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the thing with karma that gets me is dont you get judged when you're at heavens gates? isnt that the whole thing about heaven and hell? everything you've ever done in one big book and god either goes yay or nay. bang! you're in hell.

so technically, your karma is one big thing that happens at the end. or not. i always relate shit that happens to me, with shit that i did.

i got raised in a christian household, i believe in the god of my parents, but im wary about the whole institution of church(es) as a whole, so i dont go.

shit is a massive hypocritical cult.

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Wow... must say I'm astounded by the amoutn of hate for a christian here.

Who gets more satisfaction out of their belief/lack thereof? The Christian, or the atheist?

Atheist gets smug satisfaction that the christian is 'wrong', but do they really take advantage? Society and the law effectively hamstring us from being truly amoral. Or at least don't do so any more than Christians.

Christian gets a bit of pity for the unenlightened, and a minor sense of purpose/superiority. Not sinning isn't only a matter of being good cuz of society/law, you actually get rewarded for it. But really they'll sin just as much as the atheist, cuz you can always ask forgiveness (bonus)

edit: Jimbo, are you thinking of 'My Name is Earl'?

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Wow... must say I'm astounded by the amoutn of hate for a christian here.

Who gets more satisfaction out of their belief/lack thereof? The Christian, or the atheist?

Atheist gets smug satisfaction that the christian is 'wrong', but do they really take advantage? Society and the law effectively hamstring us from being truly amoral. Or at least don't do so any more than Christians.

Christian gets a bit of pity for the unenlightened, and a minor sense of purpose/superiority. Not sinning isn't only a matter of being good cuz of society/law, you actually get rewarded for it. But really they'll sin just as much as the atheist, cuz you can always ask forgiveness (bonus)

edit: Jimbo, are you thinking of 'My Name is Earl'?

Religion is stupid and so is this post.

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I'm an agnostic humanist, I like to believe that my actions and morality are my own, not the result of a "soul" or due to the worship or belief in a god or higher power. Man should take control and responsibility for his own actions and life. Fate is bullshit, karma is bullshit. Nothing is predetermined.

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On a side note, I'm open to the possibility of some sort of higher "being" that may have had a hand in starting off the universe as we understand it but the god of the bible is a petty, vengeful jerk and doesn't deserve my worship even if he exists. He's a celestial dictator basically.

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Karma doesn't have anything to do with gods, or God.

Its basically just every action has an effect for better or for worse. We understand this in physics, it would make sense for it work on a larger, and more human scale, I think.

Today on my walk home I saw a car that had left its light on. I went up to the person door to let them know they were about to kill their battery. They said thanks, I said your welcome, then walked away. Hopefully this means I win the lottery. Or something.

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wow you know all this time i lived there i never knew that?? i guess i kinda just tuned out all thoughts and memories of that place including the necessity to learn about it.

but that pic kinda makes sense now, that when not plagued with malicious allergenic content, my voice sounds something like tom waits sucking down molten lava burning a thousand cigarettes, through a rust-tinged broken crackpipe.

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maybe so for the ones who live there but i travel there like 15 times a year and it's always quiet, reminds me of Pleasantville. I'm thinking Carrollton, Farmers Branch and Coppell where I stay.

I ain't gonna lie Houston's shit got fucked up from the Katrina refugee's. The crime rate when up faster than an erection.

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