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Shoes that look better with age...


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  edmond said:
hey bill sorry i havent replied from your pm i am still contemplating on what boots to get ill let you know...



how much would a pair of these cost mate?

Boot on the top is SmokeJumper Lace to toe in oil black with the lug vibram sole. The only customization on those is the rolled/closed seam leather top of the cuff. I will have to ask what the factory charges to add that feature. Otherwise, those boots are sold in store for $465. Sufu discounts possible, PM for details.

The second boot is a six inch smokejumper with the hunter sole in oil brown. Again, rolled top....Would also fall into the $465 initial price quote.

Beatle: Your boots pictured are the same, but in roughout.....will ask about any additional price for that leather.


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  Tarmac said:
Tricker's monkey boots aren't japan only, but it's not exactly easy to find in the US. As a large buyer market Japan can demand a lot of special leather/color/sole combos though. There's a pair on ebay right now:


My latest purchase ;)

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  fre$co said:

looks like a what KISS would wear if they did yard work

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happy hooligan - They pretty stacked aren't they, partly due to the angle perhaps? Triple soled too, better left as a double sole I guess unless you are short. But I do like the actual boot there.

I prefer the brown in the link below them.

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well redwings is definately not up to par with these shoes. leather work and contruction overall is top notch. though japanhas some red wings thats not available in u.s market. like these black and reddish ones my friend picked up. if you wanted to go full on i say pick these babies up.they will last a long time. you can always get redwings. red wings have crepe sole that will wear out in a hurry.

about shipping. you can send an email to himeno,im sure hell work somehting out.

also ask about their last remaining toys mccoys. he might snap a photo or something.

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still thinking bobo cause i could get 2 boots for the price of these and would last me a whole lifetime.. but from what cuddly said these are way superiror than rw's than these is it.. quality over quantity.. but still contemplating over these or those carpenter lw's... any suggestion mate?

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  edmond said:
still thinking bobo cause i could get 2 boots for the price of these and would last me a whole lifetime.. but from what cuddly said these are way superiror than rw's than these is it.. quality over quantity.. but still contemplating over these or those carpenter lw's... any suggestion mate?

Idont know about Lonewolfs quality ,but RW 2902/02 is great quality wise ...great leather and very sturdy construction. I expect mine to last me a loooong time.

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hey cuddly thanks so much ill look into those mccoys too.. hold on hehehe

hey bobo.. yeah iheard thopse are great boots and not so expensive too but too bad its freaking hard to find those..

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  fre$co said:
happy hooligan - They pretty stacked aren't they, partly due to the angle perhaps? Triple soled too, better left as a double sole I guess unless you are short. But I do like the actual boot there.

I prefer the brown in the link below them.

Don't get me wrong Whites Semi Dress is my next boot! I LOVE them. I just bought the Aldens 405's and I'm still breaking them in. It was a real toss up between the whites and aldens for me...

Maybe it was the angle, but they do look a bit like platforms.

The actual boot rocks. I like the color too.

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  the Repeater said:
Jimmc, what are those??

That's exactly the boot I want, if not with a square toe!

Those are L.L. Bean Wellington's. I bought them in in 1987. I haven't seen an

L.L. Bean catalog in years so I'm not sure if they still sell them or not. They were

made in Nocona, Texas (there was a tag in them that said that), probably at the Nocona Boot and leather Co. I always thought it was funny that they were made in Texas, shipped to Maine and then shipped back to me in Texas.

They are great boots. I had them re-soled 3 times. Originally they had leather soles.

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  cuddlysheep said:
hey edmond i got to see those boots at smart clothing shop in shibuya. theyre definately heavy duty, fine leather work. the black is dope too. contact himeno at smart clothing hes the store manager if you have further questions.He speaks little bit of english. smaclo@gol.com

any idea on lone wolf sizing at all....?

im loving these:


im definnitely going to grab some when im in japan at the end of the year, if not before.

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