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Levi's 501 Shrink to Fit (STF)


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Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, apologies in advance if so.

At the levi's store last weekend I saw some STF non-selvage 501s that were made with grey denim. They felt heavier than the normal 501 non-selvage material, but that's just based on my perception...

grey stf's?

i might have to go check those out. sounds interesting.

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Hello everyone~!! Watch out! NEWBIE comming through~~

I'm been looking at the STF 501 online and am very confused....I know there's the newer 1947 fit with the new batch of STF, but now confused about the color. Since I can't get these locally, I'm relying on pics online. I've seen some being labelled as "grey" on ebay but are actually light blue (with a shine) with white stitchings, the ones labelled blue are with yellowish stitchings.

I suppose the ones being posted here are of the blue one with yellow stitchings? Anyone tried the "grey"? How'd they look after a hot soak?

Sorry for the newbie questions.....


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Hello everyone~!! Watch out! NEWBIE comming through~~

I'm been looking at the STF 501 online and am very confused....I know there's the newer 1947 fit with the new batch of STF, but now confused about the color. Since I can't get these locally, I'm relying on pics online. I've seen some being labelled as "grey" on ebay but are actually light blue (with a shine) with white stitchings, the ones labelled blue are with yellowish stitchings.

I suppose the ones being posted here are of the blue one with yellow stitchings? Anyone tried the "grey"? How'd they look after a hot soak?

Sorry for the newbie questions.....


the STF's that ive seen here are the blue ones with the yellow stitching. ive never tried the gray ones.

arggghhh STF's dont fade so evenly :( its annoying...

BTW nice fit for levis STF , crrissyw!

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  • 2 weeks later...
that's pretty cool, I hope you win the contest so you can use the winnings to pay for a shipping container to bring over the rest of your family.

wow.... i feel the love :D btw, sayocean, what jeans are you wearing ^^^ ??

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Cross post from the evolution thread.

Here are my Levi shrink to fits at about 4 months almost every day wear. They are next to my new pair that I bought at a longer length so i can get some good stacking.





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I just picked up a pair of "black"...I wonder how these will fade. I've never seen pics of a pair of faded black STF.

I actually wanted the blue ones, but my folks who were in the US picked up the wrong color....

Size wise.....I should have gone 2 down. I got it true sized and they are alittle lose and baggy before the soak (waist and thigh). I couldn't really see them shrinking that much to my liking. I'll get them soaked this weedend and see what happens.

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I just picked up a pair of "black"...I wonder how these will fade. I've never seen pics of a pair of faded black STF.

I actually wanted the blue ones, but my folks who were in the US picked up the wrong color....

Size wise.....I should have gone 2 down. I got it true sized and they are alittle lose and baggy before the soak (waist and thigh). I couldn't really see them shrinking that much to my liking. I'll get them soaked this weedend and see what happens.

ya I bought some of those black ones and they fade really bad. they turn to a lightish gray and it looks ugly.

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ya I bought some of those black ones and they fade really bad. they turn to a lightish gray and it looks ugly.

Yikes! That's what I was afraid of. Oh well, I guess I’ll just wear them…..

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one hot soak, one wash, one brutal rain soak.


3 months.



this will need to be repaired soon... my bike saddle is eating through this denim way to fast.


bike grease stains... they don't come out... oh well.



the pictures seem all blown out on this monitor. i'll see if i can fix that later.

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looks pretty good to me!

just a quick question, they sell STFs here at where i stay for 150 bucks at the levi's flagstore, it comes with a leather patch, and it has red and yellow thread.

this is not the same as the one that comes with the cardboard patch right?

and it is definitely not worth it?

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Heads up NYC folks - Macys has like 6 kinds of non-selvage standard 501 STF on sale at about $32-36. They had:

- A black one

- Two blue ones - the regular one and another one with non-contrast stitching

- The greencaste one

- A really slubby black one which felt thicker than the others

- A tan-colored one which I would have picked up if they'd had my size

- One with strange patterns printed all over the inside of the denim. Two or three different colors

There was also a "levi's red" selvage straight cut that was $45ish that was very dark and stiff. Could have been raw or rinsed, but no distressing. This is from that weird US-version of Levi's Red that has the arcuates very low on the pocket...

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