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I watched cirque de soleil last night. I wanted to fuck every girl in each act. Especially the hula hoop girl and the two flexible girls omg :o

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  a2b489 said:
lolz @ on-display.

i'm actually kinda hyped about my seven hundy post count.

2 years of membership, and 700 posts...

I'm sorry to say that I don't recognize you much at all. That is, unless you are that guy that used to have location set as Dallas or something, ouch.

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i rarely approach women at parties or bars in this area because i typically find them too painfully stupid to avoid feeling an urge to gouge their eyes with a nearby kitchen utensil within 5 minutes of conversation, but i was good and shitpantsed drunk enough to give it a whirl last night.

never did i expect telling a girl that her dad was an egotistical coward for committing suicide would later leave her wanting to take a taxi to my house for the sole purpose of providing oral sex.

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Alcohol impairs judgment because I would've thought that the bitch would've wanted to take a taxi to your house for the sole purpose of chomping your motherfucking dick off, with the muse of oral sex.

oh well.

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I keep having these shitty ass weekends! I have to work very early in the morning so I can't like stay at people's houses and shit and I don't even want to leave in the first place because I know that I'm probably not going to have any fun to begin with :(.

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  demonito said:
congrats julz ! btw how many times did you have sex before you got pregnant?

Thanks eddy...and everyone!!!

I don't know Ed, everytime he stuck it in me I was asleep with a sleeping mask over my eyes...but there would b this white goo on my toes in the morning! Weirddddd

I watched Crooklyn today and balled like a bitch. Fuckn hormones.

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So this girl I've been messing with for a few weeks (overlapping with my ex-girl) just called me to tell me I can't fulfill her emotionally and she needs to stop seeing me.

Eh... I think I'll survive. I was actually trying to pay attention to the Packers game while she told me. Though I do feel like women are catching on to this a lot earlier than they used to. Maybe it's just that they're getting older and no longer willing to put time into relationships built around nothing. It's something I need to think about. Or maybe I just need to date younger chicks.

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  Nil said:
There is that option also. I'm at the age (27) where I feel like women want to start looking for someone to settle down with permanently. And that's not me at the moment.

i'm glad i've got 7 years to this then. that sucks.

all i know, is that in some clubs/bars, there are good looking women, 35-40yo, looking for young dudes. one of my friend did one of them once, i still don't know what to think of it.

stick with the youngest ones for now.

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Ah yes, cougars. I know them well. They might be okay for a fling, which is generally all that they're interested in anyways, but they're not really my thing. Young is my plan, I figure I should take advantage while I still can.

I thought over this girl during halftime since I was preoccupied with the Packer domination before and I'm glad it's over. To keep this sufu related, this chick had a pair of those weird bicycle-toe, stitched to hell Sketcher shoes and she wore them frequently. How could I commit to that?

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i remember one time i was in sixth grade and there was this trashy white kid who sat in front of me. he use to say really shitty things to me, but i think that was mostly because his parents had two cars and mine had five. i mean, the kid never stopped trash-talking me & i think he may have even related me being left-handed to me having a lower intelligence. in general, the kid was probably one of the most annoying people i have ever met.

shortly into that school year i remember i got a hold of an economy-sized jar of rubber cement & dumped it on our teacher's desk while everyone was at lunch. when everyone came in & sat down after lunch, the teacher saw what i'd done, got pissed and started asking questions, but no one fessed up to the crime.

later on that afternoon the principal or maybe the gym teacher or someone like that found an empty economy-sized jar of rubber cement in the trashy white kid's locker, and after that, after he got removed from the teacher's room for the rest of the year, i think i was mostly just bored during english class.

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we got cable in my house for the first time in yeeeeeeears. maybe like 10 years. i've learned to live without tv, but this changes everything. now i want to get a dope tv for my room.

that doesn't sound like much of a confession so to be more clear, i'm going to turn into a tv addict. i know it.

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