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you're supposed to sleep with it between your legs sideways to help your back

I tried it last night and didnt really feel anything different about by back. Will continue on for the remainder of the week and probably feel the results by then.

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does anyone in sufu not like murakami?

rather can anyone point out a specific part about it they liked?

it reads fast so i give credit for that

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i twisted my knee getting out of my friends car. totally stupid. as i was getting out of the coupe, my left foot got tangled in the driver's seatbelt and i tried to hold myself up with the door which was part way open. my friend opened the door all of the way, so i fell to the ground with my foot hella tangled in the fucking seatbelt. clumsy/friday the 13th.

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still verrry drunk from last night's over indulgences, my real life friends are still asleep. just looking for a bit of companionship, even if it comes from the internet. hi guys!

edit: anyone else have a serious problem with undersleeping after nights of heavy boozing? its a serious inconvenience.

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I think i'm becoming an alcoholic, and it IS a problem, though I tell myself it isnt, and justify my drinking in stupid ways.

I don't remember the last day I didnt go to sleep by passing out, and its 5 in the afternoon right now and im drunk.

Not to mention I keep drinking swill, whatevers cheapest ill get. Right now im imbibing on St. Ides 40s....wtf.

I tell myself I drink because theres nothing else to do, and hell... i want to, so why deny myself the pleasure. But its more than that, my fathers a terrible alcoholic and alwatys has been, so is his father, and my mothers father died 2 years ago...much too soon due to his alcoholism. so clearlyt i dont have genetics working on my side.

its so sad, in a way. i feel like i could have been more, done more, this summer, but i did nothing.

hopefully once school starts ill get back in check. but even then, id get off the train after my commute, liquor store literally RIGHT in front of my stop, id grab a personal and slowly drink it as i did my school work.

id like to say it wouldnt be a problem if i lived my life like i always do, but thats not really true.

cant even drive, got a dwi. wtf is wrong with me

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