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I hate that I know the name of this cute girl at work but have never actually talked to her. I've made eyes and caught glances in passing, but since she works in another part of the camp entirely there's no real basis for interaction. But somehow I'm facebook friends with her sister who I've said maybe 3 words too in total. Weird/lame.

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Say hi ? Or smile. Unless you have a creepy smile.

These situations suck. But I say go for it, she could be thinking the same thaanngg..

I've been told I have a nice smile.

May as well. Only two weeks left of work as it is.

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hum yeah frustration is hassle, but i meant... it will be frustrating, but at least he won't have to do this effort to approach the girl, this isn't easy and require courage and confidence, that is sometimes hard to find in this kinda situation if you're not used to it. it happens to me sometime, and i always regreat not to have done the first step. but i catch up with some others so that's fine.

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im never commited to anything anymore, i dont skateboard as much as i used to, i dont study as much as i used to, and ive completely forgotten how to play guitar. Another thing, i believe everyday that passes im getting dumber by the second, my marks have dropped incredibly low and lately ive tried to jog up my memory through small things like random multiplications, count the number of letters in each word i see, trying the 'memorize 1 word from the dictionary' thing which doesnt really work cause im not commited

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I'm kind of nervous about dorming

(because my roomate is gay)

NO OFFENSE TO GAY PEOPLE OR ANYTHING. l NO HOMOPHOBOB. I just don't want to walk in on gay sex or anything. I hope he's not one of the bitchy gays...

^ ^

instantly that picture of that creepy black guy with the words "you gonna get raped" underneath it popped into my head.

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my gay suitemate once ran into my room screaming "he couldn't get it up"

he then proceeded to tell me that a naked 40y.o. homeless man was in his room sleeping in his covers

and that, my friends, was the first time i was traumitized.

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im never commited to anything anymore, i dont skateboard as much as i used to, i dont study as much as i used to, and ive completely forgotten how to play guitar. Another thing, i believe everyday that passes im getting dumber by the second, my marks have dropped incredibly low and lately ive tried to jog up my memory through small things like random multiplications, count the number of letters in each word i see, trying the 'memorize 1 word from the dictionary' thing which doesnt really work cause im not commited

You could have just typed 'im lazy' and saved us a few sentences.

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You could have just typed 'im lazy' and saved us a few sentences.

and you could have just chosen to not read it, ive seen people type 'stories' in here and you consider mine long? My confessional may have not been interesting or straight to the point but it doesn't mean im lazy and unwilling to type

Edit: Congrats Astro, hope that one month turns into two

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so i was reading a scholarship forum...

I'm not a drinker, nor have I tried drugs. It messed up my 2 favourite cousin's future and my old best friend. I hate those guys so much now.

My dad drank (Heavily) and did drugs (in his younger years) but straightened up. Thank god or else I'd be living in a trailer with no computer.

I have drank a beer and had some wine and HATED both.

What do I do for fun? Play Video games, I'm hardcore gamer so tons of fun there. Looking forward to the new games coming. And quoting yet again anouther seinfeld episode (as I often do in real life)

"Are you saying Wine is better than Pepsi? *snort laugh* NO WAY Wine is better than Pepsi" - George Castandza

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yeah good luck jeep, this is never easy but so worth it. hasslefree frustration vs. braveryful accomplishment, your choice.

+rep to freecat & marie

Yeah jeep, you cannot avoid this subject. Failing to do something as easy as say "hi" and introduce yourself because of hesitation is something that'll haunt you for the rest of your life. Only way to deal-with/get-over it is to just accept the nervousness and do your thing. I can think of no better excuse to holler at someone than what you said earlier:

-you don't work in the same camp, BUT you've seen her around

-you want to meet her

he's not one of the big, strong gays. i could take him if he tried to rape.


I will be nice though. and not judge.... -_-.

you know what's kinda better + worse? Being room-mates with a hot chick.

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i have my own gel-based, but i prefer the white-strip kind on my grundel for whatever reason. and if i can't borrow from her, who can i borrow from? we're family by injection.

kan kop lanvins kan kop $4 A&H deodorant/antiperspirant you gigantor

how about roommates with a hot chick with a boyfriend and thin walls?

roommates banging and chicks callin' out dudez names (hot/busted makes no diff) is gnarly----- I don't miss dat shit at all (shivers.....)

I always said there should be a box on each side of the wall so you could bang on both sides of the wall and touch the box for the tri-force of boning powerup like Captain Planet

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my buddies gf was being a bitch last night, we were all going to a show and i told her roommate (our other friend) i'd meet them down there. then she gave me a call asking where the hell i was, they were waiting for me, i said i'd meet you at the show! then she got all on me worried they were going to miss the start since they were waiting for me, but they had tons of time since the the show didn't start for an hour ,this is the actual show start time, not the given time on the tickets, the person i was with works for the promoters and always knows the true start times for shows and the GF knows this, but for some reason she was just being a bitch and didn't seem to believe me. then after the show she tells me for the millionth time that she thinks i should switch the drops on my bike for risers, what the fuck do you know? riding a fixie for like 2 weeks, i like my drops. and then on the way home i find out that she was saying how wasted i was that night when i had only had 1 beer. But that could have just been a mistake from my other buddies wife because she is an idiot.

fuck, i feel like a bitch doing all this bitching

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and you could have just chosen to not read it, ive seen people type 'stories' in here and you consider mine long? My confessional may have not been interesting or straight to the point but it doesn't mean im lazy and unwilling to type

Edit: Congrats Astro, hope that one month turns into two

The point of your confessional was you are lazy. Suck it up bitch. Don't get butt hurt over someones response to your confession.

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