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to be honest, the only thing that's keeping me motivated at this unpaid, sloowww internship is the fact that i can now put this agency name on my resume...even though i'm barely learning anything, potential future employers don't need to know that..

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jeep i know what you mean it's gotta be same for loads of people coming back to their hometown. things feel so slow and boring ... but hey at least you got a job.

what kinda internship you doin dolly ?

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The several circumstances above could not define my summer any more accurately. Broke, hot, exile, ill

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its such a double edged sword

right now im glad that im starting my internship soon because i'm spending money too quickly by going out excessively almost every night

but once it starts i'm sure i'll wish i could just be in vienna with my friends and hang out without spending that much money

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^ after a pm conversation i had with him, he infracted a post that was several weeks old :o

i take it you mean the one where infractions were given after posts being reported?

don't try and make yourself look like a badarse, when those infractions were across the board.

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I hate my job as well, I've been working there for almost a year and I really haven't done anything meaningful, I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything. I don't really say much at work because I don't have much in common with my co-workers because all of them are old enough to be my mother.

I wish I could have gone to a school up north for college. I need to get away from this town and the people here that only care about college football.

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that'd be cool if we were able to give infractions to mods too.

this is kinda funny.

the infractions were given out because a user reported a post in a thread, this is something that can and does happen.

if you really think that there are moderators that are posting stuff that needs to be infracted then go ahead and report these posts.

just bear in mind that infractions are not rep, and it is not a popularity contest.

my confession:

sometimes i think that the rep system is the worst thing to happen to superfuture.

there are users that don't have very much that i have learnt amazing things from, users that have spent a whole lot of time translating as a service, sharing information on local spots when people are about to travel there.

sometimes i am tempted to give people huge amounts of rep to make things right.

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hap: then if you think the rep system is the worse thing can't you help it die ? i mean, i think it's a cool system to leave nice messages when you don't feel like sending a pm. but the whole point system make it bad. it could be great to keep the system but without inflation of point or anything, just as something to make small comments.

as for the infraction on posts i would never snitch anyway. but i'm an admin and mod at some other forums, not as big as sf but close, and all i know is that i've never banned popular members especially the content bringers (unless they did something really bad like scamming or spamming) because each time either semi-revolution or bad ambiance ensued when it happened. rebellious members always get straigh eventually. it's not a fuckin city burning it's just a forum. but i've seen this behavior on mods and admins since the very first forums i participated in more than 10 years ago. they think that the sanity of their forum is jeopardized by influent members and expel them before they even have time to stop. forums can be very IIIrd reich-ish sometimes.

my 2 cents

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I can't I have to stay here for school.

I've thought about it though. Right now I'm saving up for an extended vacation next summer. I need to see different places/ do other things.

Transferring might be worth the headache. I went from Tulsa to Chicago. Best decision, ever

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you make pretty good point about the rep system.

although if you think that banning high profile members causes a fuss would do you think would happen if people suddenly lost the reputation points?

as an admin of a forum, i am sure you understand that the job and that of moderators is more than just punishment for rules broken.

in fact a whole lot of it is like editing, you are after the best content for the board, as that is what makes boards good and thrive. when you talk about not banning the content bringers, i wonder what you mean by content.

i have always made a differentiation between posts and content, and offhand i can't recall any permanent bans of people who really were bringing that much content, unless they were scamming/spamming.

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cwgs always sit next to me on the train.

one time i got surrounded by 3 on their way to a britney spears concert in newark nj.

singing loud as fuck.

home made sparkle tshirts.

they were 24 years old.

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I enjoyed the old rep system more than this because every time you would move up a notch or two, you would have a comment representing your rep like 'rep machine' or '___ has hit rep-o-rama'

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cwgs always sit next to me on the train.

one time i got surrounded by 3 on their way to a britney spears concert in newark nj.

singing loud as fuck.

home made sparkle tshirts.

they were 24 years old.

you should have ended them

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