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Extracted from the "Kids You Hate" thread:

"emo kids, except for the ones that have tits and are of the scenester sub-subculture.

some of those girls are so fucking hot and 12 and have such nice tits. jesus on a fucking bagel, i wanna smash. they wear neon hair extensions and a ton of mascara and it just looks so good on unblemished skin. and soft tits. asses in tight jeans, sheathed in polka dot underwear from hot topic. nice, clean discharge. minty fresh snatchbox.

i'm really, really tired after work/class. i don't apologize for the rambling, though."


i can't help it, their tits look so soft and their makeup is alluring and their asses are

tight and pretty in polka dotted panties.

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i'm turning 17 this summer and i think i've pretty much missed out on the whole "high school experience". i've got one more year left though, and it'll probably be the same

i've never been to a real party

i've never smoked weed

i've never gotten drunk with friends

i've never been in a serious relationship

i haven't gotten "some" or "any" action at all

i've never cut class and done something fun with a friend

strange thing is, i'm not a wierdo or a loser or anything. ive got a lot of friends at school.. people see me as a generally friendly person.. i have decent looks.. i can have a normal conversation..etc

my little paradox.

i was sort of in a similar boat

had a shitty relationship, that went nowhere

never even kissed actually

never got any action

all that changed not too long ago, less than a year

but i understand where you are coming from

im well liked and known by plenty of people from broad ranges of backgrounds

but i still dont go to massive keggers and whatnot

i do party/drink/smoke pot(not currently:drug testing :( )

but i do more so with 10-15 of my closer friends

rather than the mass amounts of alright mediocre poeple

still havent gotten any as well,

ive assisted in giving female counterparts some

but never recieved any similar treatment in return.

but i just keep it real, and as long as you stay a nice guy

you will be well connected and if your a decent enough person

no one cares about sexual history or lack thereof

infact girls find it cute that i hadnt even been kissed until earlier this year

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DDML, you will sneaking in SF fixes in no time, trust me... I don't even have a computer during my 80-hr workweek but somehow i've managed to shoot off a couple PM's and check some posts while at work... I've even come home for like 30 minutes in the middle of the day between my two jobs, and sit on SF...

My girlfriend lost her earring like an hr ago and we were looking for it, and pulled the bed away from the wall... uhh, let's just say I forgot to clean down there. Biggest pile of dust bunnies, women's hair, and hair band thingies I've seen in recent memory... kind of embarrassing since I've only had this girlfriend since like last week....

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i just bought 3 pairs of jordan III's.. i kinda want to return them..

i also just picked up more vintage bmx frames and forks and i know theyre just gonna sit for months.

why cant i stop buying crap?

i also just ate some questionable veitnamese leftovers.. i think im gonna throw up.

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^^^^there have been a handful of times where I've forced myself to throw up if my stomach's upset, even if it's just from eating too much pizza or whatever... or if i've had too much to drink when I've already taken pills. I also rarely have an appetite in the mornings. the idea of forcing food down right after I've woken up is nauseating

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the conffession: i secretly love when im drunk and someone calls the cops on us

that is because i enjoy the sense of adventure of the journey through suburban outback

that sort of stuff just kicks in your animal insticts and i seriously get the ears of a bat

thats only if it comes to that, usually its best to just talk to the rentacops

the last thing they want is to arrest someone as long as your polite

they let you off.





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i'm turning 17 this summer and i think i've pretty much missed out on the whole "high school experience". i've got one more year left though, and it'll probably be the same

i've never been to a real party

i've never smoked weed

i've never gotten drunk with friends

i've never been in a serious relationship

i haven't gotten "some" or "any" action at all

i've never cut class and done something fun with a friend

strange thing is, i'm not a wierdo or a loser or anything. ive got a lot of friends at school.. people see me as a generally friendly person.. i have decent looks.. i can have a normal conversation..etc

my little paradox.


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melissa r is 18...and lives relatively near me.

im 20...and someone in my class took her to our prom. hahah she was bangin back then even as a youngin.

confession!....ive scored over 11,000 on solitaire. single draw so it doesnt count.

i guess i'll go ahead and confess that i also watched the search for the next pussycat dolls. in my defense, i blame my gf who wouldn't let me watch anything else

Asia is also soooo hot...

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