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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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  chronoaug said:

Are we really discussing mswilliam being better dressed than bizzy? No offense to either of them, but i find mswilliam more attractive but bizzy's style and wardrobe is much much better. Sure she's a bit over the top with weird looks at times, but that's what it takes to get a fantastic creative fit every once in awhile. Mswilliam certainly doesn't have bad style. It's better than the random sorority girl fodder i see on campus, but it's nothing that i don't see in every single one of my classes. Definitely nothing wrong with that as she looks good in her clothes. I'm glad both are still posting here.

word. bizzy is different/pioneering, mswilliam is kind of ruining it for me. i feel like im looking at some teeny bopper myspace page every time she adds a picture. i really don't care for her lips/cleavage/etc and it isn't going to make up for a poor clothing (at least on a fashion forum)

imo every girl should dress like jungle jane. i find her outfits a perfect combination of accessibility with something new and different every time.

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I think tubby's main problem is his layering fetish. I'm relatively thin, but i just don't have any muscle so i can't wear tight tops. Because of this, it's very difficult for me to have a bunch of layers without looking kinda tubby. I usually try to steer clear of the whole 2 tshirts, dress shirt and then sweater look like that guy. I just know i can't do it. I don't wear things i know i can't pull off. That's why i was nervous about my pbjs being too tight, but they worked out.

I understand you there, syc. She definitely looks like the kind of person to be much more attractive in person. Not to say it as an insult, but her face definitely has character. Most people use it as a sarcastic insult, but i mean it in a good way. I know a girl and some guys like this. There is just something about them that's captivating at times. Don't know if bizzy is like this, but i wouldn't be suprised.

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  sycamore no more said:
Bizzy is hot in motion(in person), her pictures do no justice.

I've never met/seen bizzy in person, but she looked way better in that video she posted a while back. Note that I'm only talking about her looks, not her style -- she always has great fits.

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  chronoaug said:
Put it this way, if he was a girl, he'd be one of the chubby girls wearing skinny low rise jeans with a muffin top.

Seriously though, people would've defended him if he would've chilled out. He's obviously really insecure about his weight so he probably shouldn't have posted here, i guess. If he came to grip with the fact that he's overweight and his clothes sizing make it worse, there wouldn't be an extra page on this. People were gonna lay off him but he just kept coming with the "i'm gonna stomp you skinny fags" and "it's not my fault i'm fat, i inherited it" and listing crappy indie rock bands from 5 years ago who the only reason people think they're good is because they're underground and "indie". Lame.

Are we really discussing mswilliam being better dressed than bizzy? No offense to either of them, but i find mswilliam more attractive but bizzy's style and wardrobe is much much better. Sure she's a bit over the top with weird looks at times, but that's what it takes to get a fantastic creative fit every once in awhile. Mswilliam certainly doesn't have bad style. It's better than the random sorority girl fodder i see on campus, but it's nothing that i don't see in every single one of my classes. Definitely nothing wrong with that as she looks good in her clothes. I'm glad both are still posting here.

Sensitive sally up there should go to style forum to see huskier guys dress well with their body. It's hard to sort through the stuff now since the sufu invasion but there used to be a good amount of well dressed guys posting larger outfits. Sucks that he uses an excuse though. Because those are always the people who never get in shape. I just try to stay in shape because i know if i get out of shape, i'm gonna be too lazy to actually try and lose a bunch of weight when i'm older and i don't want health problems later in life.

did you not see the video of him jumping around doing martial arts? not everyone has a superskinny shape but the kid clearly is in ok shape. just because he's not a twig doesnt mean he is fat. i dont think he needs to worry about his weight and/or health.

i, on the other hand, am chubby. no excuses here. wait till skate season starts though.

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  hollaforadolla said:
i really don't care for her lips/cleavage/etc

Hand in your man card now, please.

Her outfits really aren't as bad as people make them out to be. She's not wearing sufu clothes, which i think is people's main problem with her, but that's not such a terrible thing. Girls have a lot more options than guys with clothes. Girls can actually find relatively slim fitting clothes at most stores while if i walked into a mall store, i'd have to size down to make it fit in the chest, but then it'd be too short(i'm a bit over 6ft). I'm comparing her to girls i see around campus and out of my 4 classes she dresses better than a good number of them. The most important thing is that her stuff generally fits her well and looks good on her which is more important than having a pair of geishas, chucks, and some obscure brands.

Seriously though, i can't believe someone is complaining about an attractive woman with nice assets posting solid pics. Man, sometimes those hypebeasters are right about everyone here;)

cult: Aerobics never hurt anyone. I don't blame you one bit for not running or skating. I shudder every time i see your photos when i see all that snow. I don't know what i'd do with myself if i lived there. I'm such a spoiled florida weather kid.

I don't need to run that much, I just need to work out a bit. I can put on muscle pretty quick(but lose it quick as well). I'm relatively slim, just a bit soft. I haven't worked out in awhile and i've noticed that i've been getting pushed around in the paint a bit more playing basketball. That's not good, since i love the post game.

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there has been a number of posts saying that b i z z y dresses weird..or word to that effect...

it straight confuses me...

maybe where i live is different but seriously she dresses well...it is not like she is in full goth regalia or any kind of costume...she stays on top of what is going on...and is sometimes ahead of the curve...wears some interesting brands mixed in with basics...a mix of casual and dressier stuff...

hey that sounds like the better dressed guys who post here...

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call me a jackass but i find it hard to believe that its him... :/

and really...anybody with eyes can recognize a fat person when they see one...theres a difference between having an athletic bodyform (ie, my brother whos a swimmer at UCLA who has enormous thighs) and having thick/fat thighs. Also, you cant deny the moobies in the picture either so keep the whole arobatic story to yourself and just take the criticism as inspirational reason to jog.

and a neighborhood outside of the city? sounds like a suburb to me. just cuz you dont live in a neighborhood where they build housing developments block after block doesnt mean you dont live in the suburb. sub - urb

1.a district lying immediately outside a city or town, esp. a smaller residential community.

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<quote> Originally Posted by fadingblue viewpost.gif

i personally dont care, even if she may not be the most original, i think she loooks better than a lot of bizzy's fits and outfits are about making you look good before showing your creativity i think


i disagree. being hot or not is subjective, varies from person to person. furthermore it doesn't require any type of effort. being creative and actually pulling off unique personal style PLUS making it fashion-forward is not an easy feat. bizzy deserves all the hype she gets.

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  mellowbonsai said:
Well, this has been quite a thread for me. To answer a few things seriously, one, no, I don't live in a suburb, but I don't live in a city either. I live just outside the city in a neighborhood called riverwest. Okay, its definitely not a hood, but its not a quite a suburb either.

My avatar is the cover from of the album Know By Heart by The American Analog Set. They're signed to Arts&Crafts, you know, the same label Broken Social Scene, Leslie Feist, Jason Collett, Stars, Apostle of Hustle...

And I apologize if my body doesn't conform to the SF standard, whatever it is.

WOAH really? are you going to label-name drop? really? is that going to help?

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  sycamore no more said:
Mswilliam sucks.

She looks like a hipster and she's ugly.

She'd be seen in public with cmirsky because he dresses equally homo.

She stole Canice's pidgeon toe pose!

I hate supergays who bring their bitches on here. Keep them on a fucking chain to save the eyesore.

i never really get invovled in trash,

but why is this 17 yr old constantly allowed to personally attack people?

because he knows kiya? because he's a selfedge groupie? because he wears flathead?

bed got banned for saying homophobic remarks about chris, but yet it's okay for him to call cmirsky homo. calling people he doesn't know ugly?

taunting cultpop and his kids?

he's really the "elitist" sufu bully, trying to maintain his status in his "domain", bullying noobs and the weak.

all very 17 yr old behavior i guess.

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  verver said:
i never really get invovled in trash,

but why is this 17 yr old constantly allowed to personally attack people?

because he knows kiya? because he's a selfedge groupie? because he wears flathead?

bed got banned for saying homophobic remarks about chris, but yet it's okay for him to call cmirsky homo. calling people he doesn't know ugly?

taunting cultpop and his kids?

he's really the "elitist" sufu bully, trying to maintain his status in his "domain", bullying noobs and the weak.

all very 17 yr old behavior i guess.


and mrs.william is stacked. just give her a few months on superfuture, and her wardrobe will be much better.

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  sycamore no more said:
Oh right I totally forgot I was 14 and contribute nothing to this forum.

lucky you!

you have the luxury of forgetting because you're not the rest of us.

personally, i can't forget, what with with your posts -- which contribute nothing -- continually beating me over the head with their fourteen year old, know-it-all inanity.

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i generally try to stay the fuck out of supertrash but i felt compelled to post.

1. bizzy dresses well. her fit is pretty much always spot on, at least in my opinion.

2. mellowbonsai, it's simply a matter of finding out what fits you properly. speaking as a bigger guy (relative to most of sufu, anyway) it's even more important to find a good fit/balance. in your case the tight top accentuates your wide hips and larger thighs, making them seem even more disproportionately large. i really think that a nice straight leg trouser paired with a slightly-looser fitting top would work wonders. i hope i'm not offending you but i really think that you should try counterbalancing your top half to match how spread out your bottom half is.

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Guest jmatsu
  artificialsky said:
i don't get it, cultpop is just as fat and wears just as ill-fitting clothing as this other dude, but nobody rides on him for it.

it's not as if he hasn't recieved crazy shit for his style/body frame/whatever. all you have to do is search. i loved hating on his shit, but hating on cult is so played out. it's not even a challenge or fun anymore. anybody who hates on/critisizes him is basically regurgitating obvious sentiment that has been posted to death upon.

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  artificialsky said:
i don't get it, cultpop is just as fat and wears just as ill-fitting clothing as this other dude, but nobody rides on him for it.

first. i am not as fat. im probably fatter. second, nobody? you have a short memory.

  jmatsu said:
it's not as if he hasn't recieved crazy shit for his style/body frame/whatever. all you have to do is search. i loved hating on his shit, but hating on cult is so played out. it's not even a challenge or fun anymore. anybody who hates on/critisizes him is basically regurgitating obvious sentiment that has been posted to death upon.

seriously, i know im a stocky bitch. hating on me is so 2006.

but my frame still doest stop me from dressing how i want. fuck haters.

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Guest youngteam
  verver said:
i never really get invovled in trash,

but why is this 17 yr old constantly allowed to personally attack people?

because he knows kiya? because he's a selfedge groupie? because he wears flathead?

bed got banned for saying homophobic remarks about chris, but yet it's okay for him to call cmirsky homo. calling people he doesn't know ugly?

taunting cultpop and his kids?

he's really the "elitist" sufu bully, trying to maintain his status in his "domain", bullying noobs and the weak.

all very 17 yr old behavior i guess.

because he's 14. or 17. same fucking thing. that's why no one gives a fuck. just like if a monkey flings poo at you, what the fuck are you going to do? it's a pea-brained monkey.

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  cultpop 0217 said:
first. i am not as fat. im probably fatter. second, nobody? you have a short memory.

seriously, i know im a stocky bitch. hating on me is so 2006.

but my frame still doest stop me from dressing how i want. fuck haters.

damn skippy cult.

and Hap- you're hot. every kind of homo/hetero/racial/sexual/physical inference intended.

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  haptronic said:
since when did this become a beauty contest...

i mean talking about someones clothes and how they fit is one thing...but comparing people looks whether male or female is seriously stupid...

save it for hot or not...

  headcoat said:
Are you guys really arguing over which superfuture girl is hotter or better dressed?

Can you imagine if the girls of SuFu were flaming each other over which guy they thought was hottest?

Indeed. This has been more fem than them.

And sincere question for mods...why hasn't syc been banned yet? This fucking twat gives supertrash a bad name.

Bulk up for cred & not close ranks for crew. You've got a bad, cranapple in your ranks.

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  youngteam said:
findmybetterhalf, on the other hand, has no excuse.

remind me why you took it upon yourself to say this again? i rarely attaack people personally on their looks/sexual preference. in this case, im pretty much sayin the same thing everybody is sayin.

also you really have no room to say anybody is "immature" especially since you seem to continue on this meaningless beef that started from me/artificialsky thread...that i publicly apologized to artificialsky as well as other sufu members that got involved in it...so get over it, move on...being a dick doesnt get you a name on sufu.

and to comment on cultpop, even though cult isnt the skinniest guy on sufu, he has a bigger upperbody build that compensates for his bigger leg build..opposed to the other guy who seems to ahve smaller shoulders than his hips which make him look like a female. not to mention his outfit that adds onto the girly look.

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