronn
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Oliver Peoples

Dior Homme


Dior Homme


Hermes (no vis)

Rolex (no vis)

Bottega Veneta (no vis)



i'm really hoping that this is his walk-in closet, and all the lights illuminate teh cool accessories in the background a la batman.

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are you threatened by westside's reinstatement and his "the boss is back" thread?

analysts are predicting that his presence and new thread will weaken yr's.



also a couple of members had commented about yr eyebrows.  what's the 411 with those shits?  u pluckin?

did somebody shave them off when u was sleeping?  apparently u make all these jesus pieces that sell for alota pesos, but u can't even sculpt yr eyebrow too good.  do u and all yr celeb friends wax/bleach yr assholes together?  

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trying too hard

shut up

this or "zzzz" is like your crappy auto response/defense mechanism (because although you'd like too try hard, you lack the ability).

and what makes u think i r "trying too hard."  westside a high profile sufu fav.  his thread might steal yr thread's thunder.  i see you.  u scared.

yr funny eyebrows.  just wanted to know if you yourself manipulate them.


you shouldn't tell me or anyone else too shut up cause if we did yr thread would die.  u should be appreciatin.

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you're a shitty troll that is boring as fuck. I hate the way you type, it's fucking retarded. you aren't funny, and anyone who finds you funny is on the same level of nerd/geek that you are on. do you ever get out or are you on the computer all day and night? I'm sad for you bro


you've been on this site forever and have been in the same shitty place, a fucking loser. what have you done to better yourself all these years? absolutely nothing, you're still a little shit with no friends, actually wait... you got Internet friends. smh man, go out there and try to better yourself instead of trying to be witty on sufu for plus rep

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you're a shitty troll that is boring as fuck. I hate the way you type, it's fucking retarded. you aren't funny, and anyone who finds you funny is on the same level of nerd/geek that you are on. do you ever get out or are you on the computer all day and night? I'm sad for you bro



is it always the same song and dance with you? basically yr comeback repertoire is always shit like: ur boring, i don't like how you type, anyone that agree with u and not me is dumb. it's pretty pathetic that you actually took this long to say the exact same shit you always say. yo i don't like how you type, but i didn't bother mentioning it because i try not to hate on immigrants for their poor command of english. oh, you not an immigrant? then ur just not very smart. from april 2012 i got like 860 posts. that's not even much considering..., but do you really think it's that difficult 2 post this much with the allocated time? maybe for you, you fuckin dimwit.

dude, you wack and you know it. you just fishing for internet affirmation. then you cry like alittle bitch when people actually don't agree w/ you. tantrum much? yo get a looser diaper or something, you little shit. i'd feel sad for you ho, if it wasn't so much fun publicly clowning you.  what makes u think i'm trying hard?  easy to hate on  muppets like you.


Edited by SSchadenfreude
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can you pls refrain from sayin:


you boring


you reaching 

you try 2 hard


(or anything else in a similar vein...meaning i don't wanna see this stuff reworded)

Edited by SSchadenfreude
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you've been on this site forever and have been in the same shitty place, a fucking loser. what have you done to better yourself all these years? absolutely nothing, you're still a little shit with no friends, actually wait... you got Internet friends. smh man, go out there and try to better yourself instead of trying to be witty on sufu for plus rep


so better myself so i can buy gaudy shit to post pictures of on sufu for plus rep? big step up in the world there...

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I'll admit to some jealousy. El Ron apparently has that killer instinct that gets people paid, I'll give him credit for hustling. Lots  of other people on this site will go on to work unfulfilling jobs and lead generally unfulfilling lives letting other people make the decisions for them, some props to El Ron for getting to the level most everyone here secretly wants to be. 


Still tho, do some cooler shit. Stuff normal people (and even normal rich people) can't do. That's what I'm trying to see.

i get the cant knock the hustle concept

but for real you surely posted this in full awareness of how much of a toy he is? you have to be sure that your request wont be filled right?

no offense meant, im sure youre an alright guy, you just seem rather tasteless. la seems to be a pretty cool place; i'm sure you can find better (while still simp ass) stuff to do. i just don't understand how going to a club just to go, not for a specific show or event, is still a status thing. cart a wheelbarrow of bottles into a low end theory night, that would be ballin

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