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Ofwgkta...swag Swag!

dunkin deeznuts

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i dont get the song/video

frank is fucking a chick and he hears a ninja? The dad comes so frank hides and then tyler shows up, stalks her and leaves. Then frank is just chillin outside?

then they go to the lake? and the cops come? Am i missing something?

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zubin, the video is stupid but in the video atleast franks fucking with the chick that tyler is obsessed with. tyler = ninja (cool way of saying dude wearing a mask).

I feel like a douche explaining an OF song

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I went to piss upstairs after handing in my ticket, then I just went straight for the top level view like a pussy. :(

Dunno if he's ever worn this shirt at other shows before or anything, but it looked kinda cool to me lol... had HODGY and a big 666 at the back



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  034936 said:
hmm, but honestly you only have to walk 20 where metres to find one... anywhere in Aus.

'they hate niggers out here' is just a dumb thing to say.

aaaand we start to see that these dudes aren't very intelligent.

...not that there was any doubt this entire time.

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he also said

"So F---king Happy. Australia Was F---king Fun Over All. Thanks To The White People Down Under (Except For Them Hating Racist From Earlier)."

Tyler says lots of stupid shit on twitter. He's a 20 year old rapper. I don't know what else you would expect really.

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  034936 said:
hmm, but honestly you only have to walk 20 where metres to find one... anywhere in Aus.

you're ignorant mate. Melbourne is one of the most multicultural cities in the world.

but anyway. Odd future show at Prince was pretty good. they arent the most musically gifted kids around but the'yre crowd interaction makes the shows great. A lot of fun

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  Oxy. said:
the cdq is so weak compared to the version they did with bass drum of death.

the tempo is much slower than i thought it would be; no energy; very boring.


i fuckin agree a 100%. i don't like the recorded version at all. it lacks power. the tempo makes it sound boring and the instruments used for the production don't sound as good as the live set. fuck

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