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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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I'm getting tired of all these kids making accounts and talking shit because rep is unlimited now

It's not even about the rep

when i joined sufu years ago, there was almost a nervous excitement to post a fit, knowing that somebody in some thread was probably gonna give you great criticism, or if you sucked, they let you know all the ways you sucked.

This topic is about the worst fits right? So I'm just letting everyone know how his fit sucked.

Just because he's wearing Junya and Thom Browne doesn't make it a nice outfit.

Edited by tryagain
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The frees are inexcusable. He's obviously trying to dress up, but downgraded the whole fit with sneakers. Plus everything looks like its two sizes too big on him.

try again braaaaaah.

scott always looks pretty damn good. the blazer is a little long but other than that, it's not worthy of being within the same pages as felip's garbage.

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Guest Methimphibian

I'm getting tired of all these kids making accounts and talking shit because rep is unlimited now

I agree, I say ban/suspend these guys like wavey and tryagain and then close registration most of the year.

Edited by Methimphibian
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good job on creating a new account dipshit.

i don't think you've read my post correctly either.

man that last sentence is mindblowing. is there a fucking status you need to attain to post in a topic?

sorry i don't wear rick owens on the daily cuz it makes the internet wet its panties

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by tarokyama, December 19, 2011 - No reason given
Hidden by tarokyama, December 19, 2011 - No reason given



<img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b162/akfgfan14/DSC_2774.jpg"><br>


Looks like Frodo Baggins jumped a hobo and stole his clothes to hide from the rain. Seriously, if you&#39;re going to wear a blazer at least buy some rubber soled brogues to go out in the rain. Otherwise this whole fit is ridiculous.<br>

would be dope if he wore some kinda 3-pronged court fool/jester hat. yeah, i just wanna say that this fit not that good. beside the obvious that has already been state (jkt length, denim fit, and outta place footwear), i really don;t appreciate the watanabe worship which i;ve ascertained from his superfuture performances. imo, just a hipster who spends money on cdg protege cred in attempts at distancing himself from the other nyc hipsters. i'm just gonna say it. don't care. watanabe junya of old is different (and better imo) than this new shit. all i see of late is fuckin tweaked repros. tweaked sizing/cuts, some wtf details or two per piece, and the use of different color schemes.and oh, the uninspired mass influx of double name products. yo fuck the faux nyc attitudes. i don't give a shit. vertically challenged stature and so called old school sufu membership aint mean shit and shall not (and should not) receive any slack or favortism. at best he and peoples commenting here and there in this thread b middle schoolers. you might have had some fashion study halls and detentions, but that shit ain't mean shit . most of u ain't lived this shit. he should no that this kinda fit don't fly. the rest of you "og" gutter grubs should know better too. shame on you. if he really your friend you ought to tell him real like. set him straight for his own benefit. yr defenses/praises got no heart. no sincerity. u doin your "friend" a diss service Edited by tarokyama
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To the guy who negged me, come on. Tell me one good thing you see about that fit. You post some objectively good stuff around here, so I would more than love to hear what you have to say about it.

I negged because your post talks about people needing to 'up their ante' or improve when you yourself have never posted a fit and instead used your first and only post to complain about people who have posted many and to call out people for liking higher profile members. The reason many are higher profile is not just because of fits but because they are nice people too which i think anyone would agree scott is just that.

if i remember rightly scott received a good amount of rep for that fit because people liked to see him happy..and the fit before that because he showed his #based cooking skills, haha , As for my opinion of fit in question I don't really care either way, i think parts might be a bit long but i'd never care enough to bother putting it here.. i say let that boy post his fits if he is happy doing it!

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Lozinski come on, I've been here since 2010 and watching all the stupid posts you've made with regards to interpretation of any subject matter. It has really amazed me how you have failed to make use of given grey matter given to you at birth. Your retort is juvenile bordering on foolishness at best.

Mapclub you're still a coolguy in my opinion. True I've never posted a fit pic ever and only started posting anything now but Superfuture wasn't about posting fit pics personally. It's been a large resource base for my travel/shopping needs and I don't see a personal need to throw up a fit pic. With regards to personality, come on. If it was about being a nice guy I don't think we'd be seeing DenimBros here. Really. I can say that 90% of them are nice and if it was really run on niceness, this thread will just cease to exist. They belong here for a reason and some fit pics from high profile posters are also in here for a reason.

I got nothing against Scott but fact is that it was a shitty fit. Shitty fits belong here. Simple as that. If anybody disagrees just provide a fucking post on why you think that was a dopeass fit. All this talk about Sufu getting weak and them missing the old objective and critical Sufu really makes me want to vomit a little.

Edited by susej33
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yo i guess i'd b bitter if i had to live on a farm w/ my mom and her boyfriend. yeah, i'd b bitter if i had to shop in the phlippienis 4 havaianas. i can imagine yr pains dawg. btw what kind of farm u guys live on? LOL what kind of factory your moms work @? LOL. 2 bad it ain't a bedsheet factory.

instead of buying play chucks, u shoulda just opted for regular ones. with the little moneys u saved u probably could have kopped a bed sheet that fit at wallmart i think. u got walmarts by the farm or in that land o' philipinose?

suk my dick

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Instead of arguing about "personalities" and shit, this thread is really about fuvking clothes. I love Scott, he's one of my best friends. I repped that fit because I liked seeing him smile (no homo) but the outfit is questionable. I'm not a fan of the blazer by any means. I think that's what's throwing the fit off. The sneakers are passable because they're the water proof ones, and I wouldn't wear my $1,000 shoes out in the rain either.

Stacks and futurian have both made great posts with knowledge that everyone should follow. I don't care how awesome someone is, or how good their past fits have been.

Oh and felip, shut the fuck up.

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Posted · Hidden by tarokyama, December 19, 2011 - No reason given
Hidden by tarokyama, December 19, 2011 - No reason given


Instead of arguing about "personalities" and shit, this thread is really about fuvking clothes. I love Scott, he's one of my best friends. I repped that fit because I liked seeing him smile (no homo) but the outfit is questionable. I'm not a fan of the blazer by any means. I think that's what's throwing the fit off. The sneakers are passable because they're the water proof ones, and I wouldn't wear my $1,000 shoes out in the rain either. Stacks and futurian have both made great posts with knowledge that everyone should follow. I don't care how awesome someone is, or how good their past fits have been. Oh and felip, shut the fuck up.

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<p>just to clarify, cause maybe i just ain't understanding what you intended 2 say...</p>

<p>so scott is 1 of yr best beloved bros.  u repped cause u like seeing him smile.  u said that all this should be about clothes (so why are u reppin? obviously cause he's one of your main bros).  you also claim not to care how awesome someone is, or how good their past fits have been.  ain't your bro an awesome duder?  he wouldn't be one of your best bro's and you wouldn't care about his smile if he wasn't that awesome, now would you?  anyway you repped in a whatuwearing thread, right?  sorry to nit pick, but if he had posted in the "awesome best bro"  or "smiling happy little men"  then it'd definitely be in your rights to rep.  i know it's probably impossible to be biased and that we'd all like people to think we can be objective, but we can't.  if possible, try to pretend that you guys don't have this great bromance.  make pretend you're at a some fancy place eating with your girlfriend or boyfriend, drinking tang outside of 7-11, or whatever it is you do on your leisure time.  then scott walks in/by and smiles away.  hypothetically what then?  "nice smile?"  cool fit bro?  would u even give a fuck or two?</p>

<p>the technical side-  blazer not good, established and agreed upon by most.  imo denim don't fit good, but not the worst, i suppose. of course no one of minor income dare wear 1k shoes in the rain, but isn't he wearing other expensive shit in the rain as well?  that aside if he wants to try and ball stunt in the rain, he could have worn a better pair of fit cohesive fashion shoes that would hold up in that sorta weather.</p>

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<p>and yeah felix b some ass douche </p>

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