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i now know what career path i want to follow, and i know i need college to get there. i'm doing the best i can with what i have and finding out all of my possibilities. i'm just sick of working all of these pointless jobs. when i get my paycheck and see that minuscule number, realize that i'm at a job in a 'profession' that i don't wish to climb in-i don't feel good about myself. it.

what do you want to do? I have no fucking clue yet and i feel like i went through 4 years of my life only to realize that a university education isnt really helping me get where i want to go. But i might not have fully realized that without going to university, oh the irony.

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Egpt is right. come to fucking europe, I pay around 700 euros a semester and whenever I get that fucking piece of paper I'm busting my brains over, it's gonna be mad prestigious. it's not gonna be hard to find a job.

then again, are you interested in a scientific career?

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About the FAFSA, my mother filled it out for my brother when he got out of high school and only provided loans. Not much benefit cuz my mum's income too high even tho she single so I did not bother to fill it out my college semesters. Is there a way to cheat this? I am over 18 and still a dependent.

Cotton don't know what's goign on with you but :[ (dont know how to emoticon)

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Egpt is right. come to fucking europe, I pay around 700 euros a semester and whenever I get that fucking piece of paper I'm busting my brains over, it's gonna be mad prestigious. it's not gonna be hard to find a job.

then again, are you interested in a scientific career?

I was looking at overseas prices for grad school....

God, so cheap. Cheaper than US undergrads.

My brother goes to NYU, and I paid some of his tuition because I don't want him taking out loans. I crunched the numbers, and he prolly won't be broke after graduation.

I don't understand why some parents don't contribute $$$ to their child's education. I sure as hell know that if I ever settle down, I'm making sure the kids don't have to pay SQUAT for school and won't have to worry about debt.

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I feel ya... I paid every penny of my degree out of my own pocket/loans and it sucked. Luckily our state school has a decent business school so I was able to save a bundle but it's still not cheap by any means.

now, a little over a year after got out of school I'm hating paying back loans. not broke by any means but a promotion which should be coming soon is going to help a LOT

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i think there is something to be said about american schools. that's why they hold their weight, regardless of where you go in the world.

I think that a U.S. college education is vastly overpriced, and if you want a good education/prestige at a lower price you should go outside the US, there are certainly some great schools in other countries,

That being said, in general.....

the best 20 U.S. universities > the world.

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I think that a U.S. college education is vastly overpriced, and if you want a good education/prestige at a lower price you should go outside the US, there are certainly some great schools in other countries,

That being said, in general.....

the best 20 U.S. universities > the world.

I'm not going to argue that US schools aren't overpriced. But I think the reputation of Podunk U in Bumfuck USA still holds more weight than a mid tier foreign school. Example is a school like McGill, a great school (expensive for foreigners though), but there aren't a lot of people in the states who have even heard of McGill. Vs let's say a school like Penn State.

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what do you want to do? I have no fucking clue yet and i feel like i went through 4 years of my life only to realize that a university education isnt really helping me get where i want to go. But i might not have fully realized that without going to university, oh the irony.
Egpt is right. come to fucking europe, I pay around 700 euros a semester and whenever I get that fucking piece of paper I'm busting my brains over, it's gonna be mad prestigious. it's not gonna be hard to find a job.

then again, are you interested in a scientific career?

i'm looking more into liberal/social sciences. i'd like to be a child therapist, but i don't know if i want to deal with money yet. i was on my high school's news staff, and that was a lot of fun-so journalism might end up being my minor... or i might minor in something artistic like photography... i've always been interested in furthering my knowledge in that... maybe i'll double major... i'm stoned and ranting...

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I'm not going to argue that US schools aren't overpriced. But I think the reputation of Podunk U in Bumfuck USA still holds more weight than a mid tier foreign school. Example is a school like McGill, a great school (expensive for foreigners though), but there aren't a lot of people in the states who have even heard of McGill. Vs let's say a school like Penn State.

Yeah, no, I am agreeing with you, just didn't say it clearly. I think even second tier private schools in the states murder most foreign schools that are't in the top 10 for that country.

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drilling holes in your skull and pouring acid in your brain? sounds like a good idea...i'll charge the drill

can you think of a more creative way to kill someone other than using whats already been done in a movie?

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Within most circles, Canada's best two schools for reputation are University of Toronto and McGill, and while they don't have as good reputation in the states, from what I can tell the names carry a lot weight elsewhere in the world. I think they are even rated as high as a lot of great private American schools. I've met quite a few Americans who could've gone to decent schools there, and choose to come here because they feel the degree carries as much weight.

how to get in. i want toronto girls.

but quick question: do they have alot of incoming students from out of state/country? or is it more of a local based thing

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agreed about m1sterko, dude is probably 12 years old, with that avatar and posting with "doo-doo" instead of shit.

hocus, give me advice, should I go to UT scarborough for a BBA? i want to do something business but most of the courses are at scarborough... I have no idea what to do with my life, uni applications in a few months, not looking forward to them.

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Within most circles, Canada's best two schools for reputation are University of Toronto and McGill, and while they don't have as good reputation in the states, from what I can tell the names carry a lot weight elsewhere in the world. I think they are even rated as high as a lot of great private American schools. I've met quite a few Americans who could've gone to decent schools there, and choose to come here because they feel the degree carries as much weight.

again, it's not that they're not great schools, because they are. but if we're talking about brand name recognition, they don't hold up to say an Oxford or Cambridge....

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You meet people from every country in the world, potentially, from Zimbabwe to Russia, (also, a lot of Koreans and Chinese; supposedly UofT has a particular good rep in Hong Kong). Weirdly going there, there doesn't feel like there is an ethnic majority, or at least it's so close between asians and whites that you can't call it.

You guys let all the Orientals into your country, and that is what happens. We learned our lesson down here with 9/11 and made sure the evil Orientals would never be able to get visas again, muahaha.

Real talk though, as with most student visas, what is the personal asset requirement for a Canadian student visa, and the requirement for the US one? I think the one for American student visas is pretty baller, iirc, $100K liquid or something? I'd imagine that is one of the factors that draws in a lot of Asian international students to Canada, as opposed to the US. Back before 9/11, when it was steezy for Koreans to come to the US to study, it was common to see a bunch of well-off Korean int'l students on campus. By the time I went to school, for some reason it was all peasant-status Asian int'l students on campus, each and every one of them.

not-too related tangent:

Back in the day (I'm sure it has changed with the economic climate and cost of living) when I was applying for student visas, a Japanese student visa required only $20K in assets, and a Korean one required a mere $10K. Basically, when I went to school in Korea, I went with a bunch of deadbeats and peasants.

I would've gone to Japan, and it was 50/50 for me early on, but the thought of all the anime dorks and supreme Asiaphiles I would meet in Japan made me choose Korea. Turned out to be wrong (maybe); Korea study abroad was just a bunch of the same types who came to Korea because they couldn't afford Japan, but were equally creepy. peasant status.

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Somebody needs to start the study abroad stories thread, I'm thinking about all cracka ass crackas who were signed up for my program.

All the German and American white girls were fucking ENORMOUS. As in 5'8-6' tall, short hair, jeans and New Balances, huge mountaineering backpacks, and big guts. They ate a lot, drank a lot, were deathly shy, and made the most commonplace things into completely awkward situations. A meal at a restaurant had to be accompanied by 1000 'what do you call this?' questions, pictures, spillage of food, pickng up the wrong bowls or sticking chopsticks into rice, the whole gamut. I think among the 10 or so white girls, I spoke maybe 3 words to them in total. For 2 years worth of study abroad programs.

German guys: maybe 3 of them. All old as shit, one guy was doing the program as an undergrad at 30, they'd all been through the Bundeswehr, so none were younger than 26 or 27. One night, one of the Germans was telling me about how he went to see the Berlin Wall fall, and I said 'oh, that's nice, how old were you?' and he said 'I was 16' AHAHA. One guy was built like kunk. At a house party, he challenged this one Korean-American kid from the program into a drinking match, which consisted of chugging soju from the bottle. The K-A kid was 5'6 and maybe 150lbs. By the end of it, the German guy was vomiting blood, and we had to take the K-A kid to the ER. They didn't accept foreign people, so we had to wake his aunt (some ye olde actress) ad get her to come down and get him in, while the kid was laying on the sidewalk pretty much dead. The 3rd German guy was a ginger, with a satan-like goatee; he was apparently dumb as shit, from the classe we had together. All the German dudes picked the most horrible looking Korean girlfriends and stayed with them the whole semester, and no one could figure out why.

One closet German dude who went Oberlin college and claimed several nationalities over the course of the semester, and was obsessed with musical instruments. he started collecting super obsolete traditional Asian flutes to play for his disgusting looking girlfriend from Cheju, who later cheated on him. He was a super close talker and always wanted to have a 15 minute conversation with you when he saw you. Didn't win him many points. I think he converted to Islam on his own in his dorm room over the internet or something, halfway through the semester, because he changed his name from Trevor to Sameer, and got pretty angry anyone who'd call him Trevor.

Japanese girls: There were like 40 of them every semester, ranging from freaks to geeks, plus exactly one gay dude who wouldn't come out of the closet. Peasants and ballers. Most were boring, but there were a few that were ok. Not a ton of lookers, since they were culled from all these different universities and they were all 19 year old country girls, there were like maybe 5 out of the 40 each semester that were nice looking. We used to have a email address roster at the beginning of every semester, and this girl who looked like a Japanese version of Britney Spears was my dorm neighbor, so I got real excited. Then I found out her email address was 'ariko_loves_jesus' or something like that and became terrified of her. I used to get drunk and play my guitar at like 3 in the morning and she told everyone I was a terrible person. We eventually became friends and she bought me dinner about 2 days before she left. damn shame. Apart from that, I learned girls from Ferris are all freaks and all want to be housewives, and that people from ICU are weird.

Peasant status countries: there were a pair of girls who were best friends or something, one was Malaysian and one was Indonesian. They were inevitably in my language class and had those really goofy accents, and they wanted everyone to big up them for being SE Asians learning Korean (this is before the Korean wave nonsense), which got really really old really quickly. Same thing happened the next semester, when it was a Turkish girl who did the same shit, except even more so, she thought she was a celebrity to her throngs of international freaks and geeks.

Korean-American kids, usually 10 of them per semester, some ok to hot looking girls, and then a couple guys. The girls were pretty lonely, because they couldn't compete with the local girls at all, and the guys were typical of that you'd meet stateside. There were a few pseudo-Korean-Americans as well, like ABCs or J-A's who'd come over and seemed lost, and no one realized they weren't Korean-Americans.

Some 40 year old American dudes doing undergrad, plus some people from random countries who couldn't speak any usable language, and that rounded it out.

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