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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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jesus thats weird looking. i don't think it's his shape either just a bad choice of top for the pants...i think the pockets are bulging out too which makes it look weirder.

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Donkey cheese douchebaggery. Dude looks like he's humping the mannequin.


The way he wears his clothing makes him seem like he's trying way too hard to look cool.

Huge cuff, huge stuck out tongue, sagged denim like he's in a prison...

However, a lot of hoodrats would probably fuck him cause it looks fashionable to them

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''The way he wears his clothing makes him seem like he's trying way too hard to look cool.'"

This is bad.

I don't normally call people out but when your post is such a hypocrisy it's hard not to.



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im with kyl, the first thing i thought when i saw that was "wow it looks like hes trying too hard"

especially after seeing him post about how cool he is and how down with supreme he is on iss when i looked at that stuuuuuuupid supreme meet up thread on there

god damn i hate the internet some times

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Cool, I made it here.

Those are my most comfortable and favorite jeans I've been wearing the fuck out of for the past couple years. I love them. All my clothes are old, I'd buy new clothes but I have to pay those things called bills and get myself through school.

So no $200+ jeans for me for awhile. I mostly just like looking a people's style on here. I'll post myself on here when I'm feeling pretty. I guess the feeling isn't mutual among sufu community!

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''The way he wears his clothing makes him seem like he's trying way too hard to look cool.'"

This is bad.

I don't normally call people out but when your post is such a hypocrisy it's hard not to.

i dont see anything loud about my outfit compared to what I critique on his fit.

outrageous cuffs and a tongue that's halfway to the knee, sagging the pants and and that chain is loud compared to what i'm wearing.

honestly, all he needs to have a good fit is to correct those.

And Sean...nowhere did I state I was down with Supreme. Don't know where you got that from. I was just laughing at the lack of common sense - Why would you meet INSIDE the store?

- BodiesOfLight - don't worry - back in the old sufu days people were crazy about nudie regular ralfs and those were bootcut.

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I think that although whatever vibes you guys might be getting from DJ2xTech and that weird Korean guy with the Imperials might cause you to find them very similar, you have to look at the fits and they are very different to me. There isn't really anything about DJ2xTech's fit that begs to be "cool," so he doesn't seem like a hypocrite to me. It's just a Supreme-loving kid wearing his new Supreme clothing. Maybe the matching hat/shoes is the only thing that might qualify?

BodiesOfLight, I can definitely see why those would be your favorite jeans. They might be bootcut but I think they fit just fine (as well as bootcuts can possibly fit maybe?) and are sized/worn perfectly. They might not be sufu-approved but that doesn't mean they don't look good. Don't worry about some of the critiques you will find here :D

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i dont really mind most of DJ2xTech's posts

but he doesnt pull off supreme well at all. the hats on a weird angle

he needs new haircut, and i think the jeans fit weird and the shoes are wrong

its not terrible but its not good either

that being said, im trying to be useful and helpful with my criticism instead of just plain hating

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i dont really mind most of DJ2xTech's posts

but he doesnt pull off supreme well at all. the hats on a weird angle

he needs new haircut, and i think the jeans fit weird and the shoes are wrong

its not terrible but its not good either

that being said, im trying to be useful and helpful with my criticism instead of just plain hating

Criticism taken and thanks.

Hair...yes I'm in the process of growing it out. Gotta cover up with a hat. I think Vandals look pretty good with a pair of slim denim compared to other Nikes like Blazers.

Must be the angle, bad posing of the shot. I'll try to take a better one next time, if I do. Like I said...pretty ordinary.

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