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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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keds champion slip ons

maybe its the way his face and his hair cut irks the shit out of me...or maybe its the fact that the tshirt drapes all funky lookin or maybe the fact that the slipons look like aqua socks...just looks bad in general.

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^^ actually i think its bad pics more than anything... the angles and poses end up making the fits look off, though the jeans are consistently the most solid piece in his outfits.

the angle does make the shoes look funny on that pic, but i dont think the shirt looks like it drapes oddly.

And the facial expression cracks me up.. obviously it was intentional.

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i mean of course the pose is outright heinous, and yes the jeans are a plus also i can never complain about anything decently handscreened, but overalll, i must make a confession.... i hate hate, hate slip-ons, (specifically vans).

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I have no photography skills, I have 10 seconds on my crappy camera to go run over to somewhere that you can see my whole body, and then i pose like an idiot... the flash ruins everything, the expression obviously on purpose... yes i need a haircut too... made appt yesterday.. and the keds probably look alot better from a different angle or something...

don't ask me, it was meant to be a stupid/funny looking picture, some people liked it i guess from the rep i got :\, i probably do need to figure out a better way to show what im wearing by taking better picture/having better pose...

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"Originally Posted by jwied82

this pic makes me feel uneasy or creeps me out or something... for one because of the facial expression, but mainly because its like 50% of the guys body fat is in his upper arms.. just doesnt look natural.

he def. needs to take that into consideration before choosing sleeveless shirts/tanks"

Dude...FYI I am 5'8 and 140lbs and have less than 10% bodyfat. I just happen to workout 4-5 times a week with a personal trainer. Just because I'm not waif like Kate Moss and yourself doesn't mean I cannot wear sleeveless tank. Also, if you look at my other fits my arm doesn't look as big as the one with Tobey. I guess it's how the picture was taken that made my arms bigger.


Also, please do me a favor get rid of this hideous tank. I don't care if it's Nudie. You look like a freaking Village People castaway.

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Guest thesnow

LOL at people that "work out" 4-5 times a week but they train like they are competing to run a race with their arms

Monday: Biceps day

Tuesday: Chest day

Thursday: Abs day

Friday: Biceps

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I will gladly give away half of my leg muscles to you skinny fucks. I don't even play sports anymore and they still won't get any smaller.

lay in bed for two weeks. don't eat anything, and most of all DONT DO ANYTHING.

you'll wear dior in no time.

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misterpretender.. you really should look into working out your legs some more. You have a decent amount of muscle mass on your upper body but it looks like your thighs are about the same size as your arms here:


dude...I do alot of running and I encorporate core training to my workout to strengthen my legs. But I guess mother nature blessed me with chicken legs. LOL. And besides I personally don't want to have enormous legs.

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Dude...FYI I am 5'8 and 140lbs and have less than 10% bodyfat. I just happen to workout 4-5 times a week with a personal trainer. Just because I'm not waif like Kate Moss and yourself doesn't mean I cannot wear sleeveless tank. Also, if you look at my other fits my arm doesn't look as big as the one with Tobey. I guess it's how the picture was taken that made my arms bigger.

Also, please do me a favor get rid of this hideous tank. I don't care if it's Nudie. You look like a freaking Village People castaway.

i never said you were fat, you do look to be overall toned and have thin enough legs to wear tapered/slim jeans, i was simply insinuating that your upper arms looked unproportionally large in that pic and that in my opinion it didnt look like defined muscle. And i still hold the opinion from what i can see that your upper arms are disproportionate. And think about it, to qualify my original (and sarcastic, and i admit unwise) statement you'd have to have an overall low bodyfat, so i think you slightly misconstrued my comment. Anyway, i apologize for upsetting you enough to save my waywt pic to your photobucket and renaming it "fucker"

and i will keep my tank top.

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Guest thesnow
...Moderation is the key to everything...


Well, its just, ya know, like my opinion man... but having big legs aint that bad

still ill admit since my thighs are like 23" i cant dress as well as skinny people

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