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there was a student awards ceremony today at school.

I won the reading award in second grade. I was so proud that after school I ran home to show the yellow certificate to my parents. They weren't there yet, so I waited all day in the kitchen with Rosario until they got home from work.

When they arrived I was unable to control my excitement and certificate in hand, I immediately jumped up and ran toward them to show them my achievement. Unfortunately Rosalinda had spilled flour all over the linoleum floor and everything went black as my face smashed first into the marble countertop and was them nearly impaled on my shiny new optimus prime.

From that day forward I stopped eating mexican food, reading books, and loving my parents.

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confront her! i mean, seriously- level headed-ly of course. that's not cool. sure, you probably shouldn't have looked at these e-mails but your suspicions came to be justified. just be blunt: "do you want to be with me or that guido mother fucker" because at this point, you guys are just wasting each others' time. my sympathies :/

...Unfortunately, couldn't today. Her family's house is pretty small, and everybody is all sitting in the living room. That and it was a group of us today. Not much to do until the weekend...

Talk to her about it. She might have been mad at you when she wrote it or something, so it could end up being nothing, just some iffy judgment on her part.

It also isnt like you're hardcore snooping on her stuff, she must have given you access to her account if you are sending emails for her, so dont be to embarassed about reading them.

That's nice to hear, because I felt guilty, especially given the recent "trust issue" about my ex. I do want to think it's just her being mad and it meaning nothing, but I feel like talking about it could just blow it up. So I'm kinda torn, and as mentioned, I've gotta wait a few days anyways...

get rid of her, b

you know your ex looks better anyways

Heh. Ex is a myspace-whore, dropped out of... I believe grade 9, maybe grade 10, and has pulled fake preggo scares. No high school in the city would even take her back. Batshit insane is an understatement. Claims to have cleaned up but is still bouncing between guys and unemployed.

Note to self: Must tell entertaining stories of crazy ex at some point.

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I won the reading award in second grade. I was so proud that after school I ran home to show the yellow certificate to my parents. They weren't there yet, so I waited all day in the kitchen with Rosario until they got home from work.

When they arrived I was unable to control my excitement and certificate in hand, I immediately jumped up and ran toward them to show them my achievement. Unfortunately Rosalinda had spilled flour all over the linoleum floor and everything went black as my face smashed first into the marble countertop and them was nearly impaled on my shiny new optimus prime.

From that day forward I stopped eating mexican food, reading books, and loving my parents.

if rosario was in the kitchen, and rosalinda was cleaning up the flour, where the hell was consuelo....?!? :eek:

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i'm 21 now and i got a lecture from my dad.

after dropping out of davis and going to heald, i wonder what i'm doing with my life.

i was doing art in davis and dropped out because of lame ass GE classes and went to heald to do business. i don't like business.

what the hell am i doing with my life?

how do people pick a major and stick with it?

i guess i'm having trouble believing that people actually like business or nursing...

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i'm 21 now and i got a lecture from my dad.

after dropping out of davis and going to heald, i wonder what i'm doing with my life.

i was doing art in davis and dropped out because of lame ass GE classes and went to heald to do business. i don't like business.

what the hell am i doing with my life?

how do people pick a major and stick with it?

i guess i'm having trouble believing that people actually like business or nursing...

i had the same trouble

what i did: looked at my transcript, saw which subject i had the most credits and/or best grades in and just went with that....it ended up being cultural anthropology. the ultimate goal is to get the hell out as fast as possible without wasting time and money that doesn't need to be.

doesn't matter what your major is after you land your first job after graduation, you just gotta know how to sell yourself ... and if you have to, bullshit. My strengths are my "worldly and open minded perspective, strong critical thinking and analytical skills and a keen attention to detail and research. I consume information obsessively and have a wide variety of interests that I can translate into a knack for synthesizing information."

Say that like you believe it and you can land any job you want even if you come out with a degree in medieval philosophy.

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nice man...i'd initiate a discussion about it with you but i hardly remember a damn thing from those 4 years they were a beautiful blur

haha hear hear

history rulz

go to law school, you can take practically anything and get in there if you do well on your LSAT

sure does.....i definitely feel like its given me a very rounded education and opened my eyes a lot.

i went to law school.....only realised 2/3 of the way through my degree that i was doing it for the wrong reasons. i never finished it.

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History graduates unite! What type of history did you focus on, jpgm?

Primarily early christian history from the beginning till just before reformation and then as far as non-religious stuff, late antiquity through early middle ages for me.

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History graduates unite! What type of history did you focus on, jpgm?

Primarily early christian history from the beginning till just before reformation and then as far as non-religious stuff, late antiquity through early middle ages for me.

cool, sounds really interesting. i did a pretty big range of stuff....all modern though.

modern russian history (revolutionary and soviet), nazi germany, 20th century african american history, postwar USA, 20th century british history, modern australian history....

quite a few of my units were offered jointly by the anthrop and history departments, and integrated post-colonial and cultural studies. i did quite a bit of work on post-colonialism/transnationalism and migration studies, and subcultures.

im doing one history unit to make up credits next semester which im looking forward to - white supremacy. should be really good.

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Yea, the only non-classical/medieval (bit of renaissance/reformation era i guess) history i really got into was russian history, although i studied pre revolutionary russia for the most part. Luckily, i found a really great teacher who specialized old russia through right up till the revolution. Really great stuff. For my major i had to take some outside history classes (i got college credit for american history in high school and never took it again) and i managed to snag an interesting islamic science and astronomy class last year.

My big senior 20-30 pg research paper was in a class about religion/politics in medieval spain. I thought it was going to be good but the materials were kinda lame. My paper ended up being on sephardic jews in amsterdam and latin america in the post expulsion era and the lasting effects the inquisitional converso period had. I wish i felt stronger about the work though but as i was working on it, i just lost some motivation. It's still solid but could've been better. Glad to see more history majors around here though. Didn't think there were many.

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i hope you had some gitanes on you my parisian brother...

i'll do that sometimes, if i need some space ill grab a pack of smokes and walk to the beach and back when its dark out. its good to have some space you can call your own, i don't like crowds

i particularly like being in airports very late at night when there ain't a damn soul around...just me in the smoking room with CNN playing

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i wrote a fucking A+ paper for this american classics course i'm taking (the course itself has been a load of horse-shit) and the teacher gave me a D. this is another D in a long line of D's that should be at least B's. most of the class is receiving similar grades, but i'm at a loss to why my paper, which both met and exceeded the prompt by a mile, edited by my english major brother, meticulously researched edited and revised by myself up until 2:30 the morning before it was due, was given a D. the other papers i can say were not my best work, but as i stated before deserved B's, and any other teacher would've given them as such. but there is something about this teacher, and i think he's becoming vindictive towards me and is trying to spite me just before the end of school, that is driving me fucking nuts.

i filed a formal complaint with my counselor, and my parents are going in to meet with the heads of the english department, but there is no reason whatsoever that this paper should be getting a fucking D. i'm not gonna lie, the paper is fucking ballin and a half.

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you have to realize that girls are from perfect. there is no perfect girl. please get over this childish crush. man up and ask her if you really do like her. dont ask questions... what are you liek 14?

yeah, I agree with this, and this is how I'd usually react, but who knows, mental state is not up to par lately, plus I was drunk when I posted......appreciate the reality check. As far as the girl is concerned, she's been out of the office for the past week, so the decision was made for me. I need to get laid.

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My math teacher doesnt like me because I only turn in about half of my homeworks and I sleep in class every day and i still have a B cuz I ace every test :)


Confession: I think I'm turning into a stoner. I didn't smoke much during the year because they drug test at my school, I've been smoking every weekend for the last two months, and 3 times since I got out of school on friday. 2 friends and I bought a 4th yesterday and we smoked with a gasmask. I feel like a stoner.


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