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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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whats up with posters that post one bad fit once and never appear ever again

i posted twice. got bad comments and now im working on my steeze but imma most again later.i think most people just get too embrassed and leave.

which is a bad thing cause waywt is meant to help people work on there wardrobe. idk just two sense.

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you put a members only, dockers, and some tim's could you tell the difference?

snazzy closet he has. looks like the insides of a Ralph Lauren store

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^^^i dont think its that bad. the only thing im not feelin is how the jacket and pants are similarly colored.

Yeah I completely agree. Maybe if the jacket wasn't zipped, then there would be a little more contrast. It would've also helped if the jacket and jeans weren't wrinkled. All in all, it's a nice change from the standard tee+cardigan+dark jeans look, which I'll admit that I'm usually going with along with a good amount of people on sufu.

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no dumb bitch^^ get your readin skillz straight

i said i dont like the jacket and pants being the same color, thats why i would change the color of the pants. and the treks i just dont mind, when i see them in an outfit i usually ignore them as i think theyre ugly shoes no matter the situation

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sure the christos are nice but cant say much for the rest of the stuff plus the shitty cam pic. dpmhi snopants are fine but they look a little weird on him, maybe the pose maybe the shot.

as far as i can tell

the dude is wearing a polka dot 2.5L idiom, snopants, christos, and goodenough tee.

perhaps the pieces are amazing individually but they dont work when they are all put together.


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