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its a breakthrough because I just quit a night job I had teaching high school girls at a cram school partly because it was getting a little close in there and I am not AirJamie.

you're a better man than AJ or I, for sure.

especially me, because i would've been in jail by now considering that situation.

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^ reminds me that I once tried to do a Wong Kar Wai location hunt in Hong Kong and stopped before I even got to Midnight Express. Hong Kong at night time is a lot grodier than I imagined beforehand and frankly walking up into Chungking Mansions and being accosted by Pakistanis trying to sell me shit, trying not to step on bloody maxi pads, and making sure my wallet wasn't getting pinched was enough for me.

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i am crazy in love...when i tell people about it they act like i am straight crazy...i knew i was in love with this woman before we had even met...and everyday sometime happens that makes me love her more and more....

i don't remember ever feeling like this my whole life i feel bulletproof...it makes everything in my life better...

i never thought i would met someone as intelligent...beautiful...everything...everything she does is incredible...i feel like my whole life has just been leading up to this point...

i feel like it can only get better from here...better and better....

i am so in love that it truly is its own reward...

But does Minya feel the same way, Hap? :P

Kidding! Congrats dude; amazing stuff.

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so tomorrow is my day off of work and i notice that usually on the eve of that i spend way too much time on this site. ive been on an off for at least 4 hours today.

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i don't know what to wearrrr........

Wear you Jeans back to front.....kris kross...and velcro your velcros to the wrong velcro:eek:

Nice one Hap! I haven't had a girlfriend for years......lost the mojo.....slipping into howard hughes hermitisim....pattern needs more here......pattern needs more here

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So im kinda low at the moment. I had practice with my band, sleep walked through a set, then when the singer turned his amp up to jam out and have some fun, I just thought fuck it and walked out. Unfortunately I had to give the drummer a lift home so I just sat in the carpark for 20mins untill he came out. I didnt talk to him untill he out out of the car, and then just said bye. We have to do a small gig on monday and I really dont want to. I dont feel comfortable jamming let alone playing along to songs on a stage. I just feel abit 3rd person and zombie like at the mo, and dont want to see anybody. I wanted to tell the band to fuck off and ill quit but thought id better not because after losing all my uni friends tthey are all I have, and although its not fun for me at the mo I get to drive about at night and recording is ok.

Everything is so pointless and trivial and grey and flat for me.

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So I've noticed I have a problem with assuming what other people are thinking (im sure everyone does this to some extent, right?)..but I take it a little far sometimes to where I sort of create a character in my head for someone I've never even spoken to. I can even have faux-arguments/conversations with them based on what I think they think/act like. I'm usually pretty pessimistic in my assumptions and it leads to me hating people I've never said a word to.

I'm also a bit picky with chicks and so when I see/meet one I really like I become a bit obsessed, and put them on a pedestal...I'm usually a really social easy-to-talk to person but that all goes away...it sucks.

I'm not sure if any of this is unusual just stuff i've noticed about me.

I can relate to alot of this.

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Guest Airjamie
i am crazy in love...when i tell people about it they act like i am straight crazy...i knew i was in love with this woman before we had even met...and everyday sometime happens that makes me love her more and more....

i don't remember ever feeling like this my whole life i feel bulletproof...it makes everything in my life better...

i never thought i would met someone as intelligent...beautiful...everything...everything she does is incredible...i feel like my whole life has just been leading up to this point...

i feel like it can only get better from here...better and better....

i am so in love that it truly is its own reward...

I gave this exact same speech the first time I tried coke.

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So im kinda low at the moment. I had practice with my band, sleep walked through a set, then when the singer turned his amp up to jam out and have some fun, I just thought fuck it and walked out. Unfortunately I had to give the drummer a lift home so I just sat in the carpark for 20mins untill he came out. I didnt talk to him untill he out out of the car, and then just said bye. We have to do a small gig on monday and I really dont want to. I dont feel comfortable jamming let alone playing along to songs on a stage. I just feel abit 3rd person and zombie like at the mo, and dont want to see anybody. I wanted to tell the band to fuck off and ill quit but thought id better not because after losing all my uni friends tthey are all I have, and although its not fun for me at the mo I get to drive about at night and recording is ok.

Everything is so pointless and trivial and grey and flat for me.

i understand how you feel. ive been there many times. things will get better, just keep on going.

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Thanks guys, I was woken up today by my friend ( singer ) knocking on my door, I lept out of bed ( hoping for an amazon parcel ), he basically said I need ear plugs, and that he only wants me to be happy, and that he wants me to stay and I need'nt worry about the gig or practice and that im under no obligation. He just wanted to make me feel ok because he likes me and my music best when im having fun. I kinda didnt really want to deal with people though. Sometimes, even though I know it will pass, I dont really care about anyone or thing in the meantime...

Hes a good friend and has done alot for me, his attitude towards music is pretty much - do what you want, if you dont like it dont do it,- hes all about having fun and enjoying music.

I also got a letter from my girl today, and it really really lifted my mood, made me feel less cold and hard or uptight.

Im still in a strange mood, all the colours are different for some reason today and sounds seem to have changed too. Also books and whatnot seem to hold some importance again and have stumbled across some patterns in them ( connections, relevancies sp? ) that interest me. Im going to have a quiet day and just eat and clean and read and play, my brain seems quiet and off camber.

Im still not drinking or smoking or doing drugs or any sort, I dont know why I get like this, I thinks it the moon or the weather or something.

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Am I fucked up if I dream about hurting/potentially killing somebody? Last night I had a dream, in where this guy was talking to my girlfriend and for some reason I got pissed, and ran to my garage and took a bat and chased him. He started to run but I told him to come back, as he slowly did, his friend tried to tackle me, but in midair I took the handle of the bat and broke over his face where he then either got KO'd or Died. I woke up before he moved. I also sometimes think about different ways to fuck somebody up, just imaging about from the position where I am at, and the position where the person is at. What are different ways I can knock the person out before him getting fully worked up.

Someone told me that everybody thinks like this, true?

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ah im just underwhelmed because i'd rather not put all my eggs in one basket, since he might not move back here after he finishes tour at the end of april. plus it's been going on for so long, i'm beyond the point of getting estatic. once i see him again it might change.

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hes going to be exposed to an environment filled with drugs,booze and women sneaking back to thier hotels. i say dont get attached untill you know what hes about. he basically has the upper hand.he has you at home waiting while hes out having his way.

ah im just underwhelmed because i'd rather not put all my eggs in one basket, since he might not move back here after he finishes tour at the end of april. plus it's been going on for so long, i'm beyond the point of getting estatic. once i see him again it might change.
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hes going to be exposed to an environment filled with drugs,booze and women sneaking back to thier hotels. i say dont get attached untill you know what hes about. he basically has the upper hand.he has you at home waiting while hes out having his way.

yea guys are bastards . i'm a guy too but its not our fault, its our hormones.:D

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Guest Airjamie
canice the player .... lol

thats how i usually feel with a girl .. i like her when im chasing after her... but ince i get her ... i lose interest

Team begs always speaks truth.

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hes going to be exposed to an environment filled with drugs,booze and women sneaking back to thier hotels. i say dont get attached untill you know what hes about. he basically has the upper hand.he has you at home waiting while hes out having his way.

ah i don't think i have much to worry about... he's straightedge, and even if he sleeps with another girl i've dated a few guys in our "off" periods so it's fair game.

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