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I think I'm slightly claustrophobic...when I'm really close to other people I get really self-conscious. When I put on my headphones in the car if I'm riding with other people, I can feel myself breathing heavier..

i was on a plane a month ago and had the VERY last window seat in a tiny 2 row plane that went from cincinatti to philly. I was exhausted so I slept through most of it, but when i came around for about the 10 minutes before landing, I began to hyperventilate. It really fucking sucked. first time too.

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i was on a plane a month ago and had the VERY last window seat in a tiny 2 row plane that went from cincinatti to philly. I was exhausted so I slept through most of it, but when i came around for about the 10 minutes before landing, I began to hyperventilate. It really fucking sucked. first time too.

The first time I went on an airplane was in 2001, when I was 13. I went to the bahamas by myself...when the first plane took off I felt my insides rise up, I was nervous as hell..I had an outside seat though.

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i was on a plane a month ago and had the VERY last window seat in a tiny 2 row plane that went from cincinatti to philly. I was exhausted so I slept through most of it, but when i came around for about the 10 minutes before landing, I began to hyperventilate. It really fucking sucked. first time too.

I used to hyperventilate and have panic attacks and shit when I was on drugs. But no drugs... no panic.

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^^Mizanation's book of self help: chapter 23 Visualizing....Your Goals!

you speak the truf...

let me break down the gist of all the self-help books i’ve read:

1) create a positive self-image. imagine yourself the way you want to be, your perfect self in every way–professionally, mentally, physically, etc.

2) focus on this self-image everyday, constantly. you’re mind will go into auto-pilot and create what Dr. Maltz calls a “success mechanismâ€â€“if you visualize your success, your mind will automatically make it happen.

from his blog.

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It's hard to be frugal when you know that you have money in the bank.

dats duh troof daawg.

i have much dinero in duh bank (though i could spend it in a heart beat), considering i make no monthly payments and owe no money, yet i'm afraid to spend it in fear that someday i'll need it, want it, or wish i still had it. its like im hoarding deh dollaz.

and no, i'm not giving you fellaz any.

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All my insecurities come out in my dreams. If I'm stressed about something I'll dream about the worst case scenario...which somehow always makes me feel better. Anyone else do this?

Dreams are nothing more than random firings of neurons in your brain during REM sleep. Don't think anything of 'em.

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Dreams are nothing more than random firings of neurons in your brain during REM sleep. Don't think anything of 'em.

I'm not trying to interpret them...but it's strange that if something is bothering me, it surfaces when I'm asleep. They've never affected my behavior but they do give me peace of mind.

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I think I'm slightly claustrophobic...when I'm really close to other people I get really self-conscious. When I put on my headphones in the car if I'm riding with other people, I can feel myself breathing heavier..

smokin pcp?

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Yesterday I sent omc a friend request on myspace, he accepted and my number of friends went up by one (I try and keep no more than 2 pages, i've let slip a little further but I try and keep it low so I can find people).

So just now I notice, I'm back to my pre-omc number.

Someone deleted me.

I am now trying to figure out who it was, and I can't...

The fact that you and OMC have Myspaces is tempting me to start one, and in my many years on the internet the only social networking site I have yet to join was last.fm, and I only even used that for like 3 days.

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convo with me and my best friend (girl) talking. shit i didnt even know what to say after

xpost from the aim thread:

rockinarwa27: neto you were in my dream last night

xxbrandnew1: whats your dream?

rockinarwa27: haha its one of those akward dreams thats funny to tell to the ppl who were in it

xxbrandnew1: haha

xxbrandnew1: like farah selling cars?

rockinarwa27: hahah no

xxbrandnew1: ohh

rockinarwa27: like thats normal

rockinarwa27: you wanna know the dream?

xxbrandnew1: yea

rockinarwa27: hah okay fine

rockinarwa27: so i went over to your house, and we were in your room and we were watching tv on your bed and we had a bowl of gummy bears haha and we were just chilllin and laughin and what not then i kissed you, and i just pretended like i didn't haha and then we started making out, and your door was open and your sister saw us and you got up and closed the dooor hahah, there you gothat akward dream tellign too ppl who were in it LOL

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xxbrandnew1: yea

rockinarwa27: hah okay fine

rockinarwa27: so i went over to your house, and we were in your room and we were watching tv on your bed and we had a bowl of gummy bears haha and we were just chilllin and laughin and what not then i kissed you, and i just pretended like i didn't haha and then we started making out, and your door was open and your sister saw us and you got up and closed the dooor hahah, there you gothat akward dream tellign too ppl who were in it LOL

Correct answer:

xxbrandnew1: so are we going to fuck now or what?

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Myspace is what you make of it. It can be really lame I guess and I can understand some people hating it, but it's just another outlet to talk to friends, and an easy way to share photos and stuff like that will all of your friends/e-friends/etc.

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so, jane, i had this dream last night ahaha you know that dream hahaha where hahahaa i ahaah gummi ahahahaha breasts ahahahaahahaaahahahahaa, hot sauce on ahahahhaahahaahahahahahahaa gynecology finals at Harvard ahahhahahahaa.

you know, that dream?

EDIT: yeah Serv, myspace it up.

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