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When I was a kid, I used to get up in the middle of the night and piss into this ( not my original model but almost exact)


When the back would get full, I would proceed to dump it down the air vents, Sometimes when I was really lazy, I would just turn over in bed and piss directly down the vents,as the vent was right beside my bed

All was well until it became cold and the heat was turned on, the smell permiated the entire house. The jig was up, and I got spanked like you wouldn't believe

I also once took a dump right on my uncles lap, but he was wearing a polyester disco suit, so he had it coming

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I just ate Hamburger Helper for the first time.

Shit was super salty and really good.

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  kiya said:
I just ate Hamburger Helper for the first time.

Shit was super salty and really good.

i havent probably ate this in 10 years or more. almost sad i cant eat random food like this anymore.

  jl.1212 said:
dont care what you say, im craving a pizza hot pocket

hot pockets would still be the shit like in elementary school if they didnt add junk like cheeseburger and ham/cheese to taint the name


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  broken_dubz said:
everything my flatmate does is getting on my nerves. he doesnt do anything deliberate, but his way of life annoys the hell out of me.

I know what this is like, felt the same way about one of my room mates (who was already a friend, I chose to live with him.) Basically I would give him a lot of shit for stuff he did and eventually he just confronted me and told him how it made him feel. We talked it out and he's been working on making an effort to change and I've been generally nicer and not as quick to criticize. Might be worth being upfront with him, me and my friends relationship is better now cause of talking it out.

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I hate when my mother drinks and get drunk. She keep screaming at everybody. The worst part is it really affects my little brother and this makes me more sad than my drunk mother. I love my little brother, even if I have to fight him/ even if we keep screaming at each other.

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i think i have sufu on my mind too much...

was pretty high with an old friend

he just got a strap, so i asked him where he kept it and he said behind his pants

me - "how do you keep it from falling?"

him - "don't trip! cuzz i wear 7jeans nigga!"

then i laughed hysterically thinking to myself in my head "fuck i'm so going to post this shit"

still pretty lit, i don't know if this makes any sense but when he said that my mind imploded.

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i've lost 8lb in 10 days due to this stupid sickness and the odd raw spot on the roof of my mouth. it's like i ate a ton of s&v chips or something, without the deliciousness usually involved. i decided to quit babying it and eating so little; walked over to the grocery store at 1am, dropped $90 on a bunch of shit, and couldn't feel better (other than the continued pain when eating).

ben and jerry's too?! hell yes. i'm not going to be robbed of the best half-a-month of the year for gluttony.

also, this has obviously fucked with my sleeping habit. going to bed when it starts getting light, waking up when it's dark. ugh.

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Nah it's not working for me either.

I'm so fucking bored. It's nearly 5am, my internets down so I'm on my phone checking superfuture. I hate that I can't sleep at reasonable hours as of late. Too much on my mind I guess. Tomorrow should be fun though, going to go up to sf with some friends. Haven't been there since September

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  dino might! said:
not sure how much longer i can keep up with a job a school and a girlfriend all at once

this method acting going through the motions robot life shit is realllly starting to wear on me

time for a lenny kravitz-style massive haircut/shave experience. might lighten the load a little bit. or maybe you'll just be freezing in this ny winter with a bare face. but at least you'll be feeling something different.

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not sure if there will be another time in my life that i will go bare-faced. not unless my bone structure changes or i become completely apathetic about my appearance.

straight BITCH status when the upper lip isnt covered. donno what it is.

but ill trim up in due time, whenever that comes

*edit- just realized my growing my hair out the entire year will be the first and only new years resolution ive kept in my life

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im going to see too short tonight at a club...thing is i have a final the next morning at 8. If i ever used 'fml' it would def be for this but i don't and wont so imma just suck it up and take my final drunk or with no sleep, i havn't decided yet.

Always on that college binge drinkin concept

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confession: the biggest reason i like vietnam is because all the girls have the gap. have yet to seen one without one. it's like all those girls in the states and even korea where you think "she would be hot if she lost some weight" are actually hot here.

is that super enough of a confession?

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