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Options for Buying Japanese Denim


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Has anyone else ordered from 2nd? They aren't replying me in English, and the babelfish japanese isn't making too much sense. I got, from what I gathered, two order confirmations yesterday and now another two, saying "confirmation" and that I should reply, amongst other things (I asked them two use a person's name as the sender, mark as gift etc to avoid customs)... I'm just a bit confused on what they want. I just replied and confirmed my order and the postage instructions.

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Has anyone else ordered from 2nd? They aren't replying me in English, and the babelfish japanese isn't making too much sense. I got, from what I gathered, two order confirmations yesterday and now another two, saying "confirmation" and that I should reply, amongst other things (I asked them two use a person's name as the sender, mark as gift etc to avoid customs)... I'm just a bit confused on what they want. I just replied and confirmed my order and the postage instructions.

They're probably asking you to confirm shipping fees. That seems to be de riguer for Japanese shops.

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Has anyone else ordered from 2nd? They aren't replying me in English, and the babelfish japanese isn't making too much sense. I got, from what I gathered, two order confirmations yesterday and now another two, saying "confirmation" and that I should reply, amongst other things (I asked them two use a person's name as the sender, mark as gift etc to avoid customs)... I'm just a bit confused on what they want. I just replied and confirmed my order and the postage instructions.

In my experience on Rakuten stores, the confirmation is just for you to read over but you don't need to reply unless you see a problem.

I don't have any of the emails saved, but I got several.. General order receipt/confirmation, someone saying it was received, another confirmation to look over, shipping confirmation, then another shipping confirmation with an EMS tracking number.

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I ordered from 2nd. I just tell them that I am happy and that I accept and that I am sorry if there is any inconvenience. Then I put it through Google translator and send it off. Don't worry, they just want to keep you happy and make sure that you really want to go through with it.

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just placed an order for one-wash eternal 811s with bears (which does not ship overseas). registered a rakuten account with the help of super rag's directions and a translator, modifying it so that the shipping address was my mail forwarder's in japan instead of my own overseas. placed the order with the credit card i placed on file.

i hope this works out. i hope this works out.

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it's a service run by my local postal service in singapore. not unless USPS offers such services for the states...i'm sure equivalent services exist though, it's hard to imagine no one at all in the USA running something like that. Fedex, DHL, UPS?

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Has anybody tried Hinoya???? They seem to have the largest selection of repro type stuff. I I tried ordering from Shooting Gallery and was told they only ship within Japan. I went through this thread and made a list of all the Rakuten and other sellers that will ship outside of Japan:




Earth Market








The following Rakuten sellers will not ship outside of Japan:

shooting gallery


Maybe somebody could move this to the top? Anyway, it would be great if we could make this list more comprehensive

which one of these do chainstitching?

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which one of these do chainstitching?

shouldn't they all?

wanted to check if anyone has had jeans sent to them using the Yamato Transport Company? bears uses this company to ship about japan, and i ordered my 811s early saturday morning but it hasn't arrived yet. just wanted to check how long the service takes. i know i'm probably just being paranoid but i want my jeans. ;)

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has anyone tried buying directly from yen jeans. the google translator doesnt work on this site and I want to know more about these. http://www.yenjeans.net/scb/shop/shop.cgi?No=34

I emailed them about a week ago and never got an answer, but I wrote them in english, cause I dont know any japanese

[edit] the altavista translator works great though

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can anyone tell me what "one wash" is in Japanese? I'm trying to get one of my contacts in Japan to order a pair of Studio D'Artisan SD-103 and forward them to me. In order to make sure that she orders the one-wash version, maybe it's a good idea to mention "one wash" in Japanese in the email. Or does Studio D'Artisan use the English terms for "raw" and "one wash"?

Another option is to put some links in the email linking directly to one-wash pairs in online stores. Howver I can never make out whether they are raw or one-wash.

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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Can anyone tell me what "one wash" is in Japanese? I'm trying to get one of my contacts in Japan to order a pair of Studio D'Artisan SD-103 and forward them to me. In order to make sure that she orders the one-wash version, maybe it's a good idea to mention "one wash" in Japanese in the email. Or does Studio D'Artisan use the English terms for "raw" and "one wash"?

Another option is to put some links in the email linking directly to one-wash pairs in online stores. Howver I can never make out whether they are raw or one-wash.

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated!

one wash = ワンウォッシュ

on their website, Studio d'Artisan use sanforize (サンフォライズ)

i'm pretty sure all SD-103 are sanforize (at least according to the Studio d'Artisan website). maybe a second opinion would be better as i'm not 100% sure...

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