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Leaving in 59 days for the military, cant wait to get out of here. I could get my AA this winter before i leave but i cant handle school and living no more.

2 weeks left and im dropping 3 classes out of 6. Ugh

I got shin splint from running 5-8 miles a day. My enthusiasm has gotten me shin splints.

I cant wait to go to FT Benning GA and meet some southern belles and put on a uniform. but im also afraid for the health of my parents

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Honestly i think joining the MIL now is nuts, we are at war, and shits nuts...

That said, i wish i had joined when i was 18 or 19... i was more or less useless as a person and could have used the mental discipline... But more than anything else, i am mad JELLY over the free insurance you get for the rest of your life after you get out... even after the shortest enlistment, that to me, would be worth it alone... unless i lost my legs... that would suck.

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you could be a homeless children in ethiopia with aids from multiple rapings but you're a suburban kid with no actual problem. get a grip on yourself, go out and do something amazing.

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  heyson said:
january my close friend was beaten to death

february my best friend killed someone in self defense

my gf of 5 years left me 2 weeks ago because im suicidal

Fuck comparing your sorrows to anyone else. Just find something and pour yourself into it, start up hobbies and work towards becoming the person you would ideally like to be. Surround yourself with people who will enrich your life and can teach you something. Aim for being at peace with yourself and don't even worry about happiness, just keep going.

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  AstroWolf said:
Honestly i think joining the MIL now is nuts, we are at war, and shits nuts... even after the shortest enlistment, that to me, would be worth it alone...

That's the biggest issue - no short enlistment exists anymore. The US military is consistently fucking over soldiers who have done their tour with multiple tours. Either way, good luck to other dude.

  heyson said:
january my close friend was beaten to death

february my best friend killed someone in self defense

my gf of 5 years left me 2 weeks ago because im suicidal

Wow, you guys are really fucking this guy over. You all know him or something? He bitch a lot about his life?

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  freecat said:
you could be a homeless children in ethiopia with aids from multiple rapings but you're a suburban kid with no actual problem. get a grip on yourself, go out and do something amazing.

this is seriously insensitive of you. losing a best friend is "no actual problem"?

what world is it that you live in again?

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fuckin hell.

the pressure is getting to me. wish she was around to offer up some support, but she's 3000 miles away and has a new man. :(

single stressed out individual concept

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In france you aint nothing, unless you have been raped multiple times by your dead ex best friend, who had AIDS and was from Ethiopia. That is vanilla level suffering, to the inventors of Existentialism...

Life pain is obviously different in france concept.

Sorry about your friend.

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the french hate on everyone/everything not french (5).

but seriously, freecat, what kind of logic is that? obviously there will always be people who are worse off than you, but to somehow use that as some reference point to your own personal problems is beyond retarded. yes, there are terrible things happening out in the world, but, lets be honest, to most of us, these are faceless, nameless people we will never meet, undergoing problems we will never get to experience. so how is your point even remotely helpful to heyson?

to be clear, im not underestimating the kind of stuff that goes down in third-world countries. they are serious, tragic problems. but if you cant even feel sorry/grief for the problems in your own life because of "actual problems" of some stranger 1000 miles away, then what kind of a life is that? as selfish as it sounds, it is your life after all. whatever problem heyson is going through, it pertains to his life, and he should not be denied the "privilege" of feeling sorry for whatever problems that he encounters during it. regardless of the "seriousness" of his problems (friend died/mom found stack of porn), his problems are his actual problems.

to make that kind of insensitive remark to a guy who is (supposedly) suicidal is just ridiculous.

and unless you are out there helping those ethiopian kids, you are not in much of a position to judge heyson. wouldnt you agree? i mean that would just be the worst kind of shit ever. it's like joining one of those "save darfur" facebook groups and criticizing someone for not being aware of "actual problems," while never EVER having done even remotely relevant to actually helping the cause. you would only be exploiting their suffering for your own motives.

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fuck that shit, freecat is wrong... its a comparison which is obviously usable in some fractured way, their is always someone worse off, thats life, the world and reality...

his bringing this up, in such a context is 100% wrong, insensitive, and typical of french persona in my experience.

Another persons suffering has nothing to do with your experience IMHO unless you know them, love them or are watching something on TV that makes you cry or something... This does not mean you can not learn from other peoples pain, but obviously freecat is not learning shit in this case.

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  superBobo said:
before suggesting a get together?:confused:

i'd say 2-3 weeks max.

that way there's still a lot of getting to know each other to be done in person to help combat the awkward quietness of your first encounter.

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Been having some horrible mood swings as of late - super happy to super down. Trying to keep myself busy, but every time I have to go into hospital or have to spend the day in bed (autoimmune disease concept) I get really down, especially not being able to socialize regularly, whereas before it never used to get to me so much. Would rather like to go into remission...only been waiting seven years for it. Guess you just gotta keep positive though!

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  Oxy. said:
i'd say 2-3 weeks max.

that way there's still a lot of getting to know each other to be done in person to help combat the awkward quietness of your first encounter.

  superBobo said:
^^that much? damn.

nah... if you like the idea of someone just go for it... just like if you like the look of someone across the room, but you have an advantage, youve read their profile, assume everything is biased but if it ticks enough boxes then jump in

i met my mr after 3 txt messages (we had been set up on a blind date) and we lived happily ever after (so far)

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Moneytuff tweeted reminding me of the video where I was giggling on Canal Street from last summer. I re-watched it and realized how different of a person I am now compared to back then. I used to be happy, New York fucking ages you so quickly, I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing, this just reminded me how lighthearted life used to be.

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  scott.M said:
Moneytuff tweeted reminding me of the video where I was giggling on Canal Street from last summer. I re-watched it and realized how different of a person I am now compared to back then. I used to be happy, New York fucking ages you so quickly, I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing, this just reminded me how lighthearted life used to be.

I watched this video a couple weeks ago and was like " *sniff* I miss the old scott"

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