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worst (sufu) waywt fits

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plaid over plaid is fine in a different outfit (i.e. something remotely outdoorsy or americana)

the top and bottom just don't mix and makes it seem like he was just throwing together a bunch of random shit to get rep.

those rafs they look like trash with that get up

Have to agree. His choice of plaids is eye raping though. Also, top is boxy while the bottom is tapered as fuck, does not go together. And to be picky the sleeves are about 1.5" too long

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in all honesty its not even the plaid+plaid that looks off. its the sneakz.

same as last time....but stil better than 99% of the frute swags here on sufu.. people just got it in for the poor fella.

EDIT: i just peeped his blog, and he even writing about lotta skeletrix <3 ... good lad i say. the lego stuffs a bit gay though.

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From awhile back but its a classic. Creepy but classic.

Negged La Brea a while back for an uncalled for comment he made (that seems to have been deleted) in which he hated on Leonard Leroy. This hate seemingly stems from this picture that La Brea didn't even realize was photoshopped by our man ordo...wanted to reply to La Brea's PM about me negging him but it wouldn't go through...Best of luck to you though La Brea...

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in all honesty its not even the plaid+plaid that looks off. its the sneakz.

same as last time....but stil better than 99% of the frute swags here on sufu.. people just got it in for the poor fella.

EDIT: i just peeped his blog, and he even writing about lotta skeletrix <3 ... good lad i say. the lego stuffs a bit gay though.

I don't really have a problem with the shoes but with this outfit they look out of place (along with the jeans). Granted, nearly any fit with those will incur a hypebeasty vibe, but if the jacket was slim it wouldn't be a bad fit

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Negged La Brea a while back for an uncalled for comment he made (that seems to have been deleted) in which he hated on Leonard Leroy. This hate seemingly stems from this picture that La Brea didn't even realize was photoshopped by our man ordo...wanted to reply to La Brea's PM about me negging him but it wouldn't go through...Best of luck to you though La Brea...

But La Brea was totally accurate with that statement, haha.

It is creepy but classic. Hahaha

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i'm a fan of simple outfits. the pre distressed denim and color blocking added details that made it appeal even more to me. i could see ol' boy go from corner store to the pub and still blend in with the crowd. overall it was just simple. it most certainly does NOT belong in worst.

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