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best waywt pics

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badass. visvim should be paying these guys. everyone looks solid, jorg included.


kix looks like a tough motherfucker. i would not want to be on his bad side. carl looks lovably goofy/homie as always

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kix looks like a tough motherfucker. i would not want to be on his bad side. carl looks lovably goofy/homie as always

haha. i should start a "which type of best friend are you" thread

y'know, 'cause no two best friends are exactly alike. there's always someone like the big buff dude and the lanky guy, or the hot girl with her ugly, fat best friend.

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Icarus i couldn't agree more

-annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn slouchy boots

a little of me died inside when i saw this...my first ever post on this board was to try and find these boots in hk....these are made out of the most incredible leather i have ever felt in my life...the beautiful shape... the way they drape...the toe...the slightly off black...

i feel like i am being punished for some past life transgression that means not only do i not have these boots..but chris does and is going to post in them in amongst other well chosen garments to make these note perfect fits...

i am going to go to my grave knowing i should have got these when i had the chance...i would lay money on the fact that in the meantime chris will be killing it everyday...

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Guest jmatsu

nothing personally against keagon, but i must strongly object to his most recent fit being placed in here. the mere act is so fucking biased (and absurd) it's sickening.

i would just assume that the pic of keagon is similar to that of a young cultpop maybe about 10 years ago... before the receding hairline, weight-gain, and redistro of income (child support?) keag, if you ever get tired of those reeboks i now know who you'll donate them too (but think about it, did he really help your cause?).

fuck all sympathizers!

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Guest jmatsu
nothing against cultpop or keagan, but they both kind of dress similar. like, keagan is a thinner cultpop or something.

dude you fucking beat me to it!!!

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nothing against cultpop or keagan, but they both kind of dress similar. like, keagan is a thinner cultpop or something.

Keagan dresses better then cult in my op. While I don't know if it deserves best it is pretty decent. I'm just glad he isn't doing that pornesque booty pose he did a few days ago.

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Guest jmatsu
Keagan dresses better then cult in my op. While I don't know if it deserves best it is pretty decent. I'm just glad he isn't doing that pornesque booty pose he did a few days ago.

okay you got me there. here ya go-

cosigned...except for the "it is pretty decent."

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