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Which is exactly why I'm not worried about it. My cousin is going to a top 20 school and he can barely tie his own shoes.

Wait, here's a question – isn't law school where each year you drop the bottom 10/20% of the class so everybody is working 10x as hard?

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Went to a bar last night with a couple friends for my homies b-day. Man tons of booty everywhere. Problem is, I realized how fuckin shy am. Didnt talk to one chick. Just creeped and lurked all fuckin night like a lil bitch.

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Went to a bar last night with a couple friends for my homies b-day. Man tons of booty everywhere. Problem is, I realized how fuckin shy am. Didnt talk to one chick. Just creeped and lurked all fuckin night like a lil bitch.


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Went to a bar last night with a couple friends for my homies b-day. Man tons of booty everywhere. Problem is, I realized how fuckin shy am. Didnt talk to one chick. Just creeped and lurked all fuckin night like a lil bitch.

channel your inner based god (0)

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I somehow went the entire day without eating or drinking anything. About an hour ago, I was pounding some OJ straight from the carton, thinking "why the hell am I so thirsty?" Then it hit me. I have no idea how I forgot to eat. Long story short, I am about to chowdown on a Jimmy Johns gargantuan. Wish me luck.

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Read this before you decide to go to law school: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/business/09law.html?_r=1

The MIchael Wallerstien quotes from that article were so hilariously sad. Props to bottom tiered law schools though for getting enough chumps who are blinded by the prestige of any law degree to pony up all that tuition.

When I read these types of articles I almost never feel bad for the students. If you are the type to believe a business administration degree from DeVry can get you 100K+ jobs on Wall Street without doing your own research you deserve the debt.

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Sleepless in bed, for some reason, I started feeling insecure about being too skinny. Got up and loaded myself up with peanut butter, canned carbohydrates and ice cream before going back to bed.

This is not like me.

Oh and I listened to De La Soul cause Trugoy and Maseo are pretty big.

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Posted · Hidden by High Monika, February 28, 2012 - No reason given
Hidden by High Monika, February 28, 2012 - No reason given

i got a free snickers today cuz i only had enough for smokes

living the fucking dream

Snickers, man. I was ok with them as a kid. Lately they're fucking crack.

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