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i feel a bit disappointed

peach tree and pomegrante bush have been stripped again with nothing left behind save one unripe pom. this happened to the pear and peach trees for the last two years, stripped in one night, everything gone, even the rotten/half-eaten ones on the ground. tree is loaded now with at least 200 pears

i thought i might find ufo/sasquatch/cryptid/homeless man but it seems that a large pack of racoons can do this in a night. i guess they eat pits, too.

but i still want to believe. the top limbs are pretty thin...

found out reggie and his kid were out there the other day taking break-your-teeth pears without permission

i just want to eat pear cobbler again.

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  goat said:
i've come to the realization that i'm an asshole

to the point where my friends turn to me expecting me to make sarcastic assholish comments.

i'm known as the asshole of the group

and i can't fucking handle that anymore

It's also possible that your just the asshole of your group of nice people, thereby making you a half a asshole by any other standards, so, if you want to know the truth, go out to some bars by yourself, and see how you act and people treat you. if you still feel yourself being a asshole, then your probobly are on a real level. but if your being nice, and people dont seems so put off, your just a jerk, and dont need to worry so much.

does this make sense? cause it does to me.

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^^you could be right

i usually don't have problems at bars or clubs and people are generally very responsive to me.

my close friends have accepted it and are used to it (i could literally make comments like "lie on your back, we ran out of tables" to a flat chested friend of mine and she'll respond "oh goat, you silly boy")

but these are ppl that have known me for 10 - 20 years

its the people that don't know me like that that are getting offended (they've been in my life for 1 - 3 years)

and really, as of right now, they're the people that mean the most to me in my life.

so i need to better myself.

that's where i'm coming from.

so one step at a time because i'm known to jump on ANY opportunity to be sarcastic and poke fun at somebody. so its gonna take a lot for me to bite my tongue.

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  whitney said:
I guess the bad part is my boss was there when I opened it and technically we aren't suppose to accept gifts because it could be interperted as "bribe" or would allow the customers to think we'd owe them one..

I see how it'll be insulting to refuse, which is why I haven't sent it back yet but still..kind of uncomfortable accepting something like this because I don't think I deserve it. that and I would have to lie/omit the fact that I'm keeping it from my boss.

at the same time I really really love it.

i think that you should keep it, you love it, someone wants to do something nice for you by giving you a gift that you'd really like. just let them feel good about giving someone something that'd make 'em smile. i say don't send it back, like someone said earlier i'd be like an insult since you want the darn thing anyway. take her for tea, and give her a little gift as a token of your appreciation.

so anyways, post pics of said purse, i'm dyyyyyying to know what it is

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keep that shit whit whit... no joke, its not a bribe, but a show of how good you are at what you do.

if you give it back its lame, and you want it, so be selfish and know you earned it, not like your going to have to give up the poon to make up for it, so enjoy! ;)

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  AstroWolf said:
keep that shit whit whit... no joke, its not a bribe, but a show of how good you are at what you do.

all i do is help her spend more money :o

  samsikle said:
i think that you should keep it, you love it, someone wants to do something nice for you by giving you a gift that you'd really like. just let them feel good about giving someone something that'd make 'em smile. i say don't send it back, like someone said earlier i'd be like an insult since you want the darn thing anyway. take her for tea, and give her a little gift as a token of your appreciation.

so anyways, post pics of said purse, i'm dyyyyyying to know what it is

its no biggie but i mentioned in passing i really like this purse but couldn't get my hands on it. (truth is i would never pay so much for a purse i'd always want to buy a nice piece of garment first :x)

front, back, inside

i'm thinking of godiva chocolate cos she loves that and maybe see's because she's from the east coast and they don't have that over there. truthfully i've only met her once when she was out on the west coast and i've been working with her via phone/email ever since. but yah, definitely would have taken her out as thank you if i could.

i'm horrible at mailing packages..speaking of which.. ): i've been bad.

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  whitney said:
^ damnit. and she does travel frequently..back to the thinking board :cool:

get her le masion du chocolate.... or however you spell it in french, is like 50$ a quarter pound. crack levels of good. she will give you more bags for this stuff... get her hooked!

some of the best in the world.

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  AstroWolf said:

get her le masion du chocolate

.... or however you spell it in french, is like 50$ a quarter pound. crack levels of good. she will give you more bags for this stuff... get her hooked!

some of the best in the world.

Astro knows what's up. I also like Teuscher of Chicago...champagne truffles, yum.

On the homefront, just truffles of st. paul is my favorite.

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  AstroWolf said:

get her le masion du chocolate

.... or however you spell it in french, is like 50$ a quarter pound. crack levels of good. she will give you more bags for this stuff... get her hooked!

some of the best in the world.

we have le maison du chocolate on the east coast

make her something

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they have a place on park ave in nyc, been to the spot in paris as well... best milkshake of my life.

dont front on this shit, it might be out there, but people sleep on it, and its the best, aside from some shit from the jungle...

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I've had the worst writer's block since May.

initially I could hammer out some weak little diatribes on music or some musings on pop culture or something pointless like that, but I just haven't been able to come up with anything.

I've got a few ideas buzzing around right now but I'm not confident in my ability to deliver what's in my head to the page and it's pissing me off.

Anyone else experience this kinda shit regularly?

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i am having one of the best summers in a long time

i am super falling for this girl from the east coast i mentioned a few pages ago

she is awesome, beautiful, super intelligent and she has long amazing legs, and back dimples...

feels good to be into somebody that isnt my ex... for once...


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Stop being such a fucking pussy and write without any regard for what is coming out...

it'll straighten itself out eventually and you'll most likely find the perspective and insight into your own ideas...

Just write... dont think. Thinking makes things harder than they are should be.

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I mean, I've done that, and I save them, but no good ideas are comin.

I've got one about a bagel though that I think I'm gonna start on tonight.

You think about the foods you take for granted when you can't eat them for a couple weeks.

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