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good hip hop

mike lowrey

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Wow, getting verses from pre-Dropout days... not bad on its own merit, though

I think he said he was gonna' do this in past interviews; add previously recorded lyrics/songs to his new material...

New 50 Cent interview:

The main topic is the Kanye West thing…

“You know what, Kanye West … I never really seen Kanye as my competition. It’s marketing. People like to see some type of competition between hip hop artists. But at the end of the day, I don’t even think it’s a choice. I think the guy who likes 50 Cent wants 50 Cent and the guy who likes Kanye West wants that. There’s no comparison … Kanye he ain’t about that. He don’t want no competition. And you’d be a sucker to bring competition to somebody who don’t want it. You don’t go botherin’ those people.”

On Kanye’s dress code?

“He thinks that’s style. That’s style baby. I like Louis Vutton too but I ain’t carrying a purse! That wasn’t Kanye though, that was Pharrell. In that video, remember that? He had that Louis Vutton jump off in the video.”

Ya’ll [Kanye and 50] on the Rolling Stone cover together?

“Yea. We shot the cover right before the Madison Square garden show.”

It’s like good/evil cover.

“Yea. Why am I so evil? Why am I such a bad guy? Why am I everybody’s favorite bad guy? I’m in my own position. If the labels weren’t fuckin’ up, I wouldn’t be cursin’ at them. And if the artist were doing what they should be doing instead of minding what I’m doing, I wouldn’t be on their ass.”

Anything you wanna tell the people about 9/11?

“Just the album itself … We’ll see where the actual hip hop consumers are. If they purchase a record, they will purchse 50 Cent on September 11th. If they won’t we’ll see what’s going on. But watch the decrease. Don’t just watch the actual numbers. Cause Def Jam is gonna be embarrassed if Kanye doesn’t sell any records. 70 percent decrease. You know those mom and pops record stores. When you scan one CD it counts as 3 or 4 scans and they send them a bunch of free stuff. Yea that’s what it is. They don’t ask you to physically go buy the CD.”

So Lil Wayne’s not coming with a diss record? You scared him or what? What happened?

“I think he used his head. He smartened up. But I was baiting him anyway. That’s why I made the record feel like a love record … it was lighthearted. It was like a tap. I just wanted to see what he was gonna do. Cause he was acting like he had a record or something like that. My consistency will break his neck … don’t even listen to me, listen to yourself. What was the name of Lil Wayne’s first single of his last album? … with me? People recognize em, they know the records. Because the expectations on me are so much higher than a regular artist. They expect me to make the song that’s gonna be the song of the year regardless. The Amusement Park record was played over 3000 times. That would have been a hit record for a NEW artist. But for ME, they looking at it like ‘nah, he’s supposed to spin 6 or 7 thousand times cause he’s 50 Cent. Come on man. But then when I Get Money comes … I was at the plate, I was at the diamond and the first two balls came and they were STRIKES! But the third one came across and I was like I-I-get money. HOMER!”

Can you let the people know about the situation at the office?

“I broke the TV. I threw my telephone out the window. It’s because I get frustrated. It’s better I broke the TV over the table than I broke it over someone. Even though I’m in a great position, the music put me in that position, not the set up. Think about Jay-Z’s last album. They spent 15 million dollars. Budweiser, telephone companies, all kinds of companies. You gotta tip your hat off to him, cause he’s a great business man, he was able to execute it. But on this project, you don’t see all those endorsements. You just see ’50 Cent getting ready to sell a record.’”

Alright … now let’s continue with Lil Wayne …

“I’m tapping him. I want him to put his record out. So I can break his neck. People think that I’m jumpin out at this kid. But behind the scenes they start hanging out in circles where they got bad vibes towards me. And it grows past that and it comes out publically. It never stays in the closet. Ja will make a record with him [Wayne], Ja make a record with Game. Does that make him the same as Game. Are him and Game the same? Then that means I should give him the whoopin I gave Game. Game went from selling 5 million to 900 thousand. Trust me, I’m disappointed. I could be making a lot more money off of him.”

Ja Rule’s trying to come back, Loki!

“Loki? Yea he’s really “low-key.” I have plenty of patience for him. I’m gonna be here to ruining the rest of his fuckin life. He tried to get smart out of his mouth. I wasn’t saying anything to him. He went on air, I think he was on Absolut show, that little cocksucker. He’s on his show. He on there talkin ‘he ain’t got no hot music, he ain’t putting out no hot music right now.’ So I’m like, look at this bird. He talking like he really at the window. While he’s saying this, I’m got I Get Money playin in the studio. OHHH. Wait until what they are gonna say muthafucka!”


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but diddy invented the remix :D

I've posted this before in this thread, but its time again. this shit gives me shivers everytime. one of the best deliveries and gulliest verses ever.

Uncommon Valor

Call me Thorburn, John H., Staff Sergeant, Marksman

Skill in killing, illing, I'm able and willing

Kill a village elephant, rape and pillage your village

Illegitimate killers, US military guerrillas

This ain't no real war. Vietnam?

Shit, World War II, that's a war

This is just a military conflict

Soothing, drug-abusing, Vietnamese women screwing

Sex, gambling and boozing, all this shit is amusing

Bitches and guns, this is every man's dream

I don't want to go home, where I'm just a ordinary human being

Special OP, Huey chopper gun shit, run shit

gook run when the mini-gun spit, won't miss, kill shit.

Spit four-thousand bullets a minute.

Victor Charlie, hit trigger, hit it, I'm in it to win it, get it.

The lieutenant hinted the villain, I've ended up killing

I did it, cripple, did it, pictures I painted is vivid, live it,

A wizard with weapons, a secret mission we about to begin it

Government funded, behind enemy lines bullets is spraying.

It's heating up, a hundred degrees

The enemy's the North Vietnamese, bitch please

Ain't no sweat, I'm told "be at ease"

Until I see the pilot got hit, and we about to hit some trees

Tail rotor broke, crash land, American man

Cambodia, right in the enemy hand

Take a swig of the whiskey to calm us

Them yellow men wearing black pajamas, they want to harm us

They all up on us.

Bang, bang, bullet hit my chest, feel no pain.

To my left, the captain caught a bullet right in his brain.

Body parts flying, loss of limbs, explosions

Bad intentions, I see my best friend's intestines

Pray to the one above, It's raining, I'm covered in mud

I think I'm dying, I feel dizzy, I'm losing blood

I see my childhood, I'm back in the arms of my mother

I see my whole life, I see Christ, I see bright lights

I see Israelites, Muslims and Christians at peace, no fights

Blacks, Whites, Asians, people of all types

I must have died, then I woke up, surprised I'm alive

I'm in a hospital bed, they rescued me, I survived

I escaped the war, came back

But ain't escape Agent Orange, two of my kids born handicapped

Spastic, quadriplegic, microcephalic

Cerebral palsy, cortical blindness, name it they had it

My son died he ain't live, but I still try to think positive

Cause in life, God take, God give

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anyone give the new blu and exile a listen?

one of my favs for 2007 so far..

I've heard it too, and it really surprised me. I'm glad I gave it a listen. Graduation is pretty good after the first listen...

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^^^^ thank you.

you probly just saved me $20 bucks. i doubt this will be worth buying to check it out.

i would buy this cd solely for champion, song is amazing...

i am on track 8 right now, and i'm not feeling it much so far, btw, this is a clean version from what i can tell so far, which sucks, but it's better than nothing

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$20? It'll be like $10 at Target.

I downloaded it, I'll probably buy it. I have his first two, might as well.

exactly. support the artists man...

listening to flashing lights now and this shit should be going straight to the "nEXTLEVELSHIT" thread

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i try to get everything on vinyl. usually means ill have to wait a bit longer, which also gives me time to listen to promos and let shit sink in, which often leads to being over a record before its released on vinyl, or at least not being so totally psyched about it anymore that i buy it even though its probably not worth owning.

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Nice find Mike. RA is normally a weird one but he came out hard on that JMT track.

Here's some more insane wordplay by Apathy from the Army of The Pharaohs Mixtape.

Enhanced tactical fightin' machinery

Combattin' on army scenery

strategic-ly movin' my mics like Stratego

I generate graphics like Neo Geo

Flyin' science I incite riots try it's why it's

Violence at maximum levels

The difference of angels and devils

Rectangles and circles, techs fatal to murder

Next week I'm famous

Great as the latest wid the upper hand like four aces

In poker approachin' jokers loc I load and stroke the trigger

Thirty eight claibre bullets travel through barrels

rippin' through apparel parallel to where medics will sterile scapels

dwellin' swellin' organs of felons bullets obliterate melons, with ease

Police yell freeze, ease the gun down

Under the influence of trees alleyways I run down

Pantin' and handlin' mechanical weapons I'm brandishin'

Fleein' foreign in areas I camouflage to vanishin'

Release the dogs, sounds of hounds pound my eardrums

Here comes a fearful doberman poke him in his cerebrum

I'm almost free, around the tree I glance advancin'

slowly cautiously awkwardly while negotiators talk to me

To dark I see the light, but not the squad car

It's comin' from the sky bright green, what an odd star

The odds are I blast off barely a clip

But then I noticed the strange star was an alien ship

Just as the bullet grazed my temple, the ship shot out a beam

It was green and it paralyzed the whole SWAT team

Cops floated in the air and their weapons disassembled

I trembled for my metal but I'm frozen in the mental

Unaware that I was in control of the ships in the air

And how the cops turned if they ever returned

if their bodies burn like candles on a mantle in a urn

I forced 'em to learn I played God like George Burns

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Don't see how you can like Barry Bonds more than Big Brother lol...

barry bonds isnt really a tribute to the ball player. his name is just the punch line to kanye and wayne bragging about how many hits they got. its funny.

big brother is not only poorly written and executed, its fucking obviously only on the album because jiggaman is pres and wants to promote himself as much as possible. that shit is so hurtin.

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barry bonds isnt really a tribute to the ball player. his name is just the punch line to kanye and wayne bragging about how many hits they got. its funny.

big brother is not only poorly written and executed, its fucking obviously only on the album because jiggaman is pres and wants to promote himself as much as possible. that shit is so hurtin.

Now that you mention it, Kanye said he didn't even rate the song highly...I think the song was just him getting some stuff off of his chest, and I really like the production on it..

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I personally think the whole album is weak. No offense to Kanye but his new stuff is moreso on the R&B King of the Popstar tip rather than the good old Hip Hop that he always talks about preserving. All his newly released beats got that technical computerized Hyphy bassline going on.

Not to mention guest apperances by Weezy, Jeezy and T-pain? Horrible.

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