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Guest Airjamie
  jeepster said:

i don't check barney's online store for a week and they have iron army's in...

what is the world coming too.

chamomile tea is good.

Topman raw selvage is $60

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Guest Airjamie
  jeepster said:
yeah. i just saw those - how do they run waist wise? size up/down/all around town? im more than happy to only spend $70 on a pair of selvage jeans.

No idea. ill search for a thread.

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My work has a no denim/no sneakers code now but doesn't really specify anything else so today I wore some of those Uniqlo vintage chinos pinrolled, Milspex low/or lower, and Wallabees thinking it'd piss people off but then I realized I work with a bunch of slobs.

I am gonna start rooming with a friend this weekend and plan on breaking my current apt's lease the way I always do- by telling people to fuck off, then just leaving in the middle of the night and not paying for shit and maybe changing my cell phone number.

I am way too old to be doing either of the above but fuck it.

My girlfriend who broke up with me via text message 2 weeks ago broke down at 13 days after she sent me her "let's break up" text and I never replied or called her back. I stopped by and saw her on my way home from work and laid some pipe and she texted me back the next morning saying "have a nice day at work, i felt better after seeing you last night". In the meantime I've not cared about her breaking up with me these past 2 weeks and gotten used to going back out on the streets getting drunk and hollering at girls, so I think I'm gonna drag girlfriend along for a couple weeks then it's my turn to break up with her, muahaha.

I was walking up some stairs at a pub last week when some Korean girl with at least EE cups and a normal waist was walking down the stairs and we ended up going someplace more quiet. If you'v ever seen a quantity of Korean girls you'd know how auspicious EE cups on a non-fat girl are. I wanted to pitch my line and scale those fuckers in celebration.

Yeah anyway I am experiencing this revival of my teen years and am enjoying the hell out myself.

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I have an amateur photography shoot tomorrow, and I accidentally broke my camera today by dropping it.

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My girlfriend called me and told me that she's sick. She went to the doctors and the physician told her that we've been having too much sex. I never knew women could get sick from having too much sex.

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actually, its kinda strange... its not always. its just some girls. like my last ex was fine, but this other girl its quick. she also has a really tight pussy...

fuck, i dont know. i dont drink or do drugs enough to be dependednt on that for sex. and the girls usually still get off... and yes, i can tell.

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maybe its exhaustion?

  djrajio said:
My girlfriend called me and told me that she's sick. She went to the doctors and the physician told her that we've been having too much sex. I never knew women could get sick from having too much sex.
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  djrajio said:
My girlfriend called me and told me that she's sick. She went to the doctors and the physician told her that we've been having too much sex. I never knew women could get sick from having too much sex.

there's only one cure, and that is even more sex.

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i wonder if someone used that excuse to tell a girl to her face. " damn baby, my bad, just your pussy is so tight."lol

  cheep said:
actually, its kinda strange... its not always. its just some girls. like my last ex was fine, but this other girl its quick. she also has a really tight pussy...

fuck, i dont know. i dont drink or do drugs enough to be dependednt on that for sex. and the girls usually still get off... and yes, i can tell.

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  djrajio said:
My girlfriend called me and told me that she's sick. She went to the doctors and the physician told her that we've been having too much sex. I never knew women could get sick from having too much sex.

i think you're operating on a whole new level, my man.

  cheep said:
actually, its kinda strange... its not always. its just some girls. like my last ex was fine, but this other girl its quick. she also has a really tight pussy...

fuck, i dont know. i dont drink or do drugs enough to be dependednt on that for sex. and the girls usually still get off... and yes, i can tell.

definitely depends on who you're with. sometimes, the right chick is the best fix.

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  cuddlysheep said:
maybe its exhaustion?

She told me it has something to do with peeing frequently and then having sex continuously which causes the body to become more susceptible to viruses...weather its true or not I have no idea. Maybe some Sufu females could enlighten me?

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is this a doctor in japan saying this? with countless hours listening to "love lines" with dr.drew on the radio .first time i heard about something like that. but wait..

"peeing frequently and then having sex continuously"

so what causes her to pee frequently?she has a weak bladder?might need to look into that.

  djrajio said:
She told me it has something to do with peeing frequently and then having sex continuously which causes the body to become more susceptible to viruses...weather its true or not I have no idea. Maybe some Sufu females could enlighten me?
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  djrajio said:
My girlfriend called me and told me that she's sick. She went to the doctors and the physician told her that we've been having too much sex. I never knew women could get sick from having too much sex.

I think this translates from Japanese to English:

"you have gonorrhea, very sorry."

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  djrajio said:
She told me it has something to do with peeing frequently and then having sex continuously which causes the body to become more susceptible to viruses...weather its true or not I have no idea. Maybe some Sufu females could enlighten me?

this has happened to girlfriends of mine.

too much sex inhibits her vagina's ability to produce secretions which protect it

from viruses and bacteria, because it is too busy producing the kinds of secretions

which prepare it for hardcore all-over-the-place fucking. plus, after the fucking,

the vagina doesn't automatically switch back into producing self-defense goo, it

needs time to dry out and repair all the small tears and strain that huge djrajio

penis causes, then it can get its slimy shield up to 100%.

keep breaking the seal, and the product is susceptible to damage.

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case is closed. very interesting.:rolleyes:

i wonder if theres such a case with guys. for i.e: we cant go commando for consecutive days. or our nuts shrivel. some shit like that..

  onemancult said:
this has happened to girlfriends of mine.

too much sex inhibits her vagina's ability to produce secretions which protect it

from viruses and bacteria, because it is too busy producing the kinds of secretions

which prepare it for hardcore all-over-the-place fucking. plus, after the fucking,

the vagina doesn't automatically switch back into producing self-defense goo, it

needs time to dry out and repair all the small tears and strain that huge djrajio

penis causes, then it can get its slimy shield up to 100%.

keep breaking the seal, and the product is susceptible to damage.

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  onemancult said:
this has happened to girlfriends of mine.

too much sex inhibits her vagina's ability to produce secretions which protect it

from viruses and bacteria, because it is too busy producing the kinds of secretions

which prepare it for hardcore all-over-the-place fucking. plus, after the fucking,

the vagina doesn't automatically switch back into producing self-defense goo, it

needs time to dry out and repair all the small tears and strain that huge djrajio

penis causes, then it can get its slimy shield up to 100%.

keep breaking the seal, and the product is susceptible to damage.

I wish I could rep you! Thanks for the info.

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