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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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clopek, that top guy, his shirt is too tight, you can see his stomach flab, his jeans are a size too small maybe two sizes... you can see his thunder thigh and im sure he'd have a major cameltoe from the front


take it easy buddy...you sound like a catty high school cheerleader

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thats not a what are you wearing today, that is showing how my jeans fit pre soak? i was showing the space inbetween?...


yo ucan even still see the tags on... looool

not my sheets or room either

lmao @ dude still putting it in here. I think it was implied that it wasn't your room by the colors of the walls and the bedsheets though, I just thought it'd be funny to mention. :o

But you can't say that pic doesn't look awkward though.

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i'm really confused on all this unwarrented hate... i've been receiving

don't take it personally. people get restless when there isn't anything/anyone at hand to really hate on.

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Guest jmatsu

you look like a turkish sex offender.

you've been to japan, right? in this pic he appears to be one of those turks selling immitation lv, rolex, etc with the table, mini generator, the entire she-bang.

or maybe one those guys in those falafel trucks parked in shibuya/harajuku.

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ummm falafel. im hungry now

you've been to japan, right? in this pic he appears to be one of those turks selling immitation lv, rolex, etc with the table, mini generator, the entire she-bang.

or maybe one those guys in those falafel trucks parked in shibuya/harajuku.

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terrible. though the monochrome palette hap generally conforms to is complimentary against his pale skin (thus allowing him to accomplish the ultra contrived post-romantic-neo-dark-wave look), in this rare instance the additional inclusion of not one but two contemporary fashion cliches--the falsely nonchalant un-tied/tucked boots and the ever so trite "blazer-hoody" combo--sabotages the carelessly cool aesthetic this 'fit aspires to and only succeeds in reeking of adolescent self-consciousness.

now for the constructive part:

each of these cliches alone is hard enough to pull of well. you are generally pretty successful with the boots. the jacket however looks awful. perhaps if it were more fitted in the arms and shoulders then a very thin lightweight hoody underneath (or even better one of those separate hoods that annD, RO, and MM did several seasons back) could in theory work without coming off as too trendy and cheesy. otherwise ditch the hobo's jacket and you've got yourself a decent, predicatable, yet respectable fit.

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The standard size hood doesn't really do it for me in that context... a black oversized one would have fitted the bill much better. At least lose the cords from the hood, but I ritually remove hood cords so maybe that's just me.

Absolutely nothing wrong with the bottom half fit though.

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you attempt at being controversial by making a polemic statement about a very valued waywt posters is quite sad, and your endeavour to conceal this call for attention into "constructive feedback" seems equally desperate.

if you really consider that outfit to be among the worst posted in the waywt thread then you just have poor taste, but I doubt that because your own outfits seem to atleast strive to some level of mediocre stylishness. so I assume that your post was an effort to seek attention which you seem to cherish, I'm guessing my comment will surely be followed by another one of your three pharagraph wannabe-philosophical-sounding ridicilous statements.

but maybe haptronic will take your criticism into consideration and remove the blazer, much like you cut your hair.

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you attempt at being controversial by making a polemic statement about a very valued waywt posters is quite sad, and your endeavour to conceal this call for attention into "constructive feedback" seems equally desperate.

if you really consider that outfit to be among the worst posted in the waywt thread then you just have poor taste, but I doubt that because your own outfits seem to atleast strive to some level of mediocre stylishness. so I assume that your post was an effort to seek attention which you seem to cherish, I'm guessing my comment will surely be followed by another one of your three pharagraph wannabe-philosophical-sounding ridicilous statements.

but maybe haptronic will take your criticism into consideration and remove the blazer, much like you cut your hair.

you are completely wrong. i ridicule everyone i see wearing the blazer hoody combo 1) because it is tacky and 2) because no one ever successfully approximates the knightly silhouette from which it is derived. if it were any other member they would've ended up in here as well.

and as for the hair, my appointment to get it cut was scheduled months in advance for when the owner of a local salon was due to return from japan.

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