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I'm pretty sure i look like shit all the time. but no one notices except me. i think.... and then it bothers me that i'm worried that i look like shit. then i get off work and i'm like "ok wtf do i do now?", and then before i know it its time for sleepy time.

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i want to take a risk and say fuck it to my current job

say goodbye to cali and move in with my aunt up in WA state

she lives such a carefree life being her own boss. she lives well and eats well and for the first time i felt like a little kid being spoiled by her during a recent family visit. like 'is this really how it feels like to be spoiled? it feels so fucking great'

it seems like she likes me the most out of all her nephews and nieces (7 total). she said i am always welcomed to stay at her home, i felt so special and stress again like a little kid. i do feel a bit guilty though because i feel like i would love her more than my mom (she is the youngest sibling in my mom's family of 7).

did i mention all the scenery up in washington state? so lush. the greenery is like money


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something about that shooting in colorado really makes me sad for some reason, like more so than the giffords incident in my own city. maybe the fact that i was also at a midnight screening and at the exact moment i was probably laughing and getting excited with friends, some other people were screaming and fearing for their lives. and even though it was beyond my capabilities i was totally oblivious to their situation and idk it just makes me feel weird, /rant

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been seeing this girl who is in the same intern program as me. quickly realized that it was a really bad idea, this girl is pretty nuts. on multiple occasions she threatens to take a cab home on our dates, then quickly breaks down crying or whatever and insists on sleeping over, but thinks anything more than making out is "too sexual". Not sure how Im going to extract myself from this situation gracefully.

Edited by -CMM-
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  On 7/21/2012 at 5:52 AM, -CMM- said:

been seeing this girl who is in the same intern program as me. quickly realized that it was a really bad idea, this girl is pretty nuts. on multiple occasions she threatens to take a cab home on our dates, then quickly breaks down crying or whatever and insists on sleeping over, but thinks anything more than making out is "too sexual". Not sure how Im going to extract myself from this situation gracefully.

This is exactly the kind of absurd nonsense that makes me thank god every fucking day that I was born not liking gurlz. She doesn't put out yet she still makes you tolerate her insanity?? Are you insane yourself? I always thought guys put up with that shit just to get some.

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After years of listening I only just realized that the song "You Were Always On My Mind" is about getting high and neglecting people.

It was like a bolt of fucking lightning struck me right in the skull, and for a moment I felt like a genius with the magnificent power to enter the minds of great artists. Then I stopped for a second and realized it was a Willie Nelson song.

Now I feel like a total fuckwit. Not even high.

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Took me forever to realize that "she lives in my lap" on te Love Below is a song about masturbation and not having the courage to talk to a girl you desire. Story of my life maybe?

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  On 7/26/2012 at 1:16 AM, shinobi2000 said:

This is exactly the kind of absurd nonsense that makes me thank god every fucking day that I was born not liking gurlz. She doesn't put out yet she still makes you tolerate her insanity?? Are you insane yourself? I always thought guys put up with that shit just to get some.

Yeah I mean its usually not so bad. This girl is pretty weird and clingy though, not going to be hanging out anymore. I mean you've got to put up with some shit sometimes. Really that much better for you?

  On 7/25/2012 at 5:39 PM, the hall of vame said:

start rumors to make her lose her intern position... but even then, shell prolly insist you leave with her to start your next chapter together.

Ha ha no way Im starting a new chapter in Chicago

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I cheated on my girlfriend this past Friday. It's the first time I've ever cheated on anybody and I dunno why I did it really. Felt fucked up about it and wanted to get it off my chest, so I just went ahead and told her tonight. All she said in response was basically, "Yeah, I've cheated in past relationships. It ended those relationships, but don't worry about that. I know how you feel, and it sucks. There's not really an explanation about why you did it, and I understand that too. We'll get through it." She didn't even raise her voice. Now I'm just confused.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 11:51 PM, boy better know said:

this du who i've been friends with for over 10 years turned out to be a lil bitch

I know that feel dude. My best friend over the last four years just stopped talking to me right before graduation. Fast forward 4 months and the dude hasn't said a peep. Blocked me on twitter, FB, and tumblr randomly one day and I never got an explanation why. Shit sucks :(

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  On 7/31/2012 at 5:13 AM, shufon said:

I cheated on my girlfriend this past Friday. It's the first time I've ever cheated on anybody and I dunno why I did it really. Felt fucked up about it and wanted to get it off my chest, so I just went ahead and told her tonight. All she said in response was basically, "Yeah, I've cheated in past relationships. It ended those relationships, but don't worry about that. I know how you feel, and it sucks. There's not really an explanation about why you did it, and I understand that too. We'll get through it." She didn't even raise her voice. Now I'm just confused.

I tend to get paranoid about those things, especially since she admitted to having cheated several times before in previous relationships. I don't like this situation. If you're not dead-set on marrying this girl, take the fact that you were willing to cheat on her as a reason to bounce and be done with it.

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my mom kicked me out nearly a month ago and i moved in with my cousins/step aunt and uncle/great aunt and uncle. my step aunt (my dad's stepsister and cousin) has been telling me a lot about my parents--how they met, why they married, and how their personalities evolved as they got older. i mean, frankly, a lot of the stuff she tells me is depressing, but i can't help but cringe when she describes me as being a amalgamation of both my parents. it sucks because i think she's referring to my mom's anxiety and my dad's aimlessness. sure, they turned out alright, but they had intelligence, money, and friends, and were able to live pretty carefree lives despite their own personal problems. i don't really feel as if i have anything or anyone to fall back on.

a week ago, i met up with this girl i used to be very good friends with, but really haven't talked to in 3 years. i thought that just being with someone i used to be so close with would cheer me up a bit. instead, it kinda made me feel super defective. she's "attractive" now, and is about to commence her studies in physics this upcoming fall. there was a time when i would help her with math homework. it's funny how things have turned out. like, i can't even keep a university admission and she's...gonna do stuff in the future. i don't know. the whole time i was with her, i felt like she was talking down to me, the way one might talk to a child. she seemed kind and understanding enough, but i kept thinking it was just an act. i used to think of my friendship with her as the only meaningful relationship i've ever had in my life, and here i am feeling so fuckin anxious. it took so much courage just to call her and ask if she'd like to hang out, and i ended up feeling like shit afterwords.

i know i should probably stop bitching and try to get my life in order, but i can't help but feel that it's all for nothing. the older i get, the more i realize that not even turning my life around completely would make me happy. there's something fundamentally wrong about myself and the world at large that i am just unable to ignore.

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  On 8/1/2012 at 12:37 AM, mirandajulyiscool said:

my mom kicked me out nearly a month ago and i moved in with my cousins/step aunt and uncle/great aunt and uncle. my step aunt (my dad's stepsister and cousin) has been telling me a lot about my parents--how they met, why they married, and how their personalities evolved as they got older. i mean, frankly, a lot of the stuff she tells me is depressing, but i can't help but cringe when she describes me as being a amalgamation of both my parents. it sucks because i think she's referring to my mom's anxiety and my dad's aimlessness. sure, they turned out alright, but they had intelligence, money, and friends, and were able to live pretty carefree lives despite their own personal problems. i don't really feel as if i have anything or anyone to fall back on.

a week ago, i met up with this girl i used to be very good friends with, but really haven't talked to in 3 years. i thought that just being with someone i used to be so close with would cheer me up a bit. instead, it kinda made me feel super defective. she's "attractive" now, and is about to commence her studies in physics this upcoming fall. there was a time when i would help her with math homework. it's funny how things have turned out. like, i can't even keep a university admission and she's...gonna do stuff in the future. i don't know. the whole time i was with her, i felt like she was talking down to me, the way one might talk to a child. she seemed kind and understanding enough, but i kept thinking it was just an act. i used to think of my friendship with her as the only meaningful relationship i've ever had in my life, and here i am feeling so fuckin anxious. it took so much courage just to call her and ask if she'd like to hang out, and i ended up feeling like shit afterwords.

i know i should probably stop bitching and try to get my life in order, but i can't help but feel that it's all for nothing. the older i get, the more i realize that not even turning my life around completely would make me happy. there's something fundamentally wrong about myself and the world at large that i am just unable to ignore.

hey bro, this is crazy depressing. are you in high school? you are right, you should definitely stop bitching and get your life in order. it's not so bad, and it will get better if you try to make it better instead of theorizing about it on superfuture

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