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Tonight I heard my sister sneak someone up stairs. I thought it was her friend (girl) but when I knocked on her door I knew something was up. I was sneaky and looked in the reflection of her mirror and saw a 40oz. bottle of old E in a shoe (boys shoe). So, I kicked the guy out,(he had a skateboard??) but not wanting to be the bad guy, I let her go too... was this a bad idea? I hope nothing bad happens :(

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ah, she's 17, so it isn't that bad, I just don't like strange people sneaking around and messing with my sister. The strange thing is that I was drinking a beer while watching TV earlier (like 25 minutes before i came upstairs) and I asked her if she wanted a sip and she said "no" and made a face like 'yuck' and now she is out behind my garage drinking if up with some guy who goes by 'mule'...

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ah, she's 17, so it isn't that bad, I just don't like strange people sneaking around and messing with my sister. The strange thing is that I was drinking a beer while watching TV earlier (like 25 minutes before i came upstairs) and I asked her if she wanted a sip and she said "no" and made a face like 'yuck' and now she is out behind my garage drinking if up with some guy who goes by 'mule'...

you're a terrible brother.

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Guest Airjamie
the girl i have crush on said we cudnt be together.. never told me why

today she told me.. shes leaving in 2 weeks..




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You didn't attract her.

You gotta stop with the "crush" thing man. Nothing good ever comes from it. At least she was nice enough to let you down easy.

Women are fickle creatures. They are driven by emotions, not logical reasoning like men. Engage their emotions. Never tell them how you feel, show them. Lead them. Don't compliment them all the time (or ever). Always show that you're willing to leave. You are the prize.

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I'm not in jail!

Truck broke down, so I went and picked up some old pos we had sitting at erik's to drive for a couple of days while that's getting fixed.

no tags, no plates, no insurance....and pot in the car

and the cop let me off with nothing. and let me keep my pot. told me to "get rid of it"

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