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or clarks desert boots or the jcrew desert boots or the other companies that do desert boots

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can you buy robert geller and common projects in london? if yes, where?

common projects


10A South Molton St, Mayfair

London, W1K 5QJ

+44 (0)207 499 8002 friendsofposte.com

as for robert geller i cant think of the name of the store at the top of my head..but there is a few or at least one

selfridges doesn't i dont think

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anyone know how drkshdw's detroit cut jeans fit compared to washed diors?

I have a pair of washed detroits jeans (kind of a dirty khakish color) in a size 30 and they fit kind of like a size 31. The waist is probably 16" across but they're slim and best for a 31. Hope that helps a bit

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Everything is good when new, but friends when old.  ★★★   ★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★  ★★★★★★★★★★★ I Love You!  ★★★★★★★★★   ★★★★★★★    ★★★★★     ★★★      ★Welcome to our website for you World of Warcraft Gold,wow gold,Cheap World of Warcraft Gold,WoW Gold,WoW Gold,WoW Gold,WoW Gold,WoW Gold,

what the hell?

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for what? gaming? work?

if budget allows, a macbook is the way to go IMO. otherwise, any dell or gateway should suffice as HP tech support really sucks. this is what my friend who owns a fairly big IT company just told my cousin who was in the market.

i am in the market for a laptop/notebook, does anyone know a good review site?... feel free to PM me or just reply in thread :)
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for what? gaming? work?

if budget allows, a macbook is the way to go IMO. otherwise, any dell or gateway should suffice as HP tech support really sucks. this is what my friend who owns a fairly big IT company just told my cousin who was in the market.

I game a little, work (school), download a ton of music and mostly surf the web. I'm just kind of afraid to switch to Mac from PC(had my current Dell for about 8 years). and their aggressive advertising and product placement is slightly off putting. but people do say that vista blows...

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yeahhh vista blows.

im a XP user and will try to stay on that platfrom as long as possible.

you have to be careful too... cause if you get a macbook/pro you face the possibility of it being stolen or dropped adn stuff. however, if you get a lower end computer it wont be such a big hit if something happens to it. thats what im planning on doing... getting a mac for home and a cheap beater laptop for school.

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