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Showering: Morning/Day or Night?


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I used to always shower in the mornings but this past year I have been showering at nights so I get to sleep in and not worry about it.

Now I am kinda paranoid about whether I am smelly to others (I do use deodorant and a fragrance) especially when someone comes in to work with chokingly bad BO and doesnt seem to realize it.

When do you guys shower? Am I being just overly paranoid about BO?

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morning and night.

mornings are more of a rinse - like bim said, you sweat a lot when you sleep. soap, rinse the hair, cleanse the face, roll out.

At the end of the day I'm usually sweaty as hell from the gym, so it's the full on soap/scrub/sing some saves the day like the breakdown from "ten feet tall".

I hope someone doesn't post the american psycho morning routine thing, that joke is so pre-9/11

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