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No, denimbar is total scam. bought from them, and they shipped me a box full of paper and pebbles. Tried to claim on paypal but they had valid tracking number so I got ripped off.

Don't buy from denimbar.

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Guest thrashbandicoot

I...i just really dont like gta iv that much. I mean theres just so much more limit as far as things to do than san andreas. Whats up with only having like three clothing stores? No car customization. Only two weapon groups. It seems like alot less car types. City seems smaller. Just seems like a step backward in some ways.

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No, denimbar is total scam. bought from them, and they shipped me a box full of paper and pebbles. Tried to claim on paypal but they had valid tracking number so I got ripped off.

Don't buy from denimbar.

This means that somebody from the fedex, ups, or the postal service ripped you off. I do a lot of mailordering. I get ripped off sometimes. It happens.

Denim bar is legit. They're not going to send you an empty box.

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I now only need to look at my stomach for my diet plan. Fuck, how did this happen?

Actually, I know. At least with a shirt on I still look skinny as hell.

Confession: I really wish i was asian so i could get really skinny and still look good. Really skinny white just doesn't look pimp

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Confession: I really wish i was asian so i could get really skinny and still look good. Really skinny white just doesn't look pimp

i bet noone has ever said that on superchargedautoforum.com

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crown royal and ginger ale. do it.

mix the gin with the cran and sprite

i rarely drink these days, when i go out i order a shirley temple or ginger ale/cran mix...and then about an hour in it gets boring and the double jack and cokes come back :(

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been there done that

i liked crown better with coke, jack with the ginger

i wonder why nobody makes good "old school" cocktails any more...am hesitant to order a sweet manhattan or old fashioned round these parts. The Peninsula is about the only place that can make a cocktail worth a damn. what i missed about college was at least there was this one place that was good at that kinda stuff.

the dry martini at "Li Do" (literally means "here" in chinese) is cool but bit pricey.

most clubs here rape you for drinks, $100 HKD for a rum and coke that's about 3/4 coke and a splash of rum with so much ice you can finish it in two sips. but i guess that's with everywhere

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believe it or not, the only places here that make non-ironic, non-"retro" good old fashioned drinks like old fashions are the greek diners here. usually prepared by

the owners, probably from memory. i like one with a burger every now and then.

been there done that

i liked crown better with coke, jack with the ginger

i wonder why nobody makes good "old school" cocktails any more...am hesitant to order a sweet manhattan or old fashioned round these parts. The Peninsula is about the only place that can make a cocktail worth a damn. what i missed about college was at least there was this one place that was good at that kinda stuff.

the dry martini at "Li Do" (literally means "here" in chinese) is cool but bit pricey.

most clubs here rape you for drinks, $100 HKD for a rum and coke that's about 3/4 coke and a splash of rum with so much ice you can finish it in two sips. but i guess that's with everywhere

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i had a feeling you knew of a place.

That blows. where are you?

I have a great bar close by, you can get authentic old style old-fashioned, sidecars, manhattans, great stuff. I'd kill to be able to have that kind of place everywhere i go

P.S. Denimbar denimbar go buy denimbar.

P.S.S. someone just asked me if you could get a drink at the denimbar rofl.

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Speaking of alcohols...

I got hyped up with Eurotrip and how the drink Absinth was supposed to be this crazy illegal alcohol thats banned in the US because it makes you trip out and shit.

Went out with a fellow SF based Superfuture bretheren to a local lounge. They had Absinth on the menu, so I ordered it first on the rocks, with sugar. The sugar, was disgusting. It jus tasted like a sweetened watered down Hpnotiq. So then I ordered it a 2nd time without sugar. They gave it to me as a shot. And I can handle shots without chasers. As soon as I got the shot in my hand, I could already smell the burn. As soon as it touched the back of my mouth, it had that burn alcohol has. As it went down, it continued to have that burn, and continued to have that burn for another 2 minutes.

All that thing did was made me trip out by looking at the lights the whole fuckin night.

Im stickin to the basics...

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It makes you sorta brain dead...

Im still trippin from it right now...

It takes me like 10 minutes to type up a post... Or longer...

The burn is nuts... I can shoot rum, whiskey, gin, vodka without making a face or anything...

But this shit was crazy burnin...

I wish I got to try it plain on the rocks, without sugar... Maybe I'll buy a bottle and do that on my own time, not wen I have a hot Korean fob backin her ass up on me and all I do is stare at the fuckin lights...

Fuckin dumbshit.

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As soon as I got the shot in my hand, I could already smell the burn.

Absinthe does a body good. But its not what it used to be, it almost never has real wormwood in it anymore. Especially if you see it in the states.

Look for Czech and French varieties.


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the hallucinogenic ingredient in absinthe is Wormwood. The potency of the absinthe depends on the amount of wormwood. I'm not sure, but I think absinthe in the states has very low levels of none at all.

My friends wierd ass uncle was a drummer in a band and we would go see him sometimes. Prob in his fifties huge head of crazy gray hair and long beard. Anyways, he would always have a water bottle with him on stage and later I found out he would order wormwood online and make his own absinthe.

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have any of you tried salvia (sp?)

its legal, but apparently it fucks you a lot worse than some drugs out there...someone who tried it told me it was an intense, 5-10 min rush where reality rips in half and somehow a few mins later you are lying on the floor not knowing what the hell happened

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have any of you tried salvia (sp?)

its legal, but apparently it fucks you a lot worse than some drugs out there...someone who tried it told me it was an intense, 5-10 min rush where reality rips in half and somehow a few mins later you are lying on the floor not knowing what the hell happened

man. i've posted so many salvia stories on this board that i'm not going into them.

salvia is fun. it is intense as fuck when you trip off it, but it does no real bodly harm if utilized properly. if you smoke in excess of 3g's of 40x or higher, you will trip for up to 30-45 mins, and feel residuals effects for up to an hour or two afterwards. salvia is fun, but it ain't cheap anymore because they are trying to make it illegal in the US because of the traffic between Mexico and our borders. keep it legal, but keep it safe. this is not a social drug and should be treated with care.

happy trips if you get some ftb2

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have any of you tried salvia (sp?)

...someone who tried it told me it was an intense, 5-10 min rush where reality rips in half and somehow a few mins later you are lying on the floor

thats basically it in a nutshell. most people just laugh for 2 straight minutes until it wears off. its a good way to run through a couple of spare brain cells on a rainy day but not for grown up recreational abusers.

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I have but i guess i didn't do enough of it at once. It's still legal in florida until june or july 1st. I just felt a little high but my friend had a bad reaction to it. She said it felt as if her body was doing all kinds of things without her being able to control it and she got freaked out and ran upstairs to lay down and be alone. It didn't seem like she was doing anything weird to us except acting a bit goofy but she really didn't enjoy it. My other friend did a few big hits of it in a row and really spaced out for 5-10 minutes, acting really strange. Body sensations were really heightened he said as he felt like his legs were moving closer together and then freaked out when they touched. I forget the strength of it. I still have it over in my cabinet as we didn't use all of it.

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happy trips if you get some ftb2

i think ill stick to the occasional bowl or blunt...(which i havent even had since my last week in the states last may). i dont like intense highs/trips or anything really vivid. just like to chill and throw on some southernplayalisticadillacmuzik or doggystyle

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man. i've posted so many salvia stories on this board that i'm not going into them.

salvia is fun. it is intense as fuck when you trip off it, but it does no real bodly harm if utilized properly. if you smoke in excess of 3g's of 40x or higher, you will trip for up to 30-45 mins, and feel residuals effects for up to an hour or two afterwards. salvia is fun, but it ain't cheap anymore because they are trying to make it illegal in the US because of the traffic between Mexico and our borders. keep it legal, but keep it safe. this is not a social drug and should be treated with care.

happy trips if you get some ftb2

let me edit this:

if you smoke in excess of 3g's in a bong or waterpipe, of 40x (extract) or higher, you will trip longer than the average time. most people who buy salvia never get anything higher than 15x or 20x, which they proceed to smoke in joints w/ pot, in blunts, etc. - salvia has a higher specific heat so it requires a hotter flame and a better cooling mechanism or you will not achieve the desired hallucinogenic/phototropic effect. water pipes are the best, i've only ever smoked it out of bongs (illadelph or roor are best imo) so i can't speak to other methods, superior or inferior.

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