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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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eh, kinda boring, but not terrible.

thats what i was trying to say, not worst but shit talking worthy. i don't like it, and i don't really know why, which i said. but its not terrible. i think maybe it really is the look on his face.

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Hahah beat me to it.

When are these people going to understand that they just don't have the frame for such tight clothing? He looks like he's wearing some 14-year-old girls' cardigan.

EDIT: He looks like one of those guys who get huge pit stains at parties but keep their arms down to try to hide it. Either that or a guy from an "edgy" Christian rock band (if he wore a graphic tee).

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I get huge pit stains at parties. Am I supposed to be hiding them?

No, of course not. This guy just looks like he would (self-conscious).

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you guys don't under shirt it up? usually prevents those things from happening.

yea but what if you're one of those people who manages to sweat through two layers, then everyone be pointing like 'yo look at that dude hes wearing a tshirt and a sweater and he still gots nattty pit stains'

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