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Competition: Heavyweight Denim Championship Of The World 2011/12


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Important Announcement - entrance closure times

Entrance will close at midnight on the 1st of February UK time.

This will be the following times in other parts of the world.

East Coast USA - 7pm

West Coast USA - 6pm

France, Germany, Italy etc... - 1am (2nd Feb)

China, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand - 8am (2nd Feb)

Japan, Korea - 9am (2nd Feb)

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I'm going with the S5000BK's I reckon. Just got to sell one more pair of denim today and the order will be in. I've contacted 2nd, and they are holding a pair for me.

I just had a flashback of last summer in Barcelona, and how much I dreaded putting on my 710's, so 21oz is going to be even worse, ha ha. At least the S5000BK's are 17oz, after what I am currently wearing they should feel like linen, ha ha.

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  nicolnicolnicol said:
alright people

70) nicolnicolnicol - Iron Heart Beatle Buster OD - 21oz

crossing my fingers and hoping for a march release of the jeans I would love to contest in.

thanks mega for the prompt reply!

edit: Singapore here btw

welcome...I think they will be coming out in March, no worries

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Does anyone actually have tactics for this contest? Does anyone do specific activities or routines to achieve particular wear or fades? Do any of the competitors, who are rotating two pairs, have any rotating tactics?

It has just occurred to me how intriguing it is that some people might have a "game plan" for this competition. Of course, nothing is against the rules as how you wear your jeans, and what you choose to do with them is entirely up to you, but the thinking behind denim wear tactics interests me.

As my job doesn't involve too much physical labour, I don't cycle, and my other sporting or exercise activities aren't really suited to wearing denim, I am wondering what I can do (if anything) to get results?

To be honest, I think I'm just going to do a month by month rotation, and wear the jeans for whatever occasion I find myself in. Luckily, I can wear jeans for work, so that will get them a good 10 hours + every day, what about everyone else? Anything specific, or just general wear?

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I have no real game plan... I'm a student so I can wear them pretty much 7 days a week although I am not super active, especially in the winter. I spend about a month and a half out of the year at the family cabin and work on a farm in the summer so they'll see plenty of wear.

As far as washing... My last pair got washed every 30 days. I am going to hold out as long as possible though but once I start wearing them for work in the summer I'm sure they will see water about every 30 days.

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I have no plan either, just wear em as much as I can. I can't wear them to work, so I try to get as much wear as I can out of them in the evening and on the weekend. And I plan to wear them when I do my hiking activities in the alps. And take them to some concerts of course. And getting tattoed in them. Wait, that's normal life...just hold out washing, I always do so.

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I have filled all the orders for the HDC T-Shirts and shipped them all out

here is a link to what's left if anyone still wants one.

If you don't see the color and size you want then it's SOLD OUT!

As of now there is at least one in every size and color.



Here is the Banner info again

Click here


you can now order your banner here.

3 size options :

18" x 12" - 24" x 36" - 30" x 48"

$25.00 - $35.00 - $45.00

(prices adjusted for shipping anywhere on earth)

Let me know if you have any problem with the order page.




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  Megatron1505 said:
Second pair purchased, S5000BK.

I totally forgot my S5000BK's qualified for this contest! I bought and started wearing them last mid-Decemeber before I got my 500JX-LRs. Mega, do you mind adding S5000BK's to #40? I'm even more excited for this contest as we'd have the same black Sams. :)

As for tactics, I don't really have any. I guess being a commuter could count. Walking and sitting on the bus/bus stops for 2 hours out of my day has been what I've been doing. These two years will be interesting tho because I will have graduated and will start working in the Philippines. For washing, I always machine wash my jeans every 2 months or when they start to stink.

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I don't have much of a game plan/tactics being a student. Moving from class to class and taking public transportation is about it. But we've been getting quite a bit of snow in NY lately so I've been trudging and trekking through snow hills that have gathered on the side of the streets and such. I do some running in my jeans to catch buses or get home quicker.

As for soaking, probably once every few months to keep my jeans clean. Planning on doing a sea-soak with my friends in August though, so I'm definitely looking forward to that, haha.

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  nate said:
I totally forgot my S5000BK's qualified for this contest! I bought and started wearing them last mid-Decemeber before I got my 500JX-LRs. Mega, do you mind adding S5000BK's to #40? I'm even more excited for this contest as we'd have the same black Sams. :)

As for tactics, I don't really have any. I guess being a commuter could count. Walking and sitting on the bus/bus stops for 2 hours out of my day has been what I've been doing. These two years will be interesting tho because I will have graduated and will start working in the Philippines. For washing, I always machine wash my jeans every 2 months or when they start to stink.

Way to steal my thunder :mad:

Only joking, of course I'll add your black Sams ;) It will be cool to have a comparative pair, I already have a comparison for my S5000VX (Dingo), so this works out nicely. :D

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Here is my tactics... Im a student and have a uniform unfortunately and basically I can wear them after 3 each day but on the weekends I can wear them all the time since where I work doesn't mind jeans.

As far as wearing I plan on giving the strike golds less wear the first year than the samurais and the second year I'll give the strike golds more wear. As far fades I want the strike golds to look more vintage and the samurais to look more high contrasted. I dont wear my jeans that hard though just normal I guess.

Didn't really want to say tactics.. But, just what I plan on doing, I will just wear my jeans, but it's more so how I want my fades to come out.

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  beatle said:
it just struck me, Evil is the man - if he's planning on wearing flannel lined in the summer ...Kudos

21oz denim + 13oz flannel = 34oz of fun.

can't believe how many people are in this contest now. but tactics? come on sufu, i know you're better than that...

just wear your jeans and the rest will come.

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